Wednesday, December 19, 2007


By the way, no, they don't make me hate UK because I work at Western. Actually I work at WKU because I love WKU, which is also why I hate UK. Trust me, I have to love WKU to work here and put up with the stuff I put up (and the pay, which sucks). But anyway. It's been kind of fun this year to dislike UK. Especially last night. I'm not sure how many players getting hurt at shootaround or walk thru it takes for a coach to realize that he's doing something wrong. But when it's your your best player, I would think that would be it. Guess not. Anyway, hopefully this will be one year with no UK in the NCAA tournament.

Last night we took the dogs to the mall to get their picture taken with Santa. There were tons of dogs there, but surprisingly ours were very well behaved. And the picture is cute.

After working registration at Winter Clinic I get to go home and not come back to work for almost 2 weeks. I cannot wait to sleep in with my dogs and read some books (I am halfway through 2 Chronicles, which is the last book I have left to finish the Bible this year), and mostly just not work.

Monday, December 17, 2007

2 more days to go!

Only 1 more day (plus a few hours on Wednesday) to go at work. I'm getting excited about my Christmas break, because I really can't believe I'm getting one. I did last year too, but still. This place is not usually about the time off. Even though the entire university is closed. But it sill be hard to come back to work at the beginning of next year. I will only have Hawaii to look forward to (not only like it's not awesome and exciting and I can't wait! But only like it will still be almost 5 months away). And I'm already planning our next vacation so I'm completely vacation-obsessed.

The WKU-UT game in Nashville was awesome, and would have been about 200 times more so if they had won. And then all I have heard is how great we played. And I agree that we played great, we played hard. Blah blah blah. We outplayed them, we outrebounded them, pretty sure we had fewer turnovers. We totally held Chris Lofton in check. And I think it's great to be able to say when we play these teams that we are no doubt as talented and athletic as what will probably be the best team in the SEC this year. But we have to win. It doesn't matter how well we play or anything else, if we can't win these games against good teams. People seem so complacent and content to just compete and come close to winning. Where has that gotten us? Obviously nowhere. But it helped that UK lost (again). And to Mike Davis no less. His hatred for UK has definitely make me like him. And U of L also lost, so hopefully now they will finally drop out of the polls. Not sure how many crappy teams you can lost to before they figure out you shouldn't be ranked. Oh wait, it's Rick Pitino. Duh.

The doggies are both getting haircuts today. I'm worried about Sydney. She seemed scared this morning, and I felt guilty just leaving her there with strangers. Plus I'm a little nervous about she'll behave. But they haven't called yet so hopefully she's ok. They gave to look pretty to have their pictures taken with Santa tomorrow:-)

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I need to pray for patience. I have a problem with it. In little situations, like traffic, and in bigger situations also. The bigger situations have a lot to do with wanting to control my life instead of letting God do it. But how do you know when it's just you wnting to do something and when you know because it's God telling you that's the right time? Just because someone else doesn't agree doesn't mean they know God's plan.

But anyway that was actually a reaction to my stupid doctor's office. I had finally found this NP that I loved and apparently now she moved. My prescription for Axert is for 12 pills and my insurance only allows me 9 a month. So this month I ran out a week and a half to go and I still have 3 more days before I can refill. I got on the website and it says I have to have a Prior Authorization to receive more than 9. And I can get that if someone from the doctor's office will call and tell them that I am a migraine sufferer, on preventative which is working, and that NSAID's and other painkillers don't work (when I looked it up, I got OTC stuff, which obviously wasn't working). So it seemed pretty straight forward, and they even said that patients can be approved for up to 18 pills a month. So anyway the lady who is handling this at the doctor's office is having trouble. She called me last night and today to ask what the problem was. I already get 9 so why do I need more. Lady, the Nurse you work for wrote my prescription for 12. I'm out and I need more, so 9 is not going to cut it. So she said she'd call back and see, but she didn't know if they would do it or not. Well not if you talk to them like that. So she just called back to say they're "investigating" and they'll let her know something in 3-5 days. Seriously? For 3 more pills? I'm going to have to refill my prescription before then. I hate doctors and I hate my head for hurting and making me have to go see one.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Survey and a little pet peeve

I was reading someone's blog today (because I was actually doing work today but I do take the occassional break...ok more accurately, I was messing around online and I took an occassional break to work) and they showed these pictures of their dog in a crate. Now I'm all about crate training. Actually I'm not, because Izzy never needed it and got trained super fast. But Sydney has come so far and actually will go in her crate (her house is what we call it, after Nick had an unfortunate accident where he yelled in her face to get in her cage) voluntarily to eat dinner. Mostly because she's a pig and would eat 20 meals a day if she could. Anyway. My hope is that the day will come (and soon) when we won't have to use the stupid thing anymore. And honestly the only reason I put her in there now is because a). her and Izzy love to play-fight which scares me and obviously can hurt them and b). Sydney can't eat Izzy's food and vice versa. But I think she is finally house trained. She slept in the bed with us again last night and was fine all night. Except for about 2:30am when she walked on top of both of us. But then she went back to sleep. But no peeing in the bed so far. Anyway on to the survey.

What kind of soap is in your bathtub? Dove Exfoliating bar soap and also Bath & Body Works (some type of orange tropical i don't remember the name kind that reminds me of Hawaii)

Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No

What would you change about your living room? make it a little bigger

Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? clean, unless Nick unloaded it last night

What is in your refrigerator? seriously? sprite, diet sunkist, milk, mustard, butter, BBQ sauce, spaghetti sauce, pork, potato salad, cheese, and some other realy random stuff. We are in desperate need of a grocery run.

What is on top of your refrigerator? some pictures and candles

What color or design is on your shower curtain? sailboats

How many plants are in your home? only one, but it's fake, and it's my Christmas tree

Is your bed made right now? almost, and i have no idea how we managed to keep it that way last night

Comet or Soft Scrub? Soft Scrub.

Is your closet organized? yes, my clothes are hanging from sweaters to long sleeves to 3/4 sleeves to short sleeves to tank tops, then pants & skirts (arranged my color). And my 2nd closet is all organized with rubbermaids (one for purses and travel bags, one for sweaters and sweatshirts, one for WKU stuff, one for Braves stuff, one for Nick and I stuff, three for wedding stuff, one for honeymoon stuff, one for sheets/comforters, one for stuffed animals (I can't throw them away). I love organization.

Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Glass. Well actually can

Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? No but I have a jug that I got from Whitt's

If you have a garage, is it cluttered? No it's not cluttered. If our tiny garage was cluttered we could never fit my car in it

Curtains or blinds? Blinds right now, but I want curtains. Problem is the ones I like are really useless.

How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep on 4, but we have about 8 million on the bed (actually only 7)

Do you sleep with any lights on at night? There's a nightlight out in the living room so we can see if we need to walk Sydney but other than that, no

How often do you vacuum? whenever Nick feels the urge

What color is your toothbrush? blue

Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? yeah, it's a Braves mat

What is in your oven right now? nothing. I'm at work

Is there anything under your bed? not in the master bedroom. In the spare though, yes. Again though, it's organized.

Chore you hate doing the most? I don't discrimate. I hate them all.

What retro items are in your home? none that i know of

Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Nick's hunting room is where the computer desk and filing cabinet are

How many mirrors are in your home? 3

What color are your walls? all different colors. i love color

Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? totally. nick has like 22 guns there and i keep my baseball bat under the bed

What does your home smell like right now? i don't know, my nose is stopped up. I wanted it to smell like cinnamon and spice, but i couldn't light the candles:-(

Favorite candle scent? oh i just answered this. Those are my favorites in the winter anyway. In the summer it's peach and ocean-y ones

What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? none in the fridge but some his grandmother made on the counter

Ever been on your roof? No, but Nick has to put up the Christmas lights

Do you have a stereo? a small one for my iPod to hook into

How many house phones? None

Do you have a housekeeper? i wish (actually i don't)

What style do you decorate in? Christina style?

Is there a smoke detector in your house? a few

In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you'd grab if you could make only one trip? my two dogs, pics and scrapbooks, my purse, medicine, doggies' medicine, laptop...and I'd be dead by now

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are all Republicans this stupid?

Not that Deomcrats are always the brightest either. I'm a little pissed off that Obama is using Oprah, but on the other hand, it's kind of brilliant. You need women and black people to win, so you get to Oprah, the most influential person in the media today (who just happens to be a woman and also African American). And oh yeah, she has so much money that she could throw billions at your campaign and not even notice. Pretty smart.

I'm still hoping for a woman presiden though. Before I have a daughter, I would love for our country to have a female leader. Not that there's any reason why our country should only have white presidents either. Seriously our country is screwed up. Please just let it be a Democrat.

Forgive me...

if I talk about my dogs like they're my kids, but really, they pretty much are. Isabelle's poor eyes look a lot better, but we have to put a cream on her eyeballs. It's gross. But she's actually a lot more mature about it than I would be. And Sydney was so good when I was home for lunch. She played with her toys by herself while I ate, and then she sat in my lap and watched the Dog Whisperer with me. And last night she slept in the bed with us for the first time. And she slept through the whole night. Well, until 5:30, but that's because Nick's alarm went off. She is finally starting to grow up. Next week she gets spayed. I don't think Isabelle liked her sleeping in the bed, because she jumped down in the middle of the night and slept by herself in her own little bed all night. So we're going to have to figure out how to fit all 4 of us. I imagine at some point Izzy and Sydney will end up in the bed and me and Nick will be sleeping in the floor.

So that is pretty much all that is going on with me. Lots of money going to the vet lately. I'm also trying to finish up the Walk through the Word that we've been doing at church this year. I have 4 more books to read, I think the Kings and Chronicles. I'm glad that we're going to be doing something similar next year again, because I will be able to focus more on the daily devotional and not so much on the goal of actually reading through the whole Bible. I've gotten behind so many times this year that I've had to struggle to catch up. So next year I'll be able to focus on comprehension, because some parts I've had a really hard time with.

Anyway, if I can only make it through the next 6 and 1/2 days of work, I will be off for 9 1/2 (paid) days. I love Christmas. I totally love Christmas. Especially this one, my first with my husband!

Monday, December 10, 2007

7 more days

until I get a break! Well 7 1/2 a half. And then I get almost 2 weeks off. Two whole weeks of paid holiday time. It's kind of crazy that's it's almost Christmas. Especially since it's going to be 70 again tomorrow. The weather is doing a job on my allergies. I was out sick Friday with a sinus infection. And then I got better over the weekend, but now the rain has got my nose all messed up. Not to mention my hair.

My weekend was actually halfway relaxing (which is never a good sign, obviously) until last night. We finished our Christmas shopping (and I think we actually got Nick's grandparents a gift they will like, which is so hard), and watched lots of basketball and cleaned house. And then last night I was getting out of the shower at 9:00 and Nick yelled at me. Well first of all, you have to know Nick. He works in pressure situations all day, and there apparently he's very good at it. At home, not so much. He freaks out. So anyway he's yelling at me and I think seriously he might have been crying. Sydney I guess scratched Isabelle in the eye and she wouldn't open it, and when we made her, it did look bad. But he's convinced she's going to go blind, but yet he won't call anybody about it. Seriously, he panics. Luckily, I'm completely the opposite. I panic if I miss the first 5 seconds of Grey's Anatomy, but I'm ok in a crisis. So we called our vet's office and got the # for the on-call vet. Anyway we washed it out with saline solution and I dropped her off at the vet this morning. And I'm fairly positive she's not blind. But I'm pretty sure it was God's way of telling us to hold off on having kids, because we had been having that discussion. It's kind of hard to know when the right time for that is. I don't think there will ever be a time when we'll have enough money saved up to really feel comfortable. And seriously, does having enough money actually make somebody a good parent or not? But then again, being responsible does I guess. Blah, I'm really trying hard here to procrastinate at work.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Not so fun night

Nick had this thing last night and didn't end up getting home until 7:30. Which I'm sure seems like no bid deal, but when you're used to your husband being home at 4:30, and calling when he's not, it's kind of scary. I was mad, then I was scared and convinced he was lying dead in a hospital, then I thought maybe he had decided to leave me. But his truck needs to be fixed and I know him. He'd fix his truck before he'd leave me. And he needed me to help him drop off his truck. So we got to do that at 10:00 last night, after he replaced the battery in it. But I guess it's better than it needing a new transmission, which he thought it might. So yay for having an emergency fund for which to fund our emergency.

I sent out Christmas cards today, and I thought I was sooo close to being the first. But then we got one from Nick's parents in the mail today. But at least I know I'll always do it before my parents. It was very sweet. They think we're happy:-) That being said, I wish we'd come into a lot of money, because I'm kind of dying to have kids. Oh yeah, but I want Sydney to get trained first. Because a baby and Sydney the devil dog would not be good.

A pet peeve of mine is when the city or state or county or whoever does it, puts all that stuff on the roads "just in case" we get one drop of icy precip. Is it even supposed to snow? Usually when it is, you can't help but know thanks to Chris Allen and Shane Hollinde interrupting every show you ever thought about watching. Stop wasting my tax money and save your winter road supplies. Maybe you could even send them to those people who actually need them. Or wait, we could use that part of our budget for education...or one of the many other needs our crappy state has. No wonder we're third on the list of most depressed states. Hey that's a thought. Put the money toward treatment of mental health problems. Nah.

Monday, December 3, 2007

A first

Possibly the first time my job has made a difference in the life of someone else:
How cool that something I take for granted every day now can be so important for somebody.

6 month anniversary

This weekend was our six month wedding anniversary! And we finally got our wedding pictures back. The ones that were right anyway. But that's ok, I have them in frames, ready to go on the wall, and I will never ever use that crappy place again.

But anyway, Saturday we went shopping in Nashville with Nick's parents' We went to Cool Springs, where I spent all my blow money. But I did get an awesome Braves wreath for the door. Seriously, I love it. And some toys for the dogs, a new purse and wallet, a new memory card for my camera, frames for the above-mentioned pictures, some shirts from GAP, and a 2008 Hawaii calendar. Yesterday Nick took me to eat at Red Lobster. But now my fun weekend is over and I'm back at work. And I don't get any more spending money until January.

I only have to work 2 1/2 more weeks until I get off for Christmas break. At least, until I'm supposed to get off. Last year I did. And I'm taking off the 21st for sure. I think Nick is taking off also. The dogs will be at the vet.

I'm not in the mood to work. I'm feeling lazy. I'm totally ready to have kids and stay at home.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm very against people food

for my dogs, but apparently boiled white rice for my dogs' condition is recommended, so we started that last night. So far, so good. She likes it. I googled it and boiled skinless chicken is also supposed to be good (so is boiled hamburger meat but I'm not doing that), so tomorrow we might add some chicken. Seriously I was so busy running all over town buying things for my dog that she could eat that all we had time to do for dinner was Burger King. We also have to give her Kaopectate, which she sucks up. That dog will eat anything. But so far no more nasty stuff to clean up so yay for me and my google solutions.

Speaking of, the internet at home hasn't been working. Nick called Insight yesterday, which of course is always an adventure. The guy pinged our box only to say, hm it hasn't been working for a while has it? No way. So they have to send someone to the house. He said the are on 24 hour call. Uh great, but we work, so that doesn't so much work for us, does it? So anyway he finally agreed to have someone come today and call Nick first. But then when we came back from going Krogering (and also Walmarting and to Burger King and Petco) there was a note saying the Insight guy had been there and so we needed to call back to reschedule. I hate Insight. Freaking morons. I'm sure they think they're getting the money out of me from the time the internet has been down, but they are mistaken. Actually, I'm very close to just cancelling it. As much as I'm addicted to the internet, I'm also very big on my principles, and Insight really just pisses me off.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oh the joys...

of cleaning up after my dog's diarrhea for close to a week now. I understand she can't help it, but it's gross. And frustrating. And Nick is very not patient and so I have him fussing at me and Sydney well, you know what's doing. So I got a migraine at 3:00am (luckily I was awake to take an Axert and make it go away) and Izzy started having weird spasms that hopefully aren't seizures. And people say the holidays aren't stressful. Actually no one really says that. But now that only thing left to do is completely pull Sydney off of all food and treats, so she'll basically starve. The vet said it was probably stress since he did tests and everything checked out fine, but seriously, our dogs lead a much less stressful life than we do! Anyway, one more little example of why we are so far from being ready to have children. Because cleaning up crap is not cool.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I'm sure I've already posted some of these already, but I'm pretty excited.

Monday, November 26, 2007

4 weeks until Christmas

Coming back to work after a holiday is not fun. Even a somewhat stressful, not at all relaxing holiday. Sydney got sick (the vet actually said that it is probably stress from being around new people, and then he made a joke about in-laws) Friday night, but she's still not better, so we're not getting a lot of sleep. And Nick and I stayed up Thursday night to watch WKU play Gonzaga, so after Nick had to wake up at 5:00am to go hunting, I got about 4 hours of sleep. So it's been a very tiring holiday weekend.

But depsite Sydney being sick (although she only seems to get sick at night), she is acting so different. In a good way! She has calmed down so much, so she will finally just curl up with us and sleep or just hang out. We took her to his grandparents' house with all his family and she just sat there with us.

We finally got our Christmas tree up last night. Nick put our deer in the front yard and the lights up around the deck. Hopefully it will stop raining today so he can get the lights up on the front of the house. I wrapped all my presents, so I'm done shopping and wrapping. We're going to Nashville again Saturday with his parents to go to the Opryland hotel and Opry Mills, so hopefully he can finish his shopping.

Also, we booked the rest of our Hawaii vacation for next May-June! We are going to go ahead and go to 3 islands (Maui, the Big Island and Kauai) and be finished with Hawaii for a long while:-( And then we can start looking for a new house and have kids! And when our kids are grown, we can go back.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Since Andrea sort of tagged me for this...


1- Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. (There's already a link to Andrea's site so no need to do that)

2- Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.

3- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. (Don't even know 7 people who have blogs really)

4- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (way too much work)

1. I can't decide whether I want to start having kids or go to Hawaii

2. I am probably one of the most disagreeable people you will ever meet. Like, if you say something, I will probably disagree. And I will most definitely strongly believe that I am right.

3. I also went to Europe for two weeks when I was 16. I hated it.

4. I love, love, love to scrapbook. My scrapbooks pretty much consist of pictures and stickers, but I love to do it and they look so much better than photo albums.

5. Career-wise, I feel like a failure. As in, I don't have a career, And with my education, I don't really see myself going anywhere.

6. As opposed to Andrea, I do prefer dogs that lick people all the time. I learned recently that's it how they show respect and submission to the dog or person/people they consider the pack leader. Which so explains why Izzy licks Nick and I constantly. And now Sydney has started licking Izzy. And plus, Isabelle is a very affectionate dog. And I think it's awesome that my dog knows what it means when I tell her to give me a kiss.

7. Getting Sydney to lay down this morning (on the second try!) will probably be the biggest accomplishment of my week.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Christmas Shopping!

I get to start Christmas shopping tonight! It's always been one of my goals to actually finish Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving and although I'm not sure I'll accomplish that this year, I might at least come close. And I have saved up some extra blow money, so if I see anything I want for myself, I won't have to feel guilty about getting it. I need some Christmas scrapbooking stuff. Speaking of, I ordered our photo Christmas cards from Shutterfly and also stamps from The cards have all 4 of us and the stamps have the dogs in their Christmas hats. If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about our first Christmas together as a married couple.

Wow, work just got way too busy. So apparently I have to work. On a Friday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Next week is Thanksgiving!

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. And it was 70 degrees today. That's nuts. The guys leave for Alaska on Monday, so I will hopefully have a peaceful 1/2 week before the break. Yeah right. But it will make for a busy week until then. Nick is doing some sort of thing at work this week, so he's working every night until 7:15. Honestly, it's been kind of nice to have some quiet time and to get to watch what I want on tv. Which is mainly the news. He hates the news, so we always watch the OC. And we're back to the ones we've already seen, so I'm bored with it.

We finished our Financial Peace class on Sunday night and got our $41 back! Nick and I won the DVD set, which is surprising, since we're not really the lucky types. But it's exciting nonetheless, because I think it will be awesome to have the DVD's around. We got CD's, the book, and the workbook as part of the class materials, so we should be all set. I feel like I talk about the class all the time, but I loved it. Nick and I are going to make three more payments on my student loans and then we'll be finished (thank you, debt snowball!). It makes me feel very adult to actually be on a budget that we follow every month. It's boring I guess, but if boring helps me retire on $2 million, then I'm ok with that.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Interview and Homecoming

I had my interview today. I think it went ok. I called my dad last night and he already knew about it. They had called the person I used to work for, who then talked to the person who I used to work with there and now works with my dad, who told my dad. It's crazy how stuff spreads in a town of 60,000+. At the end of the interview, I had to take some kind of personality test, where I mark words that describe how I think people view me and then 60 words that describe how I view myself. I'm glad it's over; I was nervous.

This weekend is going to be a busy one (but which one isn't). Tonight the girls and guys have a doubleheader that starts at 6:00, so we'll be at Diddle until 10:30. And tomorrow Nick is going home to hunt with his dad, so he's leaving at 4:00am or so. The football game is at 4:00pm, and we will get our butts kicked no doubt by Troy. But it's homecoming and the first IA opponent in LT I believe. Sunday his parents are coming to church with us and we're going to eat with them after, because his mom's birthday is tomorrow. And Sunday night is our final Financial Peace University class! We're having our potluck, and we're bringing pot roast. We also get our $41 back. I'm so glad we did this. I definitely think it's the best thing we could have done for our marriage..

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I have an interview tomorrow at a law firm. I don't think it will be a job I'll take, but still, it's an interview. It's good practice I know. But I'm already nervous. I'm never actually been on a real interview. Well, for Target. But this job certainly didn't have one. It's just for a legal assistant/receptionist type job, and the woman already did a phone interview with me. So anyway, we'll see. Nick got a call from a company that wants him to come up and interview in Hammond, IN, which is in the Chicago metro limit. That would be cool.

I went back to the NP yesterday, and she's upping my Topamax to 50mg. Still not a lot, but now I have to go back through the side effects. They only lasted for a couple weeks last time, but they sucked. I got very tired and acted kind of nutty. And caffeinated drinks tasted nasty. I had just gotten my taste back too. But if it helps my headaches, I'mm all about it. And she also switched me to Seasonique. Which I'm very excited, but also nervous about. I've heard it takes a while to get adjusted to. She said she had been on it since it came out and she loved it now, but then again, I don't really plan to be on BC for 3 1/2 years.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Pictures from Halloween

So I didn't get to sleep all weekend, but I did get to a little. And my extra hour was nice. Yesterday I worked on my scrapbook and Nick helped with my Excel sheets for the budget and my student loans. I love Excel and it's awesome but I don't understand how to do the formulas like he does. He's a smart dude when he wants to be. And we have a financial plan, which is awesome, and makes me feel like I'm using my job more than it's using me. I just finished typing up a list of my actual job duties and it's just a bit longer than the job description listed. So it will be fun to quit and pull out a book of reasons. But for now, I am working so I can pay off my student loans in August (maybe even May)! And that's down from the 3 year plan we did have. How awesome would it be to make our last payment, go on vacation to Hawaii, and come back to no debt? We could save up a serious down payment on a house with that. I did send out quite a few resumes this weekend, so maybe I'll hear something. Until then, and I know this is sad and probably below me, my effort level at work is going to be sub-par. But they'll get what they pay for.

Anyway, I love these pics from Halloween. The dogs were so cute, and the kids that we had loved them. Sydney loves Isabelle so much, and Izzy gets so annoyed by her. But that's totally like sisters that are 2 years apart.

Friday, November 2, 2007

This weekend, I want to...

sleep! All weekend. I doubt I will get to, but I would like to. I am physically enhausted. The luncheon at work is over, and it went well. But I'm glad it's done. Nick and I actually left the game last night with about 12 minutes left, so if you know me, you know that is pretty significant. It was a boring game, yes, but I usually won't even leave games we're losing early. So now I know my job dissatisfaction is affecting the rest of my life. So we just went home and watched Grey's Anatomy. Which isn't getting a whole lot better. I've been pretty disappointed in it so far this year. Especially the Meredity-Derek storyline. Very stupid.

And now, to top off my stressful week (I got a headache yesterday, my first one in two weeks...but one Axert made it go away), I'm getting sick. And I have to take Sydney to the vet tomorrow for more shots. She threw an absolute fit last time. She's so embarrassing. Anyway, sorry for so much complaining. At the game last night, I did see this cute little boy, who was all decked out in his WKU gear. He had his shirt and pants, hat and even his socks had Big Red on them. When I pointed him out to Nick, it was actually the son of a guy he works with. I can't wait until we have kids so I can dress them up in Western stuff for games and Braves stuff. Kind of like I do my dogs. I will have to post Halloween pics. They were very cute.

Anyway, this weekend is way overdue, and I even get an extra hour of sleep!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Jobs & Kids

Grandma said "I guess some people have their lives set up and want to do well for their kids and some people want to go on and have kids and make the kids struggle along with them."

I read that on another blog (my friend's sister-in-law). It's what her grandmother said when she told her they were trying to get pregnant. I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately. I think Nick and I have moved into the kids realm a whole lot faster than we thought we would. We still talk about waiting the 3 years and realistically that's the good practical plan. And honestly we're not mature enough for kids. I enjoy my vacations too much, and spending money on myself, and things that I think I should be able to enjoy right now. But anyway, Nick asks a lot how long I think we'll wait, so I'm thinking the 3 years might not last with him either.

We were in Financial Peace last night and one girl in there (who has only been married 3 weeks) said she wishes she could just get pregnant so she could quit working and stay at home. So do I. Which is so weird coming from me. But my dissatisfaction with my job is at an all-time high and I am really just miserable here. But quitting to have a child would be doubly stupid. I could quit until I find something, and just lose a little income temporarily, or I could quit and have a kid, and not only lose income, but have even more going out. So I don't think that's a logical solution to the problem. And I'm definitely not getting pregnant right now, because a portion of my Hawaii trip is nonrefundable and I'm not missing it. It's a very big thing to think about, having a child. It's not just worrying about being able to financially support ourselves, we have to be able to support a child for 18 years, plus college, and a wedding (or rehearsal dinner!) and who knows what else. And I don't just want to provide for my kids, I want to be good to them.

Why I'm going on and on about this, I don't know. I'm not having kids. I just want to find a new job. And quit this one. Is it bad that I fantasize about turning my letter of resignation? Will I always hate my job? I hope not. But I do love paychecks.

Friday, October 26, 2007

I hate having to always title my posts

I think the Scrimmage went pretty well last night. There was actually a pretty good turnout, the guys didn't mess up their order, and we finished up right at 8, which was so perfectly in sync with my timeline. I'm just glad it's over. Of course my boss never said a word to me about it. Not good job, or I know you worked hard, or anything. It's like he's trying to give me reasons to quit. I'm trying very hard to convince myself that it's a good job and I should stay, but I'm just really not sure it's worth the stress anymore. Oh yeah...and I'm NEVER GETTING A RAISE! That should be enough, don't you think? I've been praying about it, and I either am just not hearing what God is saying to me, or God is being silent on this one for now. And I'm sure in 5 or 10 years I'll understand the reason for that, but right now, it's hard. But, I should be thankful that I have a job that pays the bills...that more than pays the bills. And I am.

Nick and I are going out tonight! We never do anything fun anymore (that's not true at all, but I do feel like we're quickly becoming boring married people who sit at home, even though I also feel like we're never at home). We're going to Red Lobster and then to see Dan in Real Life. We've been seeing previews for weeks now ("Put in on my tab"), so I'm excited. I read good user reviews on Yahoo, and those are totally worth more than the stupid critics. So I'm excited about a date night! Nick is totally an awesome husband. Yes, he did get home from work late yesterday, making us rush back to my work (and since he was rushing, he spilled his BBQ vienna sausages on the couch and his jeans and got really upset), and he was busy at work today which apparently caused him to forget to call me until 2:30. And there are also other things:-) But he went with me to the scrimmage last night, knowing I'd probably be working most of it and not able to sit with him too much. Armon, our new intern, came up there and apparently talked his ear off. But he is generally very supportive. Which I'm sure I don't tell him. And I know he's having a rough time at his job right now also. So I am lucky to be married to him. Even if I do think he should sit down with his boss and tell him to either pay him $10,000 more of he's leaving. Because he deserves it.

Jaclyn's wedding is tomorrow. It's hard to believe. She was always scared to death of even the smallest commitment, so it's going to be fun watching her get married. And I love dressing up and getting free food!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

What can go wrong...

probably will go wrong. Totally right. The one part of this whole cursed event I'm doing for tonight that I wasn't in charge of fell through. We're having an autograph session with nothing to autograph. Awesome, no? Fortunately, I fixed it (sort of, although posters are always better). I am not understanding why our athletic dept. needs a marketing dept., when they can't actually market their programs. Why am I doing their jobs? And getting paid about 1/5 the money? Not cool. And my boss is totally oblivious to how busy I am, so he keeps throwing random stuff at me to do. By which I mean things that can be done tomorrow or even next week. It's like some people have no understanding of the world around them. They think they're the sun, and we all revolve around them. I don't really I think I had the best upbringing, but at least my parents raised me better than that. And I generally consider myself pretty selfish. But that's probably just going to get me going on another tangent...about selfish people who think the world should be handed to them b/c they're owed something.

Anyway, tonight is the scrimmage finally. I'm kind of pissed that I have to miss Grey's, but I guess it will be a late night with the DVR. Seriously, I can't remember life without the DVR. I tried to set the VCR to record something a couple of weeks ago and actually forgot to put the tape in. Needless to say, it didn't record. The DVR has saved my life. I never thought Insight would be responsible for anything good.

Only a little more than 7 months until I will be in Maui, celebrating my one year wedding anniversary with my husband!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Today has been a stressful day. Tomorrow is the scrimmage that I have had to plan, because my boss wants to go without the whole marketing dept (you know, the people who get paid to plan these kind of events?). So it's been tons of fun (sarcastically). And we also have a luncheon a week from tomorrow that guess who (me again) is also supposed to plan...started out I was going to have no responsbility for that, then of course it didn't work out that way. But I haven't even had time to think about it yet. And to top off the actual work responsibilities which I can handle (with lots of blog venting and silently screaming obscenities at my boss), my boss was in a mood today. He gets like that a lot once the season starts. I don't care if you're my boss, my husband, my parents, or my dogs, you don't get to take your bad day out on me. So I've had to put up with that all day, plus the million and one things going on. But the good news is, no headache! And if there was ever a day for a tension headache, today would be it.

We have an appt. this afternoon with a financial guy, which Nick is very excited about...sorry...for which Nick is very excited (couldn't end with a preposition could I?). We're very boring 25 year olds. But we are excited about starting our IRA and figuring out some things about our finances. I'm just happy to have finances!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Wedding Mania

Nick and I drove up to Cincinnati Saturday to see one of his friends from college get married. She got married in a big Catholic church in downtown Cincy, so it was a little different than most weddings I've been to. But you know what Catholic weddings mean. Free food and drinks at the reception. And trust me, we were the only people who didn't drink. I mean, the great grandparents were drinking. I think the great grandkids were too. We didn't know a whole lot of people (I had only met the bride and one other girl, and that was only once, maybe twice). But Nick had been pretty good friends with them back in the day. So we got a free meal out of it and some good entertainment. Some random lady (Aunt Milly) wandered up to us with her "friend" (who was also sharing a hotel room with her that night) and talked our ears off for awhile, but all in all, it was fun. And we got to spend the night in the hotel, sleep in a little, eat breakfast at Cracker Barrel (I never know how to spell that word) and stop at the Summit in Louisville to shop. Though I didn't buy anything, which was both disappointing and good.

Anyway, next weekend we're going to Jaclyn's wedding in Mayfield. We're not spending the night there, so that will be a late night. But I love weddings. And she's Baptist, so no weird stuff I don't understand!

We got to visit Brian while we were up there. He seems happy...busy too. With law school and a wife and a two month old, I'm not sure how he sleeps. But he seems to be liking it. And apparently his daughter loves her Big Red mobile that plays the fight song. I'd love it too. I'm very much wanting to get one right now for my child, even though I don't have one yet!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Survey from Brandy

1. Do you hate your last boyfriend/girlfriend? No not at all

2. When is the last time you took a nap? Um probably last weekend, but I plan to after work today.

3. Do you only drink bottled water? Either bottled water or water from the big jug that you buy. Tap water is iffy

4. Have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend mad? for sure

5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Nick, who I was supposed to call back. Oopsie

6. Who was the last person to text you? probably my boss

7. Who was the last person to send you a Myspace message? I keep getting those stupid Macy's gift card crap messages

8. Who was on your mind most today? myself and my headache

9. Are you happier single or in a relationship? in my marriage

12. Is your cellphone through Cingular? yeah..well AT&T now..whatever

13. Have you dated people who were not good for you? not really dated

14. How will you spend your next B-Day? I don't know. but two weeks after that, i will be in Hawaii!

16. Are you missing someone? I miss my home, so that means my husband and two dogs. And also my bed, which is not a someone

17. Do you like to snowboard? never done it

18. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on what they did

19. What instant messaging service do you use? i don't really use any. I used to use AIM constantly. Now I chat on Gmail sometimes

20. Would you believe your ex if they said they still loved you? who cares?

21. What's your most hated food? i don't know, i hate tons of foods. Hot dogs are gross

22. What's your favorite color? Blue

23. Would you date your best friend? I am married to him so yes

24. Who was your favorite teacher in middle school? Coach Morand...or Ms. Flannery...or Mr. Snead

25. Have you ever had a panic attack? no

27. What color is your hair? lightish brown

29. How old are your siblings? my only sister is 12

32. What do you want most right now? to not get headaches anymore

33. What is a major pet peeve of yours? complaining about the house being clean (or not clean actually)! slow drivers...i have so many

34. When was your last kiss? this morning, but i was asleep

35. What are you doing tonight? I have no idea. Hopefully Nick is fixing dinner and I am going to take a nap, so that when I wake up, my headache will be gone. But at some point I need to shower and straighten my hair since I won't have time tomorrow morning.

36. Is your myspace display name from a song? No

38. Are you happy at the moment? yes because it's friday

40. Do you have a wood floor or carpet in your bedroom? carpet

41. Do you have a hidden stash of candy somewhere? at work - not hidden really....but only some people know where it's at

42. Do you have over 100 CDs? definitely

43. What are you wearing right now? black pants and a green shirt

44. Is your phone right beside you? it's in my purse, so no

45. Are you cold? no

46. What will you be doing in 2 hours? just getting home!

47. Recently done anything you regret? no

48. Ever trip over your own feet? not too often

49. Favorite color pen ink to use? i lovve to use different color pens! like purple

50. Do you wish someone would call you? no i want to watch Grey's Anatomy online uninterrupted.


sucks! I understand that the weather is important. I get that. Tornadoes can kill and all. And people around here freak out when it might hail. Probably because of WBKO, but whatever. But they have got to figure out a better way to handle this situation on Thursday nights. They now have 3 different stations operated by WBKO....seriously, put the weather on the CW or something. They had a split screen for Fox, because of the baseball game. And they're not even going to replay Grey's. It's ok for me, I can watch it online at some point, but lots of people can't. They're so stupid. And by the time the storms got to BG, they were nothing. It rained for a few minutes and was windy. That was it. And on the way to work this morning, every radio station I turned to was talking about Grey's last night. Woody and Jim on 107.5 thought it was good, so I'm hopeful that it was better than the first few. Because they sucked.

Also, I've figured out that there are some people who need drama in their life to survive. No one I know really well, thankfully. But they try to draw you in, and I really don't have the time, or the patience for that. And I generally think they get what's coming to them. And also like I'm a bad person for thinking that.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday's almost Friday!

I'm almost positive that the Topamax is actually giving me headaches. I wake up with one every morning now. And I don't think it makes sense to take the Topamax every night, wake up with a headache, and have to take one, usually two, Axert in the morning. If I skipped the Topamax, wouldn't I just be saving myself the trouble? But the Topamax makes me so exhausted that I don't want to take it in the morning. But I'm really kind of sick of talking about my headaches and medicine. Although I did have to call the ARNP to ask for more Axert, since I'm already out.

It's supposed to storm today and tonight, and you know how I love that. Well maybe you do, maybe you don't. I don't know. But I do love them. And we do need some rain.

Tonight is Grey's Anatomy night! I still get excited about it, even though Grey's has been really disappointing to me so far this season. Nick and I both love Dirty Sexy Money. It's for sure my favorite new show. But then again I loved Friday Night Lights last year and it's just weird now. If only I had my own life to lead, and didn't count on the lives of my tv shows. How boring.

This weekend Nick and I get to drop the doggies off at his parents house and go to Cincinnati for a wedding. I'm very excited. I can't remember the last time we got to go somewhere by ourselves and dress up and stay at a hotel. Plus I love weddings and I haven't been to one since my own. So I'll be glad to go to one where I don't have to do anything! And we get to see Brian, but not Nathan, who will be in KY. And also not Brian's wife, Jackie, or daughter. But that's ok; I always feel a little awkward around babies, because I don't know what to do. So I'll just look at pictures. You can't break a picture. You probably can't really break a baby either, but I think I'll wait to test that theory when I have my own.

Anyway, not much is going on. Work is busy and stressful and I hate it. But that's pretty normal.

Monday, October 15, 2007

No Headache Today

Yay for not having a headache today. I felt like I was maybe getting one when I got to work, so I took an Axert and it seemed to have worked. So far no really terrible side effects from the Topamax. I have felt like my fingers and feet go to sleep more often, but I've never had great circulation to begin with. And I feel exhausted most of the time, but again, not out of the ordinary for me. I do always feel like I have this pain or pressure in the back of my head that might turn into a headache, which is weird. And annoying. But so far it hasn't today, so that's good. I've missed my headache-free life. I think my husband has missed me also.

Tonight we get the awesomely exciting job of going to the grocery. That is, after I run to the post office (at 4:30, which is always a joy at the post office) and the bank. Walmart is so much fun. And the new show with Christina Applegate comes on tonight so I want to watch it. Plus the Bachelor! The stupidest show ever.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Headache Update, Day 2

Not because anyone really cares, but mostly because after reading about all the side effects of Topamax, I'm kind of freaking out. And also, my head still hurts. I took two of the Axert yesterday, but it did nothing. I missed the two hour window I was supposed to take the first one in, since I woke up with the headache, but I took the second one an hour and a half later, and I still had a headache when I went to bed. And guess what? I still had it when I woke up this morning. But I can't take anymore within the 24 hour period. So whatever. So far, I'm not too impressed with that.

But I googled the Topamax yesterday, and I got everything from stroke-like symptoms to people wanting to kill themselves to it making people "stupid" and loopy...appendicitis, kidney stones, making birth control less effective, seizures (even though it's an anti-seizure medication), and a ton of other really scary side effects. And if I'm still going to have head aches, I'm pretty sure it's not worth it.

But my CT came back normal, so at least I'm not dying. Yay.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday to my Husband

First off, happy 25th birthday to my husband. He finally gets another discount on his car insurance! He called his dad last night and apparently his parents couldn't remember if he was going to be 25 or can you forget what year your only son was born in? But anyway, for his birthday we're going to eat at Pizza Hut, since I hate it and we never eat there. But he loves it. And before you think I'm a mean and horrible wife, I love love love Papa John's, but he hates it, so we never eat it either. We've agreed to compromise on Domino's when it comes to pizza. Except for tonight. And I ordered him a cookie cake because he loves those. Plus I got my parents to get him an ice cream cake, his other favorite, so I covered all the bases (actually I ordered the ice cream cake too, but whatever).

I went to the doctor yesterday for my headaches, and I really liked her. She's a registered nurse, but I made the appt. on Monday and she got me in Wednesday, as opposed to the month wait most other places had. She actually had just been to some seminar or lecture on headaches the night before, so she kept telling me all this stuff. It was pretty cool that she seemed like she knew what she was doing. She put me on Topamax and also gave me Axert for when I do get a headache. So we'll see how that goes. I also had to have a CT scan and being the wuss I am, it was kind of awful. I'm not a fan of being able to feel these weird fluid shooting up your arm. I guess it must be what it feels like to shoot up drugs. The dye made me feel weird, like I couldn't breathe and was going to throw up. And they had asked if I was allergic to shellfish, to which I said no. But I later remembered that I am indeed allergic to some kind of fish (but was it shellfish or whitefish?), so I was worried that I might have an allergic reaction and die. But I didn't. And at least now I can finally rule out having a brain tumor, hopefully. So yay for drugs, even if they might make my extremities tingle (she said to eat bananas, which I think are yucky). She also said women often lose weight on Topamax so that's an added benefit.

Kind of as an aside, or more of a complaint really, I have been swamped at work today. And my student worker complained earlier that she didn't get something finished because she was having to do 2 things at once. Oh my gosh, not 2 things at once...that's awful. I mean, that's like, multi-tasking or something. People shouldn't have to be put through some torture. Seriously, college students today are the laziest people I've ever seen. I really worry that I won't raise my kids to have the work ethic that Nick and I do (and I consider myself to be pretty lazy usually). How do these people make it at a real job?

Last night Nick talked to one of his friends from college. She got married last year. We went to her wedding and she came to ours this summer. Anyway she asked Nick how married life was and he told her good, so then of course he asked her the same. And turns out she's separated from her husband and thinking she's probably going to get a divorce. I cannot believe that people whose weddings Nick and I attended together can actually be getting divorced. Not that Nick and I are like good luck charms that bless weddings or something, but it's so crazy. Crazy that people give up on their marriage after such a short time (but that's their decision, and I obviously have no right to judge, since I have no idea what's going on in the situation), and also crazy that we've been together long enough for people to have married and separated. So I was feeling kind of good about our marriage, you know, because we have our rough spots, but we're nowhere close to breaking up. But I guess it had the opposite effect on him, and he got worried. He wants our marriage to be like Sandy's and Kirsten's on the OC (Sandy called it bulletproof on yesterday's episode...right before he kissed another woman...good role models there). So anyway I feel old and at the same time, way too young to be married and responsible for someone else's happiness. And before I was married I felt like I was ancient. Craziness.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm a bore

I read other people's posts, and they actually have meaningful things to say. And me, not so much. Which makes me wonder why exactly I need a blog. But what would I do without my blog? I saw on the news last night that a guy I went to high school with got shot in Louisville. I didn't know him real well, but his mom taught at my elementary school. He's my friend on Facebook. It's weird to think that it's been long enough since high school for people to get married, or get shot...or die even. How cheerful.

Last night Nick and I went to my parents' for Nick's birthday, which is Thursday. They got him his memory for the laptop and Mikaela picked out a John Deere sweatshirt, which she was excited about.

Our dog (Sydney, not Isabelle, who would never) peed on the comforter, and poor Nick thought he could get it washed and dried by the time we went to bed. I tried to explain that comforters have to be dried about 4 times or they're still wet, and that's actually the reason I have more than one (sure, that's it). But he has to see things himself to believe them. So it still wasn't dry when we went to bed, and he decided we could go without. I woke up at 2:30am freezing to death. First, he tried to cuddle with me to keep me warm (very sweet, but it's hard for me to sleep that way. I feel claustrophobic). Then he decided to go get the comforter and put it on. Then about 20 minutes later he got mad because it was still wet, and went to get a quilt. Anyway, there wasn't much of a point to that story, but it was sweet. Could have been much easier and saved us from waking up in the middle of the night if he had listened to me in the first place, but that's ok. I like when I wake up and he cuddles. For about 3 minutes. Then it's annoying.

Today is my appt. with the doctor, or nurse really, for my headaches. I've had one for about 36 hours now, but it's not too bad. Yet. I'm looking forward to getting some drugs.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Another Monday

My four day weekend was so fast. I had a headache for half of it and still do. Not sure why, but I made a doctor's appt. Wednesday, so maybe I'll find out. Actually I don't really care if I find out, I just want some medicine. That preferably won't knock me out. My head's been pretty annoying lately. I think they're combo stress/sinus/staring at a computer screen/not getting enough sleep headaches. Of course I could always have a brain tumor. That would be disappointing. Dave Ramsey just convinced me last night that I might be a millionnaire by the time I retire! So I'm looking forward to that. But they make me want to puke. So it's not cool. Before I could always take Excedrin and lie down, and they'd go away. Now I can't do anything for them so I am mostly disabled. They ruined my plans this weekend. Oh well.

Nick just told me that he has some Saving Bonds his grandmother got him. Woohoo. I love money that before was unknown to me. Obviously he had hoped to hide it from me until I die, but seeing as how I will likely outlive him, that wouldn't do anybody any good. So there's our money to open an IRA. I feel slightly bad that we're taking Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps just a little out of order. But that's better than just not doing them, right?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I feel like screaming!

To keep myself from calling Nick and probably arguing, I thought this would be better. We wanted to sell some stuff on eBay. So I took the pictures. wrote the descriptions and listed them. I replied to questions and did all that. I put them all together to be shipped. And I asked him to do one thing: take them to the post office and mail them, since he gets off work earlier than me. And now the VCR lady emailed me to say that she got the VCR but with the wrong manual and remote. Which means that the DVD man got the wrong ones also. He can't even check that before he ships them? Seriously? Now the shipping to fix it will cost more than we made from selling them. And it's my account on eBay so I will be the one to get bad feedback. And even if he wanted to fix it, he'd probably just make it worse. Screw something else up. How can he be so responsible at work but not at anything else?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So I finally asked and I do get Thursday and Friday off! Woohoo. 2 whole days of trying to sleep in and having a dog whine at me. I supposed I could shut her in another room, but that just seems cruel and like it would probably make the problem worse. Apparently my post yesterday about the unexpected money attracted the attention of someone in Iraq, so now I'm a little worried.

I have been praying a lot lately for patience in not judging others. This has always been a huge problem for me, and it still is. I am very bad at rushing to judgment and I'm not sure why. I think it might be because of my lack of self-confidence, which I try to cover up with over-confidence. Or maybe I'm just a really mean person who likes to make fun of people. Either way, I need to not be that way. But, related to that, I get very annoyed when people talk excessively about themselves. Over problems that are relatively unimportant. Like people that have prayer requests for everyone they've ever met and their sore wrist and their job. I know that's bad, but there are so many actual really serious things going on in the world, that some things really just aren't that important. Just be thankful for what you do have. I think that's the difference between me and a lot of people. I'm afraid I would look selfish if I ask people to pray for my 80 million issues. B/c really, we've all got them. Anyway that's my little rsnt for today. Hopefully that won't be of too much interest to the Iraqis. Do they pray to Allah? Or Muhammad?

Oh yeah, P.S. - My husband is driving me nuts. He's been very stressed at work, and his way of not bringing work home is just not to talk about it. But he still thinks about it. Constantly. He's been very distracted lately. And very anal about having a clean house also. So tonight my plan is to curl up in my bed with my new Nicholas Sparks book and watch Dancing with the Stars and Tori and Dean: Inn Love, and hang out with Isabelle. And eat some Lucky Charms and Oreo ice cream. And not do any cleaning (lest you think I am lazy and never help, I helped with dinner last night, did the dishes, walked the dogs, and did the laundry).

Monday, October 1, 2007

LOVE unexpected money

I got a check today that was not at all suspected which makes me happy! Although I technically did earn it and deserve it, and probably should have received it much earlier. But hey, that will be nice to put into our savings account. Since Nick's birthday is coming up. Also, I need to ask today if I get off for fall break. I'm thinking probably not, but it can't hurt to ask.

So the dog is doing much better. She still whines a lot, which is very annoying. But she is calming down some, and she actually laid on the bed with us and Isabelle yesterday and napped for like 3 hours. We took her to the vet Saturday, and he said she looked good. He also commented on how she is not a licking dog...which is so weird. Isabelle is all about the licking people in the face. Which personally I love. But then again, Isabelle, we've figured out, is the smartest dog we will ever find. I think Sydney has already peed in the house more than Izzy ever did.

I thought Desperate Housewives was pretty good last night. Better than Grey's Anatomy. I'm hoping for a better episode this week. And Friday Night Lights is new this week. It became one of my favorite shows last season. I think the season opener is actually online already. Not sure if that's on purpose or not. I read that the Season 1 DVD had a money back guarantee on it, which is unusual. But it's a really good show, that's not really at all about football.

Anyway I didn't really have a very eventful weekend. Went to Walmart, took the dogs to my parents' to play, went to church and Financial Peace. I feel like I'm really old and boring.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


So Nick totally didn't want to get the dog, and now I'm thinking maybe he was right. But I know he doesn't read this, so I can say that here. I think I understand how my parents feel. First they had me, a perfect little angel (seriously I was good when I was young...and smart, and well-behaved and all those things parents hope for). And then there was Mikalea. A little terror...who is going through the terrible 12's. Although no age has really been good for her. Gets in trouble at school, doesn't have extracurricular activities (more my parents' fault than hers though), doesn't ever behave...and that pretty much sums up the scenario we are going through now. Only it's with dogs, not people. Isabelle is such a perfect dog, and Sydney is nuts. Psychotic...possibly the devil. Nick wants to give her away. She whines constantly, doesn't seem to understand the whole point of why is spanked when she uses the bathroom inside, but gets rewarded when she goes outside. It could be a long year. My parents' dog just turned one year old and she's still crazy. Sigh.

Another stupid survey

Do you tend to speed when you drive? yes, but not as much as i used to

Does your temper flare a lot? yes

Do you get emotional easily? at times

Which shoe goes on first? i don't know?

Are you lazy? definitely

Name one thing you do that people always tell you about: my grandmother always used to tell me that i made this face where i curled up one side of my lip...yeah attractive. I also do this thing where I try to scratch my throat / ear...Nick hates it

Are you superstitious? yes, with some things (mostly sports)

Do you get bored with relationships quickly? No

Can you sleep without blankets covering you? probably, but i usually don't

What do you sleep in? t-shirt and pants

A - is for the last person that made you ANGRY: Sydney
B - is for BEER you prefer: none
C - is for do you have a CAT? no
D - is for can you DANCE? no
E - is for do you have your EARS pierced? no
F - is for your best FRIEND? Nick
G - is for did you ever watch GUTS on Nickelodeon? no
H - is for the last person who HUGGED you? Nick
I - is for close your eyes.. what IMAGE do you see? Lunch
J - is for have you ever been to JAIL? no
K - is for when is the last time you flew a KITE? last year we tried to with Mikaela, but it broke
L - is for your first LOVE: Fluffy
M - is for the last piece of MAIL you got? my Cosmo
N - is for do you remember NERF guns? yeah
O - is for do you OWN a car? we own a truck...and i have a car
P - is for your favorite PASTTIME? watching sports or my tv shows
Q - is for do you like peace & QUIET? at times, but i get bored easily
R - is for do you like the color RED? yeah!
S - is for how many hours of SLEEP you need to function?: 7, but 9 is best
T - is for what TIME is it? 11:51am
U - is for what is UNDER your bed? not much at all
V - is for what you did last VALENTINE'S day: actually don't remember
W - is for do you drink a lot of WATER? no
X - is for have you ever had an X-RAY? a few
Y - is for the last person you YELLED at? Sydney
Z - is for have you ever watched ZORRO? no

Who do you wish you could hang out with right now? Isabelle

Name one thing you absolutely can not stand: having a headache

Where do you spend most of your time? work

Have you ever hit a squirrel when you were driving? yeah, right before i took my SAT

Did your car ever break down? no, but i did have a flat tire

What is the longest amount of time you've been awake? i dunno, 36-48 hours

What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week? pray and be nice to everyone

Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone? yeah but i love them

Name one thing you've lied about recently. i dont think i have

What is the worst movie you've ever seen? Vacancy

Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? Grant


1. What's worse? Liars or cheaters? What's the difference?

2. Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive, although neither one is easy

3. Can men and women be "Just Friends"? Sure

4. How do you feel about dating Co-Workers? I don't think it's a good idea, unless you were dating before you were co-workers

5. All expenses paid vacation to anywhere... where? hawaii, b/c it's freaking expensive

6. What was your last meal? a nutri-grain bar this morning

10. Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals? one great friend

11. If someone called you a bitch would you be offended? Only if it was somehow whose opinion of me I really cared about

12. Are you okay with your boyfriend/girlfriend being friends with an ex? Yes, unless the ex still likes them

13. Would you live with someone without marrying them? Yeah, I think it actually helps.

14.what's your favorite sport? either college basketball or the Braves. but i like playing baseball and basketball

15. Do you like diet soda? no way

16. Do you squeeze toothpaste from the bottom or the middle? depends

17. How do you feel about tanning booths? I found out they weren't so bad before my wedding, but haven't been since

18. Friends with benefits? not a good idea

19. Do you believe in angels? sure

20. Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures? take

21. Hot Carl or Blumpkin? maybe this is how questions in these things always end up missing

22. Ever kissed a random person and then walked away? oh yeah all the time, you know

23. Who did you hang out with last? my dogs

24. What color looks best on you? not sure, but i usually wear blue, so hopefully it looks ok

25. If you could play any sport professionally what would it be? soccer

27. Are you a jealous person? not so much, but sometimes

30. Who has the sexiest accents? Austrailian people...and see what I mean about skipping questions?

32. Favorite song? Bubbly

33. Where is your phone? in my purse

35. What is your astrological sign? taurus

36. Are you a beach, country or city person? beach

39. If you could own a non-traditional pet which would it be? monkey, but i just found out that it is actually against city ordinance to own one in town:-(

40. Favorite movie as a child? Lady and the Tramp...or Little Mermaid

41. Where do you spend most of your money? Bills:-(

42. Are you currently working at a job that you hate? sometimes

43. Have you ever been so heart broken that you called in sick to school? no

45. Can you change a car tire? no but i can call someone who can

47. Favorite candle scent? peach

48. Would you consider yourself adventurous? no

49. What is your MySpace profile song & why did you choose it? don't even remember...i hate MySpace

50. Who was the last person that told you they loved you? Nick

52. Would you sing Karaoke in front of co-workers? no way

54. Do you like your siblings' significant others? my sister is only 12 so she doesn't have one yet

55. Can you drive a stick? no

56. When you marry will you wear white? I did

57. Have you ever sat and hoped for a phone call? sure

58. Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach? would take more than a day for me to get to a beach, spend a day there and get back

59. Favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy, and it's new tonight!!!!!

60. Last piercing you got? ears a few years ago, but they grew back again

62. What are you looking forward to the most? Grey's Anatomy! And also my puppy getting housetrained and calming down

63. What did you do today? so far just worked

64. What’s your favorite color? blue

65. Plans for tomorrow? not sure, but it's Friday!

67. Ketchup or mustard? ketchup, but both sometimes

68. Whats your favorite movie? not sure

69. Did you do your homework tonight? my homework tonight is to watch Grey's Anatomy, so sure, I will do it

Jennifer Garner

I just love Jennifer Garner. I think she is the most down to earth famous person ever....although I obviously don't know her. So maybe I'm wrong. But seriously, she has managed to get Ben Affleck to commit and actually seem happy about it. And he's had his issues with relationships. And she is always smiling. I love that. I wish I could be like that! I love her hair also...especially in Catch & Release...I went out and got my hair highlighted after that movie.

And I always read about how she vacations in Hawaii. And she has the coolest facial features. So it sounds like I am in love with Jennifer Garner (which is odd, considering how much I actually like Ben Affleck). They're the perfect couple. And their kid, although badly named in my opinion, will probably grow up to be the world's prettiest person. Definitely better looking than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's offspring. All 39 of them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another Survey:-D

1. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand last is...the last person who will ever hold my hand!

2. I am listening to...people playing basketball

3. I talk...not much unless I know someone really well. And they usually don't listen, so if you want to know why i don't talk, that's why!

7. I hate it when people ask...what are you doing? when you call them or vice versa. Everybody does it. What's up? Oh, nothing. Even though usually something is.

8. Love action! Or really a series of actions

9. Marriage is...lots of work

10. Somewhere, someone is's time to go home

11. I'm always...ready for a nap

16. Right now I am thinking about...what to have for dinner.

17. Babies are...probably going to test my patience (or lack thereof)

19. Today I...have worked like crazy (this afternoon anyway)

22. I really be rich and not work


Q: Do you have anything bothering you? not really

Q:What was the last movie you watched in the theaters? wow, it's been a long time

Q: Where is the last place you went? home for lunch

Q: Do you wish upon stars? no, but i love the disney song

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great? 7

Q: How many kids do you want/have? Have 0, want 1-2


1. Love or lust? Love

2. Cats or dogs? Dogs

3. One best friend or 10 regular friends? One best

4. Television or Internet? Who could choose?!

5. Heels or flats? tennis shoes (so I guess that's flats?)

6. Older or younger? don't care

7. Money or love? Love

8. Aim or phone? I don't use AIM anymore, but I don't use the phone much either


1. Been caught sneaking out? No

2. Done something you regret? Probably

3. Bungee Jumped? no

4. Been on a house boat? No

5. Finished an entire jaw breaker? No

6. Wanted someone so badly it hurt? Yes

7. Been cheated on? No

Survey...because I have worked my butt of this afternoon!

1. Who were you with last night? Nick and the two dogs

2. What woke you up this morning? Sydney whining

3. Where are you? at work

4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Eh, Wednesdays are boring

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No

6. When was the last time you cried? a few weeks

-The PAST-

7. Ever throw up in public? no

8. Passed out because of alcohol? no

9. Who's on your mind RIGHT NOW? i have to pee

10. Would you take a bullet for anyone? yes

11. Where would you like to live? the Hawaii

12. What kind of home would you like? one with no mortgage!

13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? in my nice home with my husband and dogs and a kid


14. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends? yeah

15. Who was the last person that left you a comment? Kevin, but it was a stupid spam thing


16. When was the last time you fell over / ran into something? the dog is tiny so she's tripping me up a lot

17. Do you listen to music everyday? yes

18. What was the last thing you ate? a soft taco

19. Ever been to NYC? yes

20. About how many people have you liked? not a whole lot

21. What are you doing this weekend? not sure

22. Whats your favorite type of pop? Sprite

23. Whats your LEAST favorite pop? diet anything

24. Have you ever won an award? sure

26. Are you listening to music right now? no

27. What's a quote that you love? don't care

28. How long till your birthday? like 7 or 8 months

29. When were you the saddest in your whole life? probably when i was 9 and my grandpa died. but then i got baptized, so that was cool.

30. What time is it? 4:06pm

31. What time do you want it to be? 4:30pm

32. What makes you mad? slow drivers and dogs that aren't housetrained!

33. Have you ever had a song written about you? no

34. What band(s) make(s) you happy? it makes me happy that i downloaded the whole Rascal Flatts cd and didn't have to pay for it

35. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? the tv

36. Do you have a job? yes

37. Do you shower before bed or the next morning (Or both)? usually at night

38. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Ocean blue

39. What makes you happy? my family

40. Whats the next CD you're gonna get? hopefully none

41. Name one of your favorite songs: don't have one

43. Are you taller than your sibling(s)? yes


I feel so much better. My throat is still a little scratchy, but I could breathe well enough to sleep all night. Sydney even slept through the night! She apparently has been used to whining and getting her way, so we will have fun stopping that. She likes her little camo bed, and she doesn't mind going in the crate to eat or sleep for a little while. But I know she doesn't understand why Isabelle can be out and run around and she can't. I'd be mad too. But mostly I'm relieved to be feeling better....hopefully that means I'm not allergic to the dog. Well I am, because I'm allergic to dog dander, but hopefully it's not so bad that I can't live with her. And once she's trained, I know there's no way I'll be able to keep her off the bed.

I am so excited about this week. All my tv shows are new! Dancing with the Stars was ok last night, but it's not really one of my favorites. The Bachelor was kind of stupid, but that's what you expect from it. Grey's Anatomy is obviously what I am most excited about. Somehow, I have to find time to catch up on ER before it's new also...still haven't done that.

Monday, September 24, 2007


So, let me tell you how my weekend went. Got the new dog Saturday. Either I'm still sick or I'm actually allergic to the dog. Didn't go to church yesterday or Financial Peace last night (Nick had to go to the investing one by himself, which makes me nervous). The dog is cute and playful but I like dogs for their cuddliness, and if I am too sick to cuddle it, what's the point? And Izzy is being a very good big sister...she wants to play but is being very cautious and she seems like she's looking out for Sydney (which is what we named her). Anyway I'm going to call Dr. Mercer today and hopefully she can dope me up so I can enjoy my new dog. I feel so guilty not letting her in the bedroom, especially since Izzy can sleep right up in the middle of the bed. Izzy's so awesome.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Ok, so I'm going to try again to post some pics of the dogs I'm hopefully going to look at this weekend:

Are they not so adorable? I think I'm leaning towards a bleheim (the brownish/red and white ones), but the tri-color is cute too. So I'll decide when I see them all together.

Hopefully I won't be sick then. I stayed home this afternoon and slept for a couple of hours but now I think the medicine is wearing off. I tried to get in to see Dr. Losekamp, but he couldn't see me until next week. That will do me a lot of good! Idiots. So I guess I will wait tomorrow and just go to UrgentCare if I still feel bad.


I'm sick:-( It sucks. I guess it is probably a sinus infection, since I can't breathe and my head hurt last night. My throat is starting to hurt now too. I've been sniffing my nose spray like crazy, so maybe that will keep it from getting too bad. I haven't had a sinus infection in so long. So this is disappointing. I put like 6 or 7 things for sale on eBay, so hopefully we can make some extra money. I want a new dog! I actually found some Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in Lexington, so hopefully I will be able to go pick one out soon. The woman emailed me with info and pictures. They are so adorable. Like Lady from Lady and the Tramp! And Elizabeth Taylor from Sex and the City. I think I want to name her Sydney...that was Izzy's second choice. But I'm probably getting all excited, and I won't even get one.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fun Weekend

I had a really good weekend. Which makes it harder to go back to work today, but oh well. Friday I came home from work to a surprise from my husband, which is very out of character for him (and possibly due more to my persistent nagging that anything else, but whatever works). It was very sweet, and proof that when he wants to, he actually can listen to me and pick up on subtle clues. Like that I had been craving chocolate all week and that I wanted a picture frame to put some wedding pictures up on the wall. And I got him a remote control truck. As part of our ABF study, we were supposed to buy each other an inexpensive gift showing something we think the other would be good at...I think ours were more hobbies (he has been wanting to do some stuff to his truck for awhile, I love pictures and scrapbooking). And then we went to Longhorn, which he loves. Which he used to love. We had to wait forever and then once we got in, we were still there forever. And the kids beside us were screaming, but the parents didn't seem to mind. Of course not.

But anyway, Saturday we went to the football game and then to Ohio County. Nick's grandparents had a cookout. And they finally had a picture of him on their fridge (thank you very much). They have tons of pics of all their other grandkids all over their house, and it has always bugged me (Nick is too nice to do anything about it, whereas I am not). So I printed off a wedding picture of us with his parents, and now it's on the fridge. It's kind of pitiful when you're made to feel like you have to compete for your grandparents' love. But every family is a little crazy I guess.

Yesterday, I got to watch the Braves. And even though it's totally irrelevant at this point, Tim Husdon threw a complete game shutout, and we won. It's one of the last games I might ever see on tv, since TBS sucks. And I bought a new digital camera. It's a Kodak, like my old one, but it has a better zoom. So now I get to put my little red one on Ebay. I'm a little sad about it actually, because it went on my honeymoon with me. Nick bought it for me. It has sentimental value. But oh well. We also looked at a house (that we can't afford). But it was nice and had 5 acres and a pool and basement. And it was in a good school district. I wish I was rich.

Friday, September 14, 2007


1.Who was your first prom date? Grant

2. Who was your first roommate? Lacy

3. What was your first alcoholic drink? Vodka and orange was nasty

4. What was your first job? Working at my dad's office

5. What was your first car? 1993 Mazda 626...but it wasn't 1993 when I got was like 1998?

6. Who was the first person you texted today? no one yet

7. Who is the first person you thought of this morning? The dog next door who was barking...I so think that is cruelty to animals

8. Who was your first grade teacher? Don't remember

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Chicago

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was with you? Don't remember doing that?

11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? Greg Hiles in Frankfort and no

12. Where was your first sleep over? no idea

13. First Kiss? what about it? I was in my bedroom. It was weird

14. Whose wedding were you in the first time? Mine

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Pull the covers over my head to drown out the dog

16. What was the first concert you ever went to? I think I saw the Temptations with my parents...only half of them were dead. I went to Lilith Fair...that was my first concert without parents

17. First tattoo or piercing? Ears when I was 12...and two more times after that. But all in the same place...I have issues.

18. First foreign country you went to? Mexico (does that count?)

19. First crush? Probably Greg...but I was only 5.

20. When was your first detention? Never had it

21. What was the first state you lived in? KY is the first and only

22. Who was your first love? Chipper

23. Who was the first person to break your heart? Can I go with Chipper again...every since except for 1995.

24. Who will be the first to repost this? No one

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Food is the Devil, Part 2

So I've changed my mind. I enjoy food way too much to cut back. I had ice cream last night at Bruster's (Arctic Chocolate Chunk...don't try it, it was bad), and I waited until all of 10:30 this morning to open the M&M's. I have zero willpower. But that's ok, food is too good for me to avoid.

So yesterday Nick and I talked about having a kid, and what it might be like to have one now. So I'm kind of freaking out. Not that we're going to have one now or even try to have one now, but I'm also thinking we might not wait the 5 years that was kind of in the back of our minds. I still think 3 years is our ideal time frame, but as much as it's been coming up in conversations lately, I'm not sure it will be that long either. And although it would definitely pose some financial questions for us, it would not really put us in an incredibly bad financial position. But as scary as all that is, what I'm really worried about is actually preparing to even try to get pregnant. All these websites have these long lists of what to eat and what not to eat...and take this vitamin, but not this! Eat fish, but not too much mercury! You can have caffeine but not too much! And no Excedrin (which for me, is chocolate, because Excedrin saves my life). And no allergy medicine....ok so some of these I wouldn't technically have to stop taking until I was actually pregnant. But still, it's scary. I'm going to be a picky-eating, sinus-infectiony, headache for 9 months. How will that be a happy time for me? Or really Nick either, because I will not be pleasant to be around. Anyway, I'm jumping way ahead of myself (I haven't been married 6 months). But it's scary.

On the other hand, what if we do wait three years, and my student loans are paid off, and we have some extra income to work with, and our financial situation is more stable...and it takes years to get pregnant? I hate the people who have to "put all their ducks in a row." I think it's stupid and impossible to control your entire life. That coming from me, queen of the Type A personality, major control-freak. I don't even kids, and they're already driving me nuts.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Food is the devil

I am super hungry. And I know there are M&M's in the kitchen. So I am trying very hard to be disciplined and not eat any of them. But I'm thinking of what I have at home to eat for lunch (salad) and it's not much. I guess I'm finally going to have to start eating healthier again and maybe exercising, because I haven't done anything since the wedding. So that means not drinking Sprite anymore and going back to Diets or water....more like Lemonade and Kool Aid, but close enough. I think it was seeing Britney Spears on tv...I mean she didn't look that bad, right? But people everywhere are making fun of her and saying she's fat. Don't get me wrong, I think she looked awful (b/c she's a freaking millionnaire who gets paid to do that sort of thing...and exercising and laying off the fatty food and alcohol should come with the job). Luckily I don't have cameras following me everywhere I go (although I think they would get tired of me pretty quickly, as I don't actually do anything newsworthy). But if I did, I would not be happy with the way I look in the pictures. So I guess I have to quit the snacking on chocolate and eating ice cream every day and drinking 5 cans of Sprite. And the Doritos. Life is not fair.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Work should be ok today, since most of the coaches are out of town. Which is good because I have some things to get done. And then there's that whole working thing. I might try that also.

Nick and I are working through a book about the Dream Team for our ABF class. At the end of each chapter, it gives us kind of guidance for what to ask God for, as it relates to our marriage anyway. And then it wants us to record what he tells us. I've always thought that seemed kind of stupid b/c God doesn't talk to me. But last night when I was taking a shower, I sdtarted thinking about the things that Nick and I have problems with. Like that main things that we argue about and that I would say are issues in our marriage. And I know he would agree that it seems like we know exactly how to push each other's buttons. He has a problem with patience sometimes and I definitely test his patience a lot. And the arguments we have almost always seem to test me in the things I most need to work on. And it was like, all of a sudden I understood why God has put these things in our marriage. If our arguments help him become a more patient person and help me (in a lot of ways...I have lots of issues!), then it will be worth it. I'm just glad that I'm married to someone who also understands that and is committed to our relationship. So God (kind of anyway) talked to me! How exciting.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Nicole Kidman

I've never been a big fan of hers, but I like her a little more now (mainly b/c of my disliking of Tom Cruise, which leads me to feel sorry for her). But I read in People about her "yearning" to have a baby of her own, and how it's taken her so long to get there and she still can't do it. And now apparently her husband isn't ready for that (even though he's what, 40 almost? but he was / in on drugs and / or alcohol, so who knows), but she thinks he's "getting there slowly." It makes me sad that the poor girl just keeps choosing these guys who treat her badly and seem to care very little for her. And then there are people like Sheryl Crow who have also had bad things happen to them, but they don't become a victim to it. She adopted a did Jodie Foster. Without a husband. And also I put Halle Berry in the same category as Nicole Kidman. You have all the money in the world. A lot of people can't afford adoption. If you really want a child, adopt one. If you have to have your own with a man, then quit falling for losers who will never be ready to commit. What a diatribe. Who am I to even be talking about this?