I've been pretty bad at updating lately. The past 2 weeks have been busy and stressful. Thankfully, Emma finally seems to be feeling better. Still no teeth, but the teething tablets seem to help some. I'll be so happy to see a tooth in that mouth. Emma's appetite has definitely returned. I've tried to get her back on her schedule, but she is so hungry. I don't know if she's just trying to catch up from being sick, if she's on a growth spurt, or if this is her new normal. Either way, she's picking up much of the weight she had lost. She lost almost 2 pounds while she was sick, which is a lot for a 17 pound baby. Fortunately, we've had 3 straight days without throwing up so far...hopefully that is behind us. Nick and I are very apprehensive about taking her back to the nursery at church, but we're not sure what other options we have, unless one of us stays home each week, which is no fun. Nick and I are going to a conference later this month called Adopting for Life. While I'm very excited, I'm very nervous about leaving Emma overnight. It will be nice to spend some time alone with Nick, but I'm pretty uneasy about her being away from us for so long. But it has to happen sometime, I suppose.
Emma couldn't have cared less about the snow. We took her out a couple of times, but since she can't stand yet there wasn't a lot she could do. We spent more time bundling her up than we did actually outside. I think we're ready for spring to get here so we can go outside and play more.
Emma has started saying dada a lot. Nick calls us every day at lunch and when he's leaving work, and it makes Emma so happy. She laughs every time the phone rings (sadly, because he's usually the only person who calls me). Yesterday she said dada when he called. I don't know if she meant to, but it's still cute. She doesn't have much interest in saying mama, but why should she when I'm always right there. The same with crawling...no desire to do it. Nick is much more anxious than I am to get her to crawl. He won't have to chase her around the house! She's pretty content to lay there and watch the dogs or play with her hands. Maybe she won't crawl at all, but she's also not interested in standing. At all. She's very happy to sit up. So she's definitely not going to be an early walker, which I will probably be grateful for once she does start walking.
So that's what has been going on in our house. We are sooo thankful to have our healthy, (mostly) happy baby back!
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