I am tired of the politics. I listened to Mitt Romney quit today, and afterwards, I was very glad he did. But now I'm listening to John McCain, and honestly, I don't understandhow people living in the same country can have such different ideas. I guess that's what makes it great, but ack! My head wants tp explode. Republicans are nuts. And it's my blog so I can say that if I want to. And I do...a hundred million times. James Dobson is nuts and I know he's on WayFm and I'm all for raising your children in a Christian home, but he's nuts. And why do they all think Democrats are the ones who want to influence every part of our lives (big government) when Republicans are the ones who want to legislate everything (who we can marry, that we shouldn't be able to get abortions, that our phones can be tapped and our emails read, etc). I want to be able to make my own decisions! I am so ashamed to live in America sometimes and that makes me mad b/c I love my country. I'm very sorry that my blog has become mostly my political rantings lately, but Nick is not too much into politics, so it has to come out somewhere.
Also, for Valentine's Day Nick is taking me to see Brad Paisley next week! He even looked up Duke tickets for me, but the cheapest ones start at $300 each. So maybe another time. Now I just have to figure out what to get him.
1 comment:
And now... we conservatives are faced with a decision.
The talk of Pat Robertson endorsing Rudy Giuliani now means nothing (not that it ever did!)
Neither does anyone care about the wide evangelical support that Mitt Romney won over.
We now have, on the left, Senator John McCain whom Dr. James Dobson says "is not a conservative, and in fact, has gone out of his way to stick his thumb in the eyes of those who are. He has sounded at times more like a member of the other party." John McCain promotes amnesty for illegal immigrants, he called Samuel Alito "too conservative" (a good indication of the judges he would appoint), he supports embryonic stem-cell research, and he has little regard for freedom of speech.
On the right: Governor Mike Huckabee, with 10 years of experience governing, a staunch pro-life record, and a proven force for defending marriage and religious liberties. During those 10 years, he reduced welfare roles by 50%, returned $400 million to taxpayers, and was called "One of America's Best Governors" by TIME Magazine.
Governor Huckabee's platform calls for secure borders, supporting the military, and reining in the rising costs of healthcare and energy through practical, market-driven methods.
And today, there is finally justice as Dr. Dobson endorses Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Conservatives need to back Governor Mike Huckabee for the good of our nation. Or do we have Hillary or Obama fans out there?
The lack of enthusiasm for Huckabee is baffling and, frankly, a betrayal of a man who has faithfully served his country--with conservative principles guiding his every step.
Can conservatives of all stripes unite around what we're FOR, rather than what we're AGAINST? If so, our values just might be represented in the White House come '09.
If we just want to sulk on the sidelines of this political race, then forget it. Let the 4 years of disaster begin, as some commentators have put it.
Vote Huckabee! And support his campaign!
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