Monday, September 24, 2007


So, let me tell you how my weekend went. Got the new dog Saturday. Either I'm still sick or I'm actually allergic to the dog. Didn't go to church yesterday or Financial Peace last night (Nick had to go to the investing one by himself, which makes me nervous). The dog is cute and playful but I like dogs for their cuddliness, and if I am too sick to cuddle it, what's the point? And Izzy is being a very good big sister...she wants to play but is being very cautious and she seems like she's looking out for Sydney (which is what we named her). Anyway I'm going to call Dr. Mercer today and hopefully she can dope me up so I can enjoy my new dog. I feel so guilty not letting her in the bedroom, especially since Izzy can sleep right up in the middle of the bed. Izzy's so awesome.

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