Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So I finally asked and I do get Thursday and Friday off! Woohoo. 2 whole days of trying to sleep in and having a dog whine at me. I supposed I could shut her in another room, but that just seems cruel and like it would probably make the problem worse. Apparently my post yesterday about the unexpected money attracted the attention of someone in Iraq, so now I'm a little worried.

I have been praying a lot lately for patience in not judging others. This has always been a huge problem for me, and it still is. I am very bad at rushing to judgment and I'm not sure why. I think it might be because of my lack of self-confidence, which I try to cover up with over-confidence. Or maybe I'm just a really mean person who likes to make fun of people. Either way, I need to not be that way. But, related to that, I get very annoyed when people talk excessively about themselves. Over problems that are relatively unimportant. Like people that have prayer requests for everyone they've ever met and their sore wrist and their job. I know that's bad, but there are so many actual really serious things going on in the world, that some things really just aren't that important. Just be thankful for what you do have. I think that's the difference between me and a lot of people. I'm afraid I would look selfish if I ask people to pray for my 80 million issues. B/c really, we've all got them. Anyway that's my little rsnt for today. Hopefully that won't be of too much interest to the Iraqis. Do they pray to Allah? Or Muhammad?

Oh yeah, P.S. - My husband is driving me nuts. He's been very stressed at work, and his way of not bringing work home is just not to talk about it. But he still thinks about it. Constantly. He's been very distracted lately. And very anal about having a clean house also. So tonight my plan is to curl up in my bed with my new Nicholas Sparks book and watch Dancing with the Stars and Tori and Dean: Inn Love, and hang out with Isabelle. And eat some Lucky Charms and Oreo ice cream. And not do any cleaning (lest you think I am lazy and never help, I helped with dinner last night, did the dishes, walked the dogs, and did the laundry).

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