My four day weekend was so fast. I had a headache for half of it and still do. Not sure why, but I made a doctor's appt. Wednesday, so maybe I'll find out. Actually I don't really care if I find out, I just want some medicine. That preferably won't knock me out. My head's been pretty annoying lately. I think they're combo stress/sinus/staring at a computer screen/not getting enough sleep headaches. Of course I could always have a brain tumor. That would be disappointing. Dave Ramsey just convinced me last night that I might be a millionnaire by the time I retire! So I'm looking forward to that. But they make me want to puke. So it's not cool. Before I could always take Excedrin and lie down, and they'd go away. Now I can't do anything for them so I am mostly disabled. They ruined my plans this weekend. Oh well.
Nick just told me that he has some Saving Bonds his grandmother got him. Woohoo. I love money that before was unknown to me. Obviously he had hoped to hide it from me until I die, but seeing as how I will likely outlive him, that wouldn't do anybody any good. So there's our money to open an IRA. I feel slightly bad that we're taking Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps just a little out of order. But that's better than just not doing them, right?
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