Friday, January 25, 2008


I think I'm a weirdo for enjoying doing the taxes. I get online and do the tax estimates by October or November and then I get everything ready to go in December...and now I'm checking the mail everyday for W2's and tax statements. I'm kind of a freak. But Western is taking absolutely forever to send me my W2, so that's rude. But I don't think I'll be so excited about tax season when Nick and I have to pay in. Not at all. But yay for the tax rebates, even if we don't get them until June or July, or possibly never since the House and Senate still have to approve them. And in all reality, what will they help? We won't spend ours. And I think the people that spend them are probably the people who need to save them, so it will just add to the financial crisis. But hey, what recession? But despite my personal opinions on the matter, I would love an extra $1200.

Anyway, thankfully it is Friday. Nick has to work tomorrow, which sucks. But it does give me a chance to sleep in and catch up on some reading. The people next door to us have left their dog outside every night it's been cold. I checked on him once and his water had frozen so Nick had to pour hot water over it. When it rains he has to get up on top of his dog house because there's no cover on his pen so water covers the floor. They're horrible people but I'd feel guilty if I reported them and he got taken to the shelter. Because at least now he's alive. So I'm conflicted.

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