I stumbled across this
5 O'Clock Club, which has the purpose of waking at 5:00am each morning to have quiet time / bible study. I have been getting up around 6:00am, which is pretty early for me, and getting my reading and devotion time in. Yesterday, Nick mentioned wanting to start getting up earlier so he can try to run on the treadmill before work. So it looks like I may become a member of the 5 O'Clock Club. 5:00am seems insanely early, but I might be able to get a run (who am I kidding, I don't run...a walk) in myself. All before Emma gets up. This means that Nick and I will going to bed at approximately 8:00 - 9:00pm each night, but it's worth a try. I have enjoyed at least spending a few minutes with Nick before he leaves for work. I'll try to keep you updated on my progress...but we're not starting until next week. Might as well enjoy a few more days of sleep!
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