Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lots of Things

First off, I love Robin Roberts. If I ever have cancer (hopefully not) I hope I can handle it like her. I just turned on GMA, and she's on there in some red glittery dress with roses (I missed most of that segment so I have no idea what's up with the dress and flowers) and no wig. And I'm sure she feels pressure to deal with it in a positive way because she's in the public eye, and I'm also sure that privately she's had her hard times with it, but she just seems like a really cool and caring person. Who also knows a lot about sports. And current events and politics. And her and Diane Sawyer are really good together on GMA. But I did also like Charlie. Anyway I really admire how she has dealt with everything.

On CNN this morning, they had a couple of reporters in Lafayette, TN, talking about the tornadoes. Nick works with this guy from there (apparently he drives it every day). He works third shift, so he was working when the tornado hit. His wife called him (and this is very smart) and he told her to take their son and go to her parents' house, which is right down the street. Then she looked outside and saw their barns, which were blown down, and so she was like, no, not going to outside. So he left work and decided to drive down there. And to get there, he drives through Allen County, which also had a tornado. So of course he couldn't get through, and he borrowed some guy's truck, and it still took them all night to get there. Anyway, the point of that story was that it was really bad (and also, not smart to try to drive through tornadoes...or to leave your wife and small child at home in one). I saw on CNN this vet's office that was destroyed, and they couldn't find two dogs. It was sad:-( I can't handle the animal stories. I can't imagine my dogs in a tornado.

Nick is sick. He actually missed work today, which is possibly the first time he's ever missed work due to illness. But he doesn't get sick days, which is stupid. His doctor told him he either has bronchitis or walking pneumonia. But all he gave him was a Z-Pack. Not even anything for his cough. The doctor is paranoid because his blood pressure is a little high, but if he doesn't prescribe him something, he's just going to take OTC stuff, which is worse. So we went out and got him some Mucinex for his cough, but he still has a fever, so I need to get some more Motrin. I feel like somebody's mother.

Also, I went to the Dentist yesterday. I do have a cavity. But not in the tooth that's been hurting. He couldn't actually tell me why it's been hurting. So that's just awesome. I have to get the other tooth filled on Monday. It was expensive though. I have dental insurance, but a couple of the things they do aren't covered. I'm not all about the out of pocket expenses. Maybe that's why more people don't go to the dentist. And it took forever. And of course I got the lecture about not flossing often enough. And also apparently I brush my teeth too hard in fact, that I'm actually wearing away at my gums. So that's awesome.

Anyway, this post has been super long. But I have the office all to myself today. Duke beat North Carolina last night, although I fell asleep. Our new comforter and duvet is so can't lie in the bed and not get sleepy. It's awesome.

1 comment:

Andrea Benz said...

Oh, I love Robin Roberts too! She is awesome. I assume she was wearing the dress and stuff because she was walking in Isaac Mizrahi's show this morning. I only saw the beginning of the segment where she was getting ready, so that's what I know. Also, I do the same thing with regards to brushing my teeth. Like I can tell I'm eroding my gums, but I'm also paranoid that if I don't brush well all my teethh will fall out or something. Which I guess is also a possibility if I erode my gums too far...