Friday, October 19, 2007

Survey from Brandy

1. Do you hate your last boyfriend/girlfriend? No not at all

2. When is the last time you took a nap? Um probably last weekend, but I plan to after work today.

3. Do you only drink bottled water? Either bottled water or water from the big jug that you buy. Tap water is iffy

4. Have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend mad? for sure

5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Nick, who I was supposed to call back. Oopsie

6. Who was the last person to text you? probably my boss

7. Who was the last person to send you a Myspace message? I keep getting those stupid Macy's gift card crap messages

8. Who was on your mind most today? myself and my headache

9. Are you happier single or in a relationship? in my marriage

12. Is your cellphone through Cingular? yeah..well AT&T now..whatever

13. Have you dated people who were not good for you? not really dated

14. How will you spend your next B-Day? I don't know. but two weeks after that, i will be in Hawaii!

16. Are you missing someone? I miss my home, so that means my husband and two dogs. And also my bed, which is not a someone

17. Do you like to snowboard? never done it

18. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on what they did

19. What instant messaging service do you use? i don't really use any. I used to use AIM constantly. Now I chat on Gmail sometimes

20. Would you believe your ex if they said they still loved you? who cares?

21. What's your most hated food? i don't know, i hate tons of foods. Hot dogs are gross

22. What's your favorite color? Blue

23. Would you date your best friend? I am married to him so yes

24. Who was your favorite teacher in middle school? Coach Morand...or Ms. Flannery...or Mr. Snead

25. Have you ever had a panic attack? no

27. What color is your hair? lightish brown

29. How old are your siblings? my only sister is 12

32. What do you want most right now? to not get headaches anymore

33. What is a major pet peeve of yours? complaining about the house being clean (or not clean actually)! slow drivers...i have so many

34. When was your last kiss? this morning, but i was asleep

35. What are you doing tonight? I have no idea. Hopefully Nick is fixing dinner and I am going to take a nap, so that when I wake up, my headache will be gone. But at some point I need to shower and straighten my hair since I won't have time tomorrow morning.

36. Is your myspace display name from a song? No

38. Are you happy at the moment? yes because it's friday

40. Do you have a wood floor or carpet in your bedroom? carpet

41. Do you have a hidden stash of candy somewhere? at work - not hidden really....but only some people know where it's at

42. Do you have over 100 CDs? definitely

43. What are you wearing right now? black pants and a green shirt

44. Is your phone right beside you? it's in my purse, so no

45. Are you cold? no

46. What will you be doing in 2 hours? just getting home!

47. Recently done anything you regret? no

48. Ever trip over your own feet? not too often

49. Favorite color pen ink to use? i lovve to use different color pens! like purple

50. Do you wish someone would call you? no i want to watch Grey's Anatomy online uninterrupted.

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