So this weekend was actually kind of boring. And nice! Target FINALLY got some new clothes in so I bought quite a few things there. They had a lot of things in this really pretty blue color, so I was excited about it. It seems like they've had the same clothes for the past 2 years, and also it seems that their clothing prices have been getting more and more expensive. But the stuff I got was pretty cheap. I also ordered my swim suit and a couple of other things from J. Crew...also blue. So I should be all set for Hawaii. And also I've spent all my blow money, which is unfortunate. I did so well with the saving for so long. Nick and I also had time finally to put some stuff on eBay, like my Nintendo and his Sega. Their rates are going up (well, they say they're going down, but the % they charge if you sell something goes way up) on Feb. 20th so we wanted to get it listed and ended before then. We got out the stuff and played it (just to make sure it still worked). I used to love my Nintendo. Mostly just the Super Mario Bros. But I can only play for about 10 minutes and then I get bored. I can't sit still that long. And someone has already bid on it.
Church yesterday was thought-provoking for me. There are a lot of times when I go to church, and the message really grabs my attention and then the next day I forget about it. But yesterday Jason talked about using our time, talent and abilities to do more for God, and creating margin so we are able to do this. And sometimes I feel so guilty that I don't do enough. I feel like I am trying to do so much to grow in my personal relationship with Christ, through reading the Bible, attending worship services, ABF, small group, marriage classes, reading other books, devotionals, alone time with God, prayer, tithing, etc. And that's awesome, because my relationship with God has come so far in the past year and a half or so. I feel like I am a much better wife (although nowhere near what I need to be) because of it, and hopefully will be a better mother also. But I know that it will be a never-ending process. But just focusing on MY relationship with God is not enough. And really, it just goes to show how selfish I am. Jason said during his message that if God only wanted us to be saved so that we could go to Heaven, as soon as we were saved, he would kill us and take us right then. But he doesn't. He has a greater purpose for us...he wants us to do good. And I have so many excuses...I don't know what I can do (I can't sing, I can't build anything, I'm not good with people, etc), I don't have tons of money, I don't have the probably know how it is. But the truth is, God has blessed me with so much. Everything that I have I have because of him, and it all belongs to him. So how can I be so selfish with it all? But yet, God loves me anyway, and I don't have to depend on my actions and my works to earn his love or to get into heaven. Because of his grace, and his Son, I just have to believe. But, I still need to strive to do more. Whether it's giving money or donating time to some cause or activity, or whatever, I need to do more. Most days, I get a devotional emailed to me (the Purpose Filled Life devotional), and ironically, today's was about this.
Your good works will be powered by God’s grace – “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV)
Also, last night in our Strenthenging Your Marriage class, we finished up our section on the Wife's Role (Being Submissive). Obviously, if you know me very well, you might know that I am not by nature a submissive person. But knowing that God commands me to do it kind of means that I have to do it whether I feel like it or not. And luckily I don't have a husband who would ever try to make any big decision without my input. Not that we've really had to make any big decisions yet. Although when to get married, buy a house, and also the discussions on when to start having kids I would say are big decisions. But anyway, it was a lot of information, and I think it's good that we're doing this at the beginning of our marriage. And next week is the role of the husband, so Nick has to learn how to lead. And I still get to have a say in everything and also correct him (lovingly, of course).
So, this weeks looks like it will be a busy one. I get to have my cavity filled this afternoon (yay me!) and get some stuff for Nick's Valentine's Day gifts. My parents have to be out of their house by Friday night, so they're moving, and I have to get the last of my stuff sometime this week. Also, it sounds like theit moving has been completely chaotic, so I am going to go over and label some stuff. Because chaos and lack of organization drives me nuts. And I don't want to hear about the things they've lost 8 years from now in this move. Wednesday night the guys play Troy, Thursday night is Valentine's Day (Nick says he has it all planned), and Friday night we're going to see Brad Paisley! Plus, work is very busy. This is the only break I've had all day, which might explain why I'm writing so much!
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