Yes, I'm up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning while Emma is snoozing away. I've actually been up since 4:00am thinking (never good)...I'm sure I will regret that later. Emma's 2 month check-up was Thursday. She did awesome! She had her first shots, which I think were more traumatic for me than her. We had her favorite toy to distract her, and dipper her pacifier in sugar water...don't know if any of that helped, but I wanted to do anything I could. She cried pretty hard for about 2 minutes, and then she was fine. I cried for about that long also. So far, she hasn't had any fever or bruising from the shots. The nurse said she had good thigh muscles...good for shots maybe, but she'll hate her mama for the big thighs someday...sorry Emma! Unless she plays soccer, and then they're useful. Dr. Fraser said she looked perfect. She weighed 9 lbs 7.5 ounces (25th %), was 21.5 inches long (also 25th %), and her head circumference was 40 cm (close to 80th %). We attempted to stop the Prevacid, in the hopes that her earlier issues were more feeding related as opposed to reflux. That did not work...we barely made it 2 days before she started spitting up A LOT more again. Poor girl. Yesterday she was pretty fussy, especially when and after eating, so she's going to have to stay on the Prevacid for awhile longer. I hate to keep her drugged up (I feel like we're constantly giving her something...the Prevacid, laxative, gas drops, gripe water...), but she has been doing really well. The beginning of this week was particularly bad, especially Tuesday. Nick was mowing, and I just had to go outside and get him to come in. I needed a break....she cried almost all day. Nothing would calm her down (except her Daddy of course). She also was not napping well and woke up twice that night to eat instead of only once. But I consulted my Babywise book and website, and I believe it was a growth spurt. She was hungrier than normal, so I pushed her back to a 3 1/2 hour schedule (probably where we should have been anyway, so I'm sticking with it for awhile). Now she's fine. I'm thankful it didn't last long, because I was going out of my mind. Being a mom is hard! But she is too funny...she smiles a lot now, and actually focuses on and tries to play with her toys. She makes lots of funny noises, and she's getting so much more coordinated with her limbs.
I watched 16 and Pregnant on MTV this season, and the season finale for some reason really affected me. The couple decided to give up their baby for adoption, and the agency they went through happened to be the same one that just opened an office here in BG.
http://www.bethany.orgThe rest of the teenagers on that show were spoiled, immature brats (but so was I at 16...and still am at 27 I suppose), but Catelynn and her boyfriend seemed like the only ones who cared about their baby. On a sidenote, one of the girls on the show, Macie, had a boyfriend who was an absolute idiot. She went back to school and was working part time, and at night she asked him to help with the baby, but he was too tired. So he laid the screaming baby on the bed with all the pillows and blankets, crawled in on the other side, rolled over, pulled the covers over his head, turned out the lights and went to sleep. Isn't that child abuse or something? Anyway...after I saw it, I went to the website. They apparently do international adoptions also, which is awesome. I know I have a 2 month old, and TRUST ME, no more kids for awhile, but I've always thought I'd like to adopt from another country. My sister is from Romania, which no longer allows out of country adoptions. For some reason, I've been thinking about China. Obviously I don't know much about the process at this point, and I do know that it can be very expensive. But I'm glad we have an agency like that here in town now. I know my parents had to use one located in Louisville (I think), which makes things like meetings and home visits more difficult. They're having an informational meeting next week, so I'm hoping to go. I'm not sure how Nick really feels about adoption at this point, so I'd love him to go with me. And even if we decide adoption isn't right for us, you can sponsor a child through the agency. I've often thought of sponsoring a child, but I've never been sure if I could trust those companies you see on tv. And if nothing else, I signed up to be a prayer warrior...they send me updates with specific children to pray for. I can definitely pray for kids!
Nick and I are taking Emma to Ohio County today, to hopefully get her in a real pool for the first time. Maybe the rain will hold off. My parents got free tickets to the Hot Rods game tonight, so we might take her to her first baseball game too. Although that will interfere with her bedtime. Ideally we'll put her in the carrier and she'll sleep the whole time...right.