Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Emma had her Upper GI yesterday at Vandy Children's Hospital. She did great, considering she couldn't eat for 4 hours before. Her test was at 10:10 and she usually eats at 8. I did wake her up a little before 6 to eat, so she wasn't starving. She got a little scared during the x-ray part, but she calmed down. She hated the barium so they had to give it to her in a syringe. I tried to tell them she wouldn't drink it...she is very picky about what she takes from a bottle. Only her formula. But they got enough in her to do the test. Fortunately, everything is where it should be and working normally. She actually refluxed during the test, so even though it can't technically diagnose Reflux, we came away with a pretty good indication that that's what she has. We're relieved that it's not anything more serious, and that for now we're managing it as well as we can. Emma was a super baby, and fell asleep right away in the car afterwards. We were able to eat at Olive Garden (and actually enjoy a semi-peaceful meal). Visiting the children's hospital is a very humbling experience. We are really really blessed to have a baby who is more or less perfectly healthy.

Yesterday afternoon we had Emma's 6 month well visit. She got a great report, and her height and weight are now measuring around the 50th percentile. We started off at the 25th, so she's growing. Her head circumference is still between the 90-95th. The doctor said that we are doing a great job, which is nice to hear, since we for the most part don't know what we're doing usually. Emma has eaten bananas for 3 days in a row now and seems to like them, with no reaction. It's fun introducing foods to her. Today we're starting sweet peas. I tried her on homemade ones a while back, and it didn't go well. I bought some and am hoping they work better. I couldn't get enough of the skin off...at least, I'm hoping that was the problem.

Nick and I couldn't ask for a better baby. She is so happy almost all the time, and she's fun to be around. Nick took off yesterday, so he had a 3 day weekend to hang out with her. I think he saw why I love being home with her. She loves to laugh and play. We love her so much.

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