Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I'm sick:-( It sucks. I guess it is probably a sinus infection, since I can't breathe and my head hurt last night. My throat is starting to hurt now too. I've been sniffing my nose spray like crazy, so maybe that will keep it from getting too bad. I haven't had a sinus infection in so long. So this is disappointing. I put like 6 or 7 things for sale on eBay, so hopefully we can make some extra money. I want a new dog! I actually found some Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in Lexington, so hopefully I will be able to go pick one out soon. The woman emailed me with info and pictures. They are so adorable. Like Lady from Lady and the Tramp! And Elizabeth Taylor from Sex and the City. I think I want to name her Sydney...that was Izzy's second choice. But I'm probably getting all excited, and I won't even get one.

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