Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm so glad it's Friday. I think Nick and I are going to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall tonight...although the review I read online was not so good. But it was a link from WayFM, so it's a Christian review. Apparently they didn't like all the sex, nudity and obscene language. I'm not looking forward to seeing the main dude naked (he's not so attractive), but I am glad it's him and not all female nudity like it usualy is in movies. Tomorrow we're going to Ohio County, and I think we're going to eat lunch at Moonlite. I love Moonlite.

So I woke up around 4:30 this morning because the lamp on Nick's bedside table was shaking. Actually it sounded like the gutters were being shaken, so I thought it was rain or hail. But then I realized the lamp was shaking also. It was kind of scary. Of course Nick didn't wake up, so I had to get him up. He messed with the lightbulb in the lamp for a minute. I doubt he even remembers any of it. Sometimes I don't like being married to such a heavy sleeper. Someone could break in and shoot me, and I'm pretty sure he'd sleep through it. I thought maybe it was an earthquake, but our dogs slept right through it also. I thought dogs were supposed to have some sort of sixth sense about things like that. Apparently I just have lazy dogs. But anyway, when I got up this morning I saw that it was actually an earthquake. Which is kind of scary. They always told us in elementary school that we were close to the fault line, and it could happen any day. But it never did. And I just realized that if our TV in the bedroom falls off, it would probably crush our dogs. So we're going to have to do some rearranging.

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