Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yay for good health

I got my results back yesterday from the blood draw at our health fair. My cholesterol and glucose were normal. Last year I forgot about it, so I ate in the morning and my results were screwed up. Well, they were high, so I was hoping they were screwed up. But everything is normal. Exciting. I am getting kind of tired of being lazy and not working out. I go through phases where I am really motivated to get in shape, and that lasts for about a month. But I really need to just make the time to do it every day...or most days. Nick got up early this morning and took Sydney jogging. I can't do it early in the morning, I know that much. And running is so boring and not right for me. But I don't want to pay to join a gym, so it's really my only option.

We finished our landscaping yesterday. It makes the house look a lot better. It's very colorful. Although I did see a wasp hanging around the hibiscus plant yesterday, so I'll probably be staying away from that area. I love how nice it's been outside. Yesterday I got to sit outside and read a magazine for a while, and it was relaxing. I got some sun. But of course it's supposed to rain and then cool down. Sometimes I think I'd love to live in California, where it's almost always 72. But they have earthquakes. And 72 is not really warm enough for me to swim outside. But then again we have earthquakes too, and how often do I swim outside unless I'm on vacation anyway?

Tonight is an all new Grey's Anatomy! I'm so excited. There's been nothing on for so long now. Actually it's been kind of nice, because I don't feel like we're tied to the tv. We actually go outside and do stuff, and I get to read books. And we eat dinner at the table. And we talk! Wow.

On a side note, my job is killing me. One of our assistant coaches is an absolute jerk. Can't wait until the day I walk out of this place and never come back...not too far away!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another Fun Week

This weekend was busy. I hate busy weekends, but I also hate being bored. Hard to find a happy middle. Friday night we went to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was funny, but a little too graphic (there was a lot of nudity and sex). Pretty much the whole movie was about sex really. But it did have some funny parts. Saturday we went to Ohio County to see Nick's parents and eat at Moonlite in Owensboro. I love Moonlite. Then as soon as we got back, we had small group. It was at a new couple's house this time. Sunday we took Mikaela to church with us. Our ABF class is kind of breaking up, it seems. A lot of the couples in there have been married for 3 or 4 years, so I guess they're ready to move on. There's only a few of us that are staying in it, so hopefully it will grow pretty quickly. After church we ate, took the dogs for a nice long walk / run, then took them to the dog park. The dog park was, of course, packed. We usually kind of worry about how our dogs will behave (mostly because they don't pay any attention to us, so it's a hassle trying to chase them down when it's time to leave). But they were good this time. It's funny to see the differences in their personality. Izzy ran away from us the second she got there. She doesn't really care about other dogs; she prefers the people. She ran around to every single person there to be petted. She's such a people dog. Sydney, however, would not leave us. When she finally did get up the courage to venture off, she'd keep looking at us to check in, and then she'd run back to us after a few seconds. But eventually Isabelle got tired and came back to us, so leaving was actually very easy. Then we went to the Family Meeting at church about the expansion, and took Mikaela to a Bible Study. She hardly ever goes to any of the middle school church activities, so we're going to try to take her more. My parents go to church if they get up on time or they're not busy, but they go to worship service and that's it. I'm hoping that Nick and I can be a positive influence on my sister...not that we're perfect, but I know Mikaela doesn't ever hear about God at home. I know I didn't. Anyway, so after church we went to Walmart and to get ice cream. So we had a busy day, and now I'm exhausted. I had to get up early today to take Isabelle to the groomer. And I think after work we're going to buy some flowers and plants for our yard. I have this idea of buying one of the WKU yard flags, and planting some red and white flowers. But I also found some bluish purple ones last night that I liked. So we'll see.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm so glad it's Friday. I think Nick and I are going to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall tonight...although the review I read online was not so good. But it was a link from WayFM, so it's a Christian review. Apparently they didn't like all the sex, nudity and obscene language. I'm not looking forward to seeing the main dude naked (he's not so attractive), but I am glad it's him and not all female nudity like it usualy is in movies. Tomorrow we're going to Ohio County, and I think we're going to eat lunch at Moonlite. I love Moonlite.

So I woke up around 4:30 this morning because the lamp on Nick's bedside table was shaking. Actually it sounded like the gutters were being shaken, so I thought it was rain or hail. But then I realized the lamp was shaking also. It was kind of scary. Of course Nick didn't wake up, so I had to get him up. He messed with the lightbulb in the lamp for a minute. I doubt he even remembers any of it. Sometimes I don't like being married to such a heavy sleeper. Someone could break in and shoot me, and I'm pretty sure he'd sleep through it. I thought maybe it was an earthquake, but our dogs slept right through it also. I thought dogs were supposed to have some sort of sixth sense about things like that. Apparently I just have lazy dogs. But anyway, when I got up this morning I saw that it was actually an earthquake. Which is kind of scary. They always told us in elementary school that we were close to the fault line, and it could happen any day. But it never did. And I just realized that if our TV in the bedroom falls off, it would probably crush our dogs. So we're going to have to do some rearranging.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Job Resolution

So I have finally made a decision about my job. Nick and I had a very long and drawn out conversation about it on Friday. We for some reason always make things more complicated than they should be. But anyway, I'm actually going to stick with the decision this time, so I'm happy about it. I (hopefully) made the last reservation for our trip to Hawaii today. Since all our flights got cancelled, we had to change some stuff around, and are spending a night in Honolulu now. Which gives me a good excuse to stay at this hotel I've been looking at. Actually I saw it on the Travel Channel first. That trip cannot come soon enough. How weird is it that Nick and I have been married for 10 1/2 months? I can't decide if it feels like it's been longer than that or if it feels like it just happened...a little of both I guess.

Speaking of my lovely husband, he made me watch A History of Violence this weekend. Actually we started it and both agreed to stop it. But I hate starting a movie and not seeing how it ends, no matter how crappy it is, so we finished it later. But it was awful. He heard it was action-packed apparently...not so much. I also don't get why women find him so attractive. I didn't see that. But that's what I get for letting him pick a movie. That's why I'm the movie chooser. Because my girly movies tend to be better than his dumb ones.

Anyway, my dad's birthday is tomorrow so we're doing his stuff tonight. I think he has a meeting tomorrow night. Always fun with my parents.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Nick & I bought a weather radio yesterday. It woke us up in the middle of the night already. But that's why I wanted it...mainly for tornadoes actually. But it makes me feel better to not have to wait until I hear a tornado. But seriously, the thing is loud.

Also, I have discovered that my job is not going to get better. Which means that obviously God has something else in mind for me. Just wish I was better at figuring it out. I miss my old coaches...well not all of them, but most of them. So anyway something is going to have to change on the job front. I know I've been saying that for a really long time, but I held out because I knew the coaches and didn't want to let anybody down. Plus I wanted to try to salvage any kind of reference I could from Coach Horn. So now I've done that, and I don't know these people well enough to disappoint them. The only person I have to worry about letting down now is Nick...or at least I would feel like I was if I wasn't working and contributing financially to our marriage. But he has noticed that I'm unhappy and wants me to leave. It's just disappointing because I was really hoping that the coaching change would be what I had been waiting for. Obviously not.

Thankfully it's Friday. We don't really have too much planned for this weekend. It's supposed to be cold, which sucks. But the weekend's still the weekend.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


My back still hurts, but it's not as bad as it was yesterday. Maybe it's stress related...can stress make your back hurt? Because work is stressing me out. I'm hoping that it's just adjusting to the new coaches, and that everything will settle down. But I'm not so sure. Things are nuts right now, and I have no help. I don't like bosses who assume that everything they have going on is obviously more important than what I'm doing. Because what I'm doing is actually my job. So it looks like it's going to be another one of those bosses. Which makes me wonder what God has planned. Also, we had booked our flight to Hawaii on Southwest, who has a codeshare with ATA for the leg to and from Hawaii. But now ATA has gone bankrupt, so it looks like that flight is cancelled. I know we can get a refund, but we leave next month, so we need to re-book now. And all the other airlines were way more expensive than Southwest. Also we have other flights booked around the original flight schedule. So now even my vacation is stressing me out!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Back

So something is screwed up with my back. I'm not usually one to have back issues (except that one time I had the shooting pain down my leg...but that was at least 2 years ago and it's never come back). I was hoping I had just slept on it wrong (although how would you sleep on your back wrong?), but I don't think so. It's a constant pain, whether I'm sitting or standing. I can't stand up straight, but it hurts to walk leaned over also. Apparently I'm an old person!


I got this link in an email. It's about Oprah and what she has to say about religion. I usually don't like these mass emails, and I really don't know anything about the people that made this particular video. But I'm not a big fan of Oprah, and I think she thinks just a little too highly of herself. But since I don't watch her show, I didn't really know what she believes (should have been able to guess, I suppose). Anyway, she denies that there is only one way to live your life (she says Jesus is not the only way), and believes that kindness and generosity and other good moral behaviors, will lead to the same place as someone who believes in Christ and lives his / her life according to that. I know how many people watch Oprah and do or believe everything she says, so it's kind of scary. The guy she's speaking to on the video says he doesn't "think about" what will happen at death (and why is this guy anything? Who made him some kind of religious source of anything?). So that's a comforting live your life and then you die, and that's it. Anyway, it's all very crazy, and it bothered me.

On another note, I'm sick today. Unfortunately it's the day I only have one student worker (who's usually late) and she leaves at 12:30. So no sick day for me. Also it's the 2nd day under my new boss, so that would make a bad impression. But anyhow, my throat hurts and also my back hurts. Not sure where that came from, but it feels like something is pulled. Maybe I have meningitis...although I think that makes your neck hurt. Whatever.

Monday, April 7, 2008

What a day

It has been so busy. And my throat hurts from answering so many phone calls. We have a new coach, so it's been a little weird, with the old coaches getting their stuff cleaned out and turned in. I feel bad for Coach Cherry, because I know he was hoping to get the job and the guys all like him. Plus I think he would have been good to work for. But hopefully the new coach will be ok. He's been in today, but obviously tons of people are calling him and stopping by. Maybe sometime I'll get time to actually sit down with him. Or maybe not.

Nick and I totally splurged this weekend and bought an LCD TV. It's a 32" Samsung. It's the biggest we could realistically have in our living room. We were at Walmart getting vitamins, and I wanted to look at the weather radios (which we never did, so I don't even know if they have them). But we walked by the tv's, stopped and looked, and talked to some guy that worked there for 20 minutes. Anyway, we ended up getting one at Best Buy. Nick was so amazed that we talked them down on the price. That's what we learned from Dave Ramsey. Anyway, it's very's like the first big item we've bought together. Vacations don't count. But we bought a house...anyway, it's cool. Never pay full price for electronics at Best Buy!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Finally Friday

It's almost the weekend...yay! I didn't sleep very well last night, with all the storming and pouring down rain. I kept having these visions of a tornado coming, and so I had to plan out my survival tactic. You know, who was going to get the flashlight, pillows and dogs. And then getting into the bathtub. But eventually I just turned on BKO to reassure myself that there was no tornado. And Chris Allen said that rotation was possible, as was an isolated tornado. So that didn't help.

So yesterday I got to clean out Coach's office. Possibly the most fun I've ever had at work. I took some of the things that he left (which was a lot). But the most awesome were trading cards from former WKU players. He had a couple Chris Robinson cards (one of him in his Western uni), Darnell Mee, Darel Carrier (not overly thrilled by that one), Art Spoelstra (think that's how it's spelled), a Clem Haskins, Tom Marshall, Greg Smith, Tellis Frank...possibly the coolest things ever! I was super excited about them. How cool is my future WKU room going to be? Also I'm getting ball signed before people go wherever, so I'll have one from the Sweet 16 team. It's getting a little sad over here, with everybody getting ready to leave. Hopefully we'll find out something this weekend (and hopefully it will be good, but I'm worried). I've loved not having a boss. It's been great.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

No Bobby Knight

So the Bobby Knight rumor has been nuts. I can't believe something can start on the Haven and get around like it has. Of course our local media doesn't help things. I know they're short on actual news, but it's a little ridiculous. Last night they interviewed Dr. Selig and President Ransdell about it, and also went to Tumbleweed in Glasgow to see if he had been there. But it has amusing, and I guess it gives us all something to focus on during this weird time. But hopefully we'll have a decision on the real coach in a few days, and everything can go back to normal. Although I have to say that I am really liking it right now. I can't do much work, because what's the point? Also, do I still have a job? Not sure. Can't plan the banquet until we have a coach...can't plan for anything. So oddly enough, it's been a relaxing time for me. I don't know who they'll hire, but I know one (former) assistant coach that at least knows how to make his own coffee. Also one that has never asked me to do any of his personal stuff. So I'm all for working for him!

I read on someone else's blog some things about prayer. I still don't feel like I'm praying as often as I should. But I do pray way more often that I used to. But I don't think prayer is always defined as actually stopping what I'm doing and speaking to God. I pray silently in my mind a's like talking to myself, only it's to God. But I remember something Jason talked about a while back...that we should pray constantly all day and night. Whenever we see someone, or hear something, or anything that happens. And I can't tell you how much I would love to do that. Because the way it is now, when I first come into contact with someone, I tend to judge them. And then feel guilty. And then I have to pray for myself to not be that way. So it would be awesome if I could cut our the whole middle part and just pray to begin with.

Also, I'm very thankful for Jason's series on marriage at 20:20. I'm looking forward to the final two sermons, on the romantic and the physical connection. He went over all this with us in marriage counseling, but very briefly, and not in detail. Also I'm thankful for my husband, who so far seems to exemplify the ideal spouse, according to Jason's sermons so far. Not the perfect spouse of course, but so far we seem to have the three connections that have been discussed. And after this series, he's going to be doing one on raising children. So it's awesome to get all this information at this point in our lives. Also I think Nick wants to start going to Brandon's Sunday night series on Fear & Anxiety. He's a worrier. He says it's a family trait.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So I'm very excited about the new development in my work life. I'm probably not supposed to be excited about it, but I am anyway. If you read this, you probably know that I had not been happy with my job in a very long time. It's been stressful when it shouldn't be, and I know I have probably taken it out on Nick a lot. I had been looking for other opportunities, but for whatever reason they weren't out there. Or I wasn't finding them anyway. And it was very frustrating. But the thing is I love where I work, and I for the most part like what I do. And I really liked almost everyone I was working with. So I have been praying about it, and I had talked to Nick and asked him to pray about it. And the whole time, I actually was thinking that for some reason, God wanted me to stay where I was and be patient. Which is not like me, because I'm not a patient person. But anyway, all of that to say that now, for the first time in my life, I have been able to see God work in my life. I have always known that God was there, but I'd never visibly seen it. Which I think is due to me prating more, and working to have that relationship with him. And it's so cool that I had been praying about it, and now God has (hopefully) answered my prayer. I obviously don't know yet who my new boss will be, but for right now, the situation is infinitely better. It definitely makes me want to pray (and praise)!