I don't actually know the rules, but I think I have to post 10 things about myself that are somewhat random.
1. I'm obsessed with researching my medications. I spend an inordinate (sorry, Andrea, if I used that word incorrectly. Although I looked it up just to make sure I spelled it properly and I had to right meaning, and I believe I did) amount of time on internet message boards trying to see if my nasal spray will cause headaches or if my headache medicine will cause blindness. I don't trust doctors and also, I'm a little paranoid.
2. I have tons of questions about religion. Not just religion in general, but my faith. I try to talk about them with Nick, but he feels like he has to give me an answer, and I know he doesn't know the answer. For instance, Jason's message last Sunday was on giving up control of our lives to God completely. That means giving up our own plans and surrendering to what God's will is. But at the same time, we all have plans for our lives. And Brandon, who taught our marriage class at church, talked about how it's important to discuss your plans and goals with your spouse. And Jason, in our premarital counseling, asked us to write out our plans and goals, and to make sure we agreed on them. So obviously it's good and even important to have shared goals and plans for life. So I'm having a hard time with these two seemingly opposites. And I'm definitely a planner, so I like having a planner. But at the same time, I want to be open to however God may be working in my life, and whatever He might be calling me to do.
3. I like animals more than I like people. That sounds horrible. Those soldiers that made the video of themselves throwing the puppy off a cliff...I think they should have a limb amputated. Something painful that they will have to live with for their whole life. And then I think that that's horrible and not at all forgiving, and I feel guilty.
4. Along those same lines, what if I have kids, and I still like my dogs better? My doggies are awesome.
5. My #5 is similar to Andrea's in that when I was younger, my mom also made me feel stupid about being really shy. But she made me go to this therapist for Assertiveness Training. Which is actually really funny for anyone that REALLY knows me, which is maybe 3 people (or if you read this). I have lots of opinions, and if you ask, I'll tell you. But I'm just not the type of person to talk constantly about myself (because that gets on my nerves). And I really just forgave my mother completely for a lot of the things she did in my teenage years about a month ago. Anyway, ask my husband if I'm assertive.
6. I've never been to the Humane Society, because I'm afraid if I go I'll come home with 10 dogs. Or maybe all of them. But I'm thinking now that Nick and I should go and play with the doggies. I think you can go and just volunteer to walk them.
7. This is going to sound mean, but it makes me mad that Nick didn't get a thorough English education background in Ohio County. He never had to read (anything!), and the other day he told me that didn't know the difference between nouns and pronouns and prepositions (and we didn't even get into adverbs and adjectives). I was trying to tell him that funner is not a word, because fun is only one syllable, and I have been taught that you only add -er or -est to words with 2 or more syllables. So with fun, you would need to say "more fun." And he just thought that was the coolest thing ever. So then he had to go and ask about bad and good....what about badder and gooder? Um, hon, there are other words for that....let's try better and best...worse and worst. But as much I do love Bowling Green City schools for my English and grammar knowledge, I did get screwed in the math and science departments. So I am now wondering if it was the school districts or the gender difference? You always hear about that, but maybe it really is true. He loves math and science, I hate it. I love English and history and grammar, he couldn't care less.
8. I am so excited to read the book "Heaven," if for nothing else than because it supposdly gives an answer to whether or not our pets go to heaven
9. I totally would have paid $410 for the down comforter at Macy's. Fortunately my husband asked me to look elsewhere first, and I found it online cheaper. But we love it, and it definitely would have been the money. And if I hadn't found it online, I would have bought it eventually.
10. My biggest pet peeve is people who get places late. Even the few times I am late, it makes me nervous. I think it's so rude and self-centered. I get to places early even when I know I'll have to wait. But I'm crazy.
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