I've neglected my blog lately. We've had a few things going on. Emma had a great Christmas, especially since she could sit up for it! I kept saying that I hoped she could sit up by Christmas. The weekend before she could only fall over, and then all of a sudden, she sat up. She was able to attempt to open some presents (mostly hitting and grabbing at the paper). She got way too much stuff, from toys to books to clothes. The clothes were not her favorite, but she has outgrown all the 9 month things we had for her, so she was in desperate need of 12 month clothes. I've posted a few pics. Considering how thrown off her schedule was the week of Christmas, I'd say she did pretty great. We got some good pictures too.
I've for some reason had the urge to totally clean house. It's like I'm nesting...7 months late. The garage and attic are packed full of stuff, but the house if pretty much cleaned out. I don't know if I'm trying to prepare for the crawling or what, but I cleaned out everything. I reorganized drawers, bookshelves and closets...now we just have to keep them clean. The hardest part. But now that I'm finished, I'm bored! I've already started thinking about Emma's 1st birthday in May, so I guess that's next. I did find some fun treats I'd like to try to make (snow pops and rainbow cake). I've also been trying to catch up on Emma's photo albums and scrapbooks. I'm a little behind.
We had to switch Emma to Nexium, which is harder to giver her than Prevacid. Our insurance also does not pay for it. We are not big fans of our insurance coverage. Fortunately in a couple of days, we can start using our FSA card again, which will help a little. So far, it's only been a week, so we'll have to wait a little longer to see how it works. I also gave her green beans for the first time yesterday! That's exciting to me, because I love green beans. She ate them all without making a face or gagging, so that's a good thing. After the pea debacle, I thought I'd have to buy grean beans, but I made my own and they worked very well. We're out of summer squash, so next up is butternut squash. I think she'll like it. I also have peaches and mango still to try.
Nick and I have been seriously discussing getting a new (to us) vehicle. We can't keep trying to shove everything into my car (you should see us driving down the road with a baby, all her junk and the two dogs crowded in). We're hoping to get an SUV, but the dreaded minivan is also a possibility. Nick always said he'd NEVER own a minivan...until he started looking at prices. So that will make for an interesting next few months. Nick is very indecisive, while I like to make decisions pretty quickly. Also, we're having a bit of a hard time deciding which vehicle to trade in. Considering how stubborn we both are, it's bound to be fun times! I'm sure that NO arguing will take place. Definitely not. But we both agree that now that Christmas is over, we really need to get back hardcore on our budget and start throwing some money to savings. After cleaning out so much junk from the house, I don't think we really need to buy anything else anyway. Why do we collect so much stuff we don't need? It's ridiculous.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a merry Christmas. It's hard to believe that 2010 is only 2 days away. Nick and I have a few resolutions, which I doubt we'll stick with. Usually I am able to keep at least one, so we'll see how that goes. Happy New Year!
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