Wednesday, December 19, 2007


By the way, no, they don't make me hate UK because I work at Western. Actually I work at WKU because I love WKU, which is also why I hate UK. Trust me, I have to love WKU to work here and put up with the stuff I put up (and the pay, which sucks). But anyway. It's been kind of fun this year to dislike UK. Especially last night. I'm not sure how many players getting hurt at shootaround or walk thru it takes for a coach to realize that he's doing something wrong. But when it's your your best player, I would think that would be it. Guess not. Anyway, hopefully this will be one year with no UK in the NCAA tournament.

Last night we took the dogs to the mall to get their picture taken with Santa. There were tons of dogs there, but surprisingly ours were very well behaved. And the picture is cute.

After working registration at Winter Clinic I get to go home and not come back to work for almost 2 weeks. I cannot wait to sleep in with my dogs and read some books (I am halfway through 2 Chronicles, which is the last book I have left to finish the Bible this year), and mostly just not work.

Monday, December 17, 2007

2 more days to go!

Only 1 more day (plus a few hours on Wednesday) to go at work. I'm getting excited about my Christmas break, because I really can't believe I'm getting one. I did last year too, but still. This place is not usually about the time off. Even though the entire university is closed. But it sill be hard to come back to work at the beginning of next year. I will only have Hawaii to look forward to (not only like it's not awesome and exciting and I can't wait! But only like it will still be almost 5 months away). And I'm already planning our next vacation so I'm completely vacation-obsessed.

The WKU-UT game in Nashville was awesome, and would have been about 200 times more so if they had won. And then all I have heard is how great we played. And I agree that we played great, we played hard. Blah blah blah. We outplayed them, we outrebounded them, pretty sure we had fewer turnovers. We totally held Chris Lofton in check. And I think it's great to be able to say when we play these teams that we are no doubt as talented and athletic as what will probably be the best team in the SEC this year. But we have to win. It doesn't matter how well we play or anything else, if we can't win these games against good teams. People seem so complacent and content to just compete and come close to winning. Where has that gotten us? Obviously nowhere. But it helped that UK lost (again). And to Mike Davis no less. His hatred for UK has definitely make me like him. And U of L also lost, so hopefully now they will finally drop out of the polls. Not sure how many crappy teams you can lost to before they figure out you shouldn't be ranked. Oh wait, it's Rick Pitino. Duh.

The doggies are both getting haircuts today. I'm worried about Sydney. She seemed scared this morning, and I felt guilty just leaving her there with strangers. Plus I'm a little nervous about she'll behave. But they haven't called yet so hopefully she's ok. They gave to look pretty to have their pictures taken with Santa tomorrow:-)

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I need to pray for patience. I have a problem with it. In little situations, like traffic, and in bigger situations also. The bigger situations have a lot to do with wanting to control my life instead of letting God do it. But how do you know when it's just you wnting to do something and when you know because it's God telling you that's the right time? Just because someone else doesn't agree doesn't mean they know God's plan.

But anyway that was actually a reaction to my stupid doctor's office. I had finally found this NP that I loved and apparently now she moved. My prescription for Axert is for 12 pills and my insurance only allows me 9 a month. So this month I ran out a week and a half to go and I still have 3 more days before I can refill. I got on the website and it says I have to have a Prior Authorization to receive more than 9. And I can get that if someone from the doctor's office will call and tell them that I am a migraine sufferer, on preventative which is working, and that NSAID's and other painkillers don't work (when I looked it up, I got OTC stuff, which obviously wasn't working). So it seemed pretty straight forward, and they even said that patients can be approved for up to 18 pills a month. So anyway the lady who is handling this at the doctor's office is having trouble. She called me last night and today to ask what the problem was. I already get 9 so why do I need more. Lady, the Nurse you work for wrote my prescription for 12. I'm out and I need more, so 9 is not going to cut it. So she said she'd call back and see, but she didn't know if they would do it or not. Well not if you talk to them like that. So she just called back to say they're "investigating" and they'll let her know something in 3-5 days. Seriously? For 3 more pills? I'm going to have to refill my prescription before then. I hate doctors and I hate my head for hurting and making me have to go see one.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Survey and a little pet peeve

I was reading someone's blog today (because I was actually doing work today but I do take the occassional break...ok more accurately, I was messing around online and I took an occassional break to work) and they showed these pictures of their dog in a crate. Now I'm all about crate training. Actually I'm not, because Izzy never needed it and got trained super fast. But Sydney has come so far and actually will go in her crate (her house is what we call it, after Nick had an unfortunate accident where he yelled in her face to get in her cage) voluntarily to eat dinner. Mostly because she's a pig and would eat 20 meals a day if she could. Anyway. My hope is that the day will come (and soon) when we won't have to use the stupid thing anymore. And honestly the only reason I put her in there now is because a). her and Izzy love to play-fight which scares me and obviously can hurt them and b). Sydney can't eat Izzy's food and vice versa. But I think she is finally house trained. She slept in the bed with us again last night and was fine all night. Except for about 2:30am when she walked on top of both of us. But then she went back to sleep. But no peeing in the bed so far. Anyway on to the survey.

What kind of soap is in your bathtub? Dove Exfoliating bar soap and also Bath & Body Works (some type of orange tropical i don't remember the name kind that reminds me of Hawaii)

Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No

What would you change about your living room? make it a little bigger

Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? clean, unless Nick unloaded it last night

What is in your refrigerator? seriously? sprite, diet sunkist, milk, mustard, butter, BBQ sauce, spaghetti sauce, pork, potato salad, cheese, and some other realy random stuff. We are in desperate need of a grocery run.

What is on top of your refrigerator? some pictures and candles

What color or design is on your shower curtain? sailboats

How many plants are in your home? only one, but it's fake, and it's my Christmas tree

Is your bed made right now? almost, and i have no idea how we managed to keep it that way last night

Comet or Soft Scrub? Soft Scrub.

Is your closet organized? yes, my clothes are hanging from sweaters to long sleeves to 3/4 sleeves to short sleeves to tank tops, then pants & skirts (arranged my color). And my 2nd closet is all organized with rubbermaids (one for purses and travel bags, one for sweaters and sweatshirts, one for WKU stuff, one for Braves stuff, one for Nick and I stuff, three for wedding stuff, one for honeymoon stuff, one for sheets/comforters, one for stuffed animals (I can't throw them away). I love organization.

Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Glass. Well actually can

Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? No but I have a jug that I got from Whitt's

If you have a garage, is it cluttered? No it's not cluttered. If our tiny garage was cluttered we could never fit my car in it

Curtains or blinds? Blinds right now, but I want curtains. Problem is the ones I like are really useless.

How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep on 4, but we have about 8 million on the bed (actually only 7)

Do you sleep with any lights on at night? There's a nightlight out in the living room so we can see if we need to walk Sydney but other than that, no

How often do you vacuum? whenever Nick feels the urge

What color is your toothbrush? blue

Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? yeah, it's a Braves mat

What is in your oven right now? nothing. I'm at work

Is there anything under your bed? not in the master bedroom. In the spare though, yes. Again though, it's organized.

Chore you hate doing the most? I don't discrimate. I hate them all.

What retro items are in your home? none that i know of

Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Nick's hunting room is where the computer desk and filing cabinet are

How many mirrors are in your home? 3

What color are your walls? all different colors. i love color

Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? totally. nick has like 22 guns there and i keep my baseball bat under the bed

What does your home smell like right now? i don't know, my nose is stopped up. I wanted it to smell like cinnamon and spice, but i couldn't light the candles:-(

Favorite candle scent? oh i just answered this. Those are my favorites in the winter anyway. In the summer it's peach and ocean-y ones

What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? none in the fridge but some his grandmother made on the counter

Ever been on your roof? No, but Nick has to put up the Christmas lights

Do you have a stereo? a small one for my iPod to hook into

How many house phones? None

Do you have a housekeeper? i wish (actually i don't)

What style do you decorate in? Christina style?

Is there a smoke detector in your house? a few

In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you'd grab if you could make only one trip? my two dogs, pics and scrapbooks, my purse, medicine, doggies' medicine, laptop...and I'd be dead by now

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are all Republicans this stupid?

Not that Deomcrats are always the brightest either. I'm a little pissed off that Obama is using Oprah, but on the other hand, it's kind of brilliant. You need women and black people to win, so you get to Oprah, the most influential person in the media today (who just happens to be a woman and also African American). And oh yeah, she has so much money that she could throw billions at your campaign and not even notice. Pretty smart.

I'm still hoping for a woman presiden though. Before I have a daughter, I would love for our country to have a female leader. Not that there's any reason why our country should only have white presidents either. Seriously our country is screwed up. Please just let it be a Democrat.

Forgive me...

if I talk about my dogs like they're my kids, but really, they pretty much are. Isabelle's poor eyes look a lot better, but we have to put a cream on her eyeballs. It's gross. But she's actually a lot more mature about it than I would be. And Sydney was so good when I was home for lunch. She played with her toys by herself while I ate, and then she sat in my lap and watched the Dog Whisperer with me. And last night she slept in the bed with us for the first time. And she slept through the whole night. Well, until 5:30, but that's because Nick's alarm went off. She is finally starting to grow up. Next week she gets spayed. I don't think Isabelle liked her sleeping in the bed, because she jumped down in the middle of the night and slept by herself in her own little bed all night. So we're going to have to figure out how to fit all 4 of us. I imagine at some point Izzy and Sydney will end up in the bed and me and Nick will be sleeping in the floor.

So that is pretty much all that is going on with me. Lots of money going to the vet lately. I'm also trying to finish up the Walk through the Word that we've been doing at church this year. I have 4 more books to read, I think the Kings and Chronicles. I'm glad that we're going to be doing something similar next year again, because I will be able to focus more on the daily devotional and not so much on the goal of actually reading through the whole Bible. I've gotten behind so many times this year that I've had to struggle to catch up. So next year I'll be able to focus on comprehension, because some parts I've had a really hard time with.

Anyway, if I can only make it through the next 6 and 1/2 days of work, I will be off for 9 1/2 (paid) days. I love Christmas. I totally love Christmas. Especially this one, my first with my husband!

Monday, December 10, 2007

7 more days

until I get a break! Well 7 1/2 a half. And then I get almost 2 weeks off. Two whole weeks of paid holiday time. It's kind of crazy that's it's almost Christmas. Especially since it's going to be 70 again tomorrow. The weather is doing a job on my allergies. I was out sick Friday with a sinus infection. And then I got better over the weekend, but now the rain has got my nose all messed up. Not to mention my hair.

My weekend was actually halfway relaxing (which is never a good sign, obviously) until last night. We finished our Christmas shopping (and I think we actually got Nick's grandparents a gift they will like, which is so hard), and watched lots of basketball and cleaned house. And then last night I was getting out of the shower at 9:00 and Nick yelled at me. Well first of all, you have to know Nick. He works in pressure situations all day, and there apparently he's very good at it. At home, not so much. He freaks out. So anyway he's yelling at me and I think seriously he might have been crying. Sydney I guess scratched Isabelle in the eye and she wouldn't open it, and when we made her, it did look bad. But he's convinced she's going to go blind, but yet he won't call anybody about it. Seriously, he panics. Luckily, I'm completely the opposite. I panic if I miss the first 5 seconds of Grey's Anatomy, but I'm ok in a crisis. So we called our vet's office and got the # for the on-call vet. Anyway we washed it out with saline solution and I dropped her off at the vet this morning. And I'm fairly positive she's not blind. But I'm pretty sure it was God's way of telling us to hold off on having kids, because we had been having that discussion. It's kind of hard to know when the right time for that is. I don't think there will ever be a time when we'll have enough money saved up to really feel comfortable. And seriously, does having enough money actually make somebody a good parent or not? But then again, being responsible does I guess. Blah, I'm really trying hard here to procrastinate at work.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Not so fun night

Nick had this thing last night and didn't end up getting home until 7:30. Which I'm sure seems like no bid deal, but when you're used to your husband being home at 4:30, and calling when he's not, it's kind of scary. I was mad, then I was scared and convinced he was lying dead in a hospital, then I thought maybe he had decided to leave me. But his truck needs to be fixed and I know him. He'd fix his truck before he'd leave me. And he needed me to help him drop off his truck. So we got to do that at 10:00 last night, after he replaced the battery in it. But I guess it's better than it needing a new transmission, which he thought it might. So yay for having an emergency fund for which to fund our emergency.

I sent out Christmas cards today, and I thought I was sooo close to being the first. But then we got one from Nick's parents in the mail today. But at least I know I'll always do it before my parents. It was very sweet. They think we're happy:-) That being said, I wish we'd come into a lot of money, because I'm kind of dying to have kids. Oh yeah, but I want Sydney to get trained first. Because a baby and Sydney the devil dog would not be good.

A pet peeve of mine is when the city or state or county or whoever does it, puts all that stuff on the roads "just in case" we get one drop of icy precip. Is it even supposed to snow? Usually when it is, you can't help but know thanks to Chris Allen and Shane Hollinde interrupting every show you ever thought about watching. Stop wasting my tax money and save your winter road supplies. Maybe you could even send them to those people who actually need them. Or wait, we could use that part of our budget for education...or one of the many other needs our crappy state has. No wonder we're third on the list of most depressed states. Hey that's a thought. Put the money toward treatment of mental health problems. Nah.

Monday, December 3, 2007

A first

Possibly the first time my job has made a difference in the life of someone else:
How cool that something I take for granted every day now can be so important for somebody.

6 month anniversary

This weekend was our six month wedding anniversary! And we finally got our wedding pictures back. The ones that were right anyway. But that's ok, I have them in frames, ready to go on the wall, and I will never ever use that crappy place again.

But anyway, Saturday we went shopping in Nashville with Nick's parents' We went to Cool Springs, where I spent all my blow money. But I did get an awesome Braves wreath for the door. Seriously, I love it. And some toys for the dogs, a new purse and wallet, a new memory card for my camera, frames for the above-mentioned pictures, some shirts from GAP, and a 2008 Hawaii calendar. Yesterday Nick took me to eat at Red Lobster. But now my fun weekend is over and I'm back at work. And I don't get any more spending money until January.

I only have to work 2 1/2 more weeks until I get off for Christmas break. At least, until I'm supposed to get off. Last year I did. And I'm taking off the 21st for sure. I think Nick is taking off also. The dogs will be at the vet.

I'm not in the mood to work. I'm feeling lazy. I'm totally ready to have kids and stay at home.