Emma did so great yesterday at church. It was the Family & Baby Dedication, and she looked super cute. And best of all, she only spit up once and didn't cry. We were so proud of her. This is what our pastor posted on the church's blog about the dedication:
Yesterday morning we celebrated our Family Dedication service. On the surface this is a ceremony of wonder, of hope, of delight as we see these young families and adore the precious babies on the platform. However, below the surface lies a greater call.
Our commitment to Family Dedication is founded on the Biblical principles of both Psalm 78 and Deuteronomy 6. Both passages clearly define the utmost responsibility of the parents to remember the words of Scripture and to teach them to their children. God makes parents responsible for passing on the truths of their faith within every afforded opportunity. In addition, the community of faith was held accountable to bring support. This is why we have “raised the bar” so to speak by requiring membership of one parent and attendance at a “parenting class” by both parents prior to our Family dedication Sunday. These prerequisites strengthen the lines of accountability.
Deeper still is our realization of the power and sovereignty of God in the lives of our children. This is why it is always stated that “this ceremony is not one of guarantee, but rather intent”. This serves as a reminder that we are fully dependent on God. We are called to obedience; we are called to treasure God’s Word; we are called to obey the commands of God; we are called to live in the light of His glory and persevere as witnesses for the Gospel. The results of our obedience rest in God alone. Every act of salvation is a miracle of God and if we were going to stake our lives on the “probable” we would all come up short. Instead, we stake our lives on the power of God, His unwavering attributes, and the truth of His Word. God is the one who changes hearts and saves us from sin. This is why the Family Dedication service and the covenant expressed there is so vital to the health of our community of faith. It is because we are coming together and committing ourselves to connection, accountability, fervent prayer, and clear teaching with the hope that our children will come to know Christ as Savior and will continue in the faith as powerful witnesses.
Join me in commitment to guardianship – guarding our hearts and minds so that we treasure God alone and communicate and live that lifestyle in our homes, in our faith community, in our world, and thereby show the next generation the glory of God through our lives.
Sometimes the responsibility I feel is overwhelming. We pray with her every day, read to her from her storybook Bible and I do my Bible reading out loud to her when she's eating. We try to talk to her about Jesus. But ultimately we can't make her love God and live her life for Him. As much as I'd love to control her life (and maybe lock her in her room for the next 18 years), I can't. That's scary. So we'll do the best we can and know that God has equipped us to raise out pretty little girl better than anyone else could.
We made an appointment with her doctor for tomorrow. Something has to happen...not sure what, but we're tired of not being taken seriously. She's acted like she's feeling better, but I'm not willing to wait it out until she hopefully grows out of it, letting her suffer along the way. Hopefully our appt tomorrow will go well and he'll finally listen to our concerns and do something about it.
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