So here's the deal. I don't really feel very well, so I'm going to try to distract myself for a little while with this survey.
1. Has anyone seen you in your underwear lately?
2. Is it awkward when you run into your exes?
I don't have many exes and I don't see the ones I do have too often, but I would say it is awkward, yes
3. Have you kissed someone this past week?
Yes, but not very often, because he's been sick. And now we both have sore throats.
4. When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
I talked to Mikaela on Sunday.
5. What did you do the last time you were home alone?
6. Do you ever wanna know who you are going to marry?
I'm already married
7. Have you ever watched the Real World?
yeah. It's a stupid show
8. How much cash do you have on you?
I have my gas cash, but we have already used up all our entertainment and grocery money
9. Who are the 3rd and 7th texts in your phone?
I don't know, I delete them as soon as I reaad them. But all my texts are either from work, or basketball scores
10. Are you tanned?
No, but hopefully I will get a tan in Hawaii
11. Are you upset with anyone?
No, but I feel pretty certain that Sydney did something she wasn't supposed to do at home this morning. But I couldn't find it, whatever it was. And now when I do find it, it will be too late to punish her. She's getting pretty clever about her hiding places, but she hasn't quite mastered not looking guilty. But I'm upset, because her little guilty face is adorable.
12. who are you not talking to?
No one, although sometimes it might be easier with my parents. I get to go to the tournament in Mobile, and Nick doesn't have anymore vacation days, so he can't go. I called my dad to invite him to go with me, but now my mom's going. 8 hours in a car (my car, and she's a terrible driver) each way, stuck in one small hotel room with someone I have nothing in common with. It will be a test.
13. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
Yeah, but not too often. Nothing too awful has happened to most of my friends or loved ones so far. We have all been pretty fortunate up to this point.
14. Did you get any compliments today?
15. Have you ever gone to court?
I've been to the courthouse a lot, but not for my own personal reasons
16. Are you friends with your neighbors?
No, but that's bad.
17. Have you ever punched a guy?
18. Do you get jealous easily?
Used to, but I think it usually tends to have the opposite effect intended. And I'm married now, so if he cheats, I get all the money!
19. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
20. Bricked someones house?
21. Have you ever had a crush on your brother or sisters friends?
No, but my sister is 12, so that would be weird
22. Have you ever gone to the beach?
Yes, several times. I'm so excited about Hawaii in 3 1/2 months!
23. What are you listening to?
25. How good is your eyesight?
Not too bad...25/20 I think? It's gotten a lot better over the years. I used to have to wear glasses that were about 5 inches thick.
26. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
No, but swimming with the dolphins was awesome and I can't wait to do it again
27. Have you ever been out of your country?
I've walked across the border to Mexico a couple of times. I've also been to a few countries in Europe.
28. Would your parents be mad if you got arrested for fighting?
I think it would just be a weird situation all around if I got arrested for fighting. Could I even stay in a fight long enough for the cops to show?
29. Do you have a Honda, Toyota or Nissan?
No, but close (to the first two anyway). It's a Mazda.
30. What time did you wake up this morning?
31. What are you doing saturday?
Oh, that reminded me. I am going to email a friend and see if she needs help at church with Love101
32. What is in your back pocket?
No back pocket with these pants
33. What were you doing at 3am this morning?
34. What do you usually do first in the morning?
I snooze for 10 minutes and then I get up and get dressed
35. Ever went in a car with people you just met?
36. Made out for more than 3 minutes?
I'm married now
37. Slept in a different bed?
No. I love my bed. And the husband has to sleep in the other bed, right?
38. Made out in a cinema?
If I'm going to pay the rip off prices to go to a movie, I actually watch the movie. I have a house I could stay at for free
39. drove in a car with people you just met?
I think this is a repeat
40. Thought your cousin was hot?
No, but also ew