Monday, October 15, 2007

No Headache Today

Yay for not having a headache today. I felt like I was maybe getting one when I got to work, so I took an Axert and it seemed to have worked. So far no really terrible side effects from the Topamax. I have felt like my fingers and feet go to sleep more often, but I've never had great circulation to begin with. And I feel exhausted most of the time, but again, not out of the ordinary for me. I do always feel like I have this pain or pressure in the back of my head that might turn into a headache, which is weird. And annoying. But so far it hasn't today, so that's good. I've missed my headache-free life. I think my husband has missed me also.

Tonight we get the awesomely exciting job of going to the grocery. That is, after I run to the post office (at 4:30, which is always a joy at the post office) and the bank. Walmart is so much fun. And the new show with Christina Applegate comes on tonight so I want to watch it. Plus the Bachelor! The stupidest show ever.

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