Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Since Andrea sort of tagged me for this...


1- Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. (There's already a link to Andrea's site so no need to do that)

2- Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.

3- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. (Don't even know 7 people who have blogs really)

4- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (way too much work)

1. I can't decide whether I want to start having kids or go to Hawaii

2. I am probably one of the most disagreeable people you will ever meet. Like, if you say something, I will probably disagree. And I will most definitely strongly believe that I am right.

3. I also went to Europe for two weeks when I was 16. I hated it.

4. I love, love, love to scrapbook. My scrapbooks pretty much consist of pictures and stickers, but I love to do it and they look so much better than photo albums.

5. Career-wise, I feel like a failure. As in, I don't have a career, And with my education, I don't really see myself going anywhere.

6. As opposed to Andrea, I do prefer dogs that lick people all the time. I learned recently that's it how they show respect and submission to the dog or person/people they consider the pack leader. Which so explains why Izzy licks Nick and I constantly. And now Sydney has started licking Izzy. And plus, Isabelle is a very affectionate dog. And I think it's awesome that my dog knows what it means when I tell her to give me a kiss.

7. Getting Sydney to lay down this morning (on the second try!) will probably be the biggest accomplishment of my week.

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