Thursday, August 26, 2010


I read this blog post today about being a stay at home mom, and really related to it.  I'm glad to know that other parents have the same issues I do.  I get a lot of sarcastic comments (they're always "just kidding") from people that I just sit at home all day and do nothing.  Which could not be farther from the truth.  It has definitely been a big adjustment for Nick and I to figure out how to balance things, and how to not resent each other.  I feel like we often neglect our quality time together and our personal time.  But there's so little time and so many things to out, bible study, read, sleep, shower, play with the dogs.  There's always something that gets left out.  BUT...I am not complaining.  I love being home with Emma at this stage in her life.  I no longer dread getting out of bed every morning because I don't want to go to work.  I don't have to hate Sunday nights.  I have a job I love.  Some days it's harder than others, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.  But still, I'm just's hard and lonely and alienating sometimes.

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