until I get a break! Well 7 1/2 a half. And then I get almost 2 weeks off. Two whole weeks of paid holiday time. It's kind of crazy that's it's almost Christmas. Especially since it's going to be 70 again tomorrow. The weather is doing a job on my allergies. I was out sick Friday with a sinus infection. And then I got better over the weekend, but now the rain has got my nose all messed up. Not to mention my hair.
My weekend was actually halfway relaxing (which is never a good sign, obviously) until last night. We finished our Christmas shopping (and I think we actually got Nick's grandparents a gift they will like, which is so hard), and watched lots of basketball and cleaned house. And then last night I was getting out of the shower at 9:00 and Nick yelled at me. Well first of all, you have to know Nick. He works in pressure situations all day, and there apparently he's very good at it. At home, not so much. He freaks out. So anyway he's yelling at me and I think seriously he might have been crying. Sydney I guess scratched Isabelle in the eye and she wouldn't open it, and when we made her, it did look bad. But he's convinced she's going to go blind, but yet he won't call anybody about it. Seriously, he panics. Luckily, I'm completely the opposite. I panic if I miss the first 5 seconds of Grey's Anatomy, but I'm ok in a crisis. So we called our vet's office and got the # for the on-call vet. Anyway we washed it out with saline solution and I dropped her off at the vet this morning. And I'm fairly positive she's not blind. But I'm pretty sure it was God's way of telling us to hold off on having kids, because we had been having that discussion. It's kind of hard to know when the right time for that is. I don't think there will ever be a time when we'll have enough money saved up to really feel comfortable. And seriously, does having enough money actually make somebody a good parent or not? But then again, being responsible does I guess. Blah, I'm really trying hard here to procrastinate at work.
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