I can't decide how I feel about this. I loved Tom Glavine. I mean, not like I love Chipper, but Glavine and Smoltz were there in '91 when I started watching. So it's kind of like I grew up with them. I love guys who stay with one team their whole career (say, Chipper...or hopefully Andruw). So I have a hard time understanding why Glavine would go to the Mets. I don't really see a reason, other than money. And it's not like he couldn't retire tomorrow (or five years ago, for that matter) and be set for life (and his kids' lives...and their kids). So if he really cared for the organization and his teammates and the Braves fans, he would have stayed. Maybe that's why they boo him (I didn't when I saw him that next year, but I definitely underdstanded why they did), because we all loved him so much. It's an insult to us. Not only did he leave for more money ($30 million's just not quite enough), he went to the Mets. What did he expect. And yeah, we do react differently to Julio. Julio didn't represent the Braves for almost 15 years. Julio had a goal of playing until he's 50, and he went with the team that offered a multi-year contract. Understandable. I would hope that if the Braves had offered that, he would have stayed, even if the money wasn't quite the same. But now he's back (and honestly, he owes his rejuvenated career to Atlanta) and I would love to see him play until he's 50. In the whole steroid era, it's so cool to see a 48-year old actually work hard to stay in shape the natural way. I love Julio.
But anyway, that's my rant for today. Some good news:
I don't know much about this guy, and I liked Salty, but we've needed a good first baseman for years. Years! Who was the last one we had? Andres Gallaraga? Fred McGriff? I never cared much for Adam LaRoche...Scott Thorman isn't going to cut it. I always wished they had kept Javy and moved him to first. And I love Julio and am sorry that his playing time will drastically decline. But I'm so happy to finally have a first baseman who can hit!
And apparently we're actually talking to the Reds about Arroyo. How awesome would that be? I love John Schuerholtz.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
I googled myself!
I totally found my blog by googling myself. Kind of scary actually. Need to do something about that probably. But my day is a little better than earlier. My boss is actually not coming in today, nor he will be here tomorrow (most likely, anyway). So two more days of freedom!
I read something this morning that kind of hurt my feelings. Granted I do get my feelings hurt way too easily, b/c I'm too freaking sensitive. But still, it was not cool to read. But maybe it's my fault anyway...b/c I always blame myself for everything. It's my thing. Outwardly I blame others...inwardly I think I am the stupidest person ever. Whatever.
Also, my boss is supposed to be back today and I don't have much work to do. That always worries me. I have to look busy while he's here, so I have to make up some stuff to do. Not fun.
I hate things that happen on Monday morning to put me in a bad mood. Like having to be at work in the first place isn't bad enough. And also I tend to dwell on things to excess.
Also, my boss is supposed to be back today and I don't have much work to do. That always worries me. I have to look busy while he's here, so I have to make up some stuff to do. Not fun.
I hate things that happen on Monday morning to put me in a bad mood. Like having to be at work in the first place isn't bad enough. And also I tend to dwell on things to excess.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Fridays are good
My boss is gone today, which always makes for a nice day. I will be sad when this recruiting period is over and they're all actually here every day. It's a looonngg 3-4 months before the season starts and everyone is gone on road trips. I'm continuing to look for other job opportunities, but every day I get a little more frustrated with it. There's nothing. Well there are jobs, but I'm not a nurse, have no medical experience, can't drive semi's, have no sales experience...perhaps I'm just being picky.
Nick doesn't have to work this weekend. And we actually don't have any plans. So maybe we won't end up running around like crazy all weekend running a million errands. I would love some time to just relax...although I tend to get bored pretty easily. I'm weird.
Nick doesn't have to work this weekend. And we actually don't have any plans. So maybe we won't end up running around like crazy all weekend running a million errands. I would love some time to just relax...although I tend to get bored pretty easily. I'm weird.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I am frustrated with the Hertz man in Bowling Green. We've rented like 4 times from them and he has yet to send us a receipt. All of the other Hertz locations mail me a receipt if the renter doesn't pick it up. And I can get it online or have it faxed to me. But because BG is so stupid and crappy, the one dude who works there is clueless. They charged us two pretty big amounts on our last credit card statement, even though the actual rentals occurred in February. And I called (AGAIN!) today and the guy was like, yeah I'll get right on that...after lunch. Seriously?
Speaking of lunch, I am soooo hungry! And Nick just called to say he's going home for lunch today, but I can't leave until 12:30. So he'll be gone before I can get there. He hardly ever comes home for lunch, so that sucks. But I am looking forward to eating some leftover fettucine alfredo! Even if I didn't quite have enough sauce for it.
My head has been hurting a lot lately. And my Excedrin hasn't been doing a whole lot, which is weird. I think they're mostly sinus related, and also from looking at a computer screen all day. But I can't really change either one of those things. My heads sucks.
Speaking of lunch, I am soooo hungry! And Nick just called to say he's going home for lunch today, but I can't leave until 12:30. So he'll be gone before I can get there. He hardly ever comes home for lunch, so that sucks. But I am looking forward to eating some leftover fettucine alfredo! Even if I didn't quite have enough sauce for it.
My head has been hurting a lot lately. And my Excedrin hasn't been doing a whole lot, which is weird. I think they're mostly sinus related, and also from looking at a computer screen all day. But I can't really change either one of those things. My heads sucks.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Bored so...
1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? It's sweet
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? Um I guess short, but I don't really wear either
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter? Be a little worried if it wasn't from my husband
4. Group dates or single dates? I like it being just me and him dates can be awkward
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends? Yeah it bugs me. Luckily Nick acts pretty much the same all the time
6. Are diamonds a girl's best friend? No.
7. Is your hair up or down? up...there's not enough time to fix it before work
8. Do you straighten your hair? Yes...I did this weekend
9. Whats your favorite girly magazine? Glamour...but I also read Cosmo
10. What's your favorite mascara? I don't stick with one kind for long
11. Do you get your nails done? I have twice, but not normally
12. Small or large purse? They have to be big, but not too big
13. In your purse, what are your must haves? cell phone, big wallet, change purse, camera, chapstick, some pens, my little notepad, gum, Excedrin, hand lotion...
14. Jeans or skirts? Definitely jeans, but I can't wear them to work
15. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Shoes sometimes...but i hate it
16. Do you text message a lot? Not a lot no, but sometimes it's easier...and I'm a lazy person
17. What would you do if you got pregnant? Be excited that I could quit my job, but also disappointed...babies are expensive! I want my kids to be spoiled
18. What's your favorite color? Blue
19. Heels or flats? Heels look way better but I hate them
20. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? Usually
21. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on? I generally do
22. Walmart or Target? Target for sure. I hate Walmart, and yet I always end up getting groceries there
23. Do you wear collared shirts? Sometimes, but not a lot
24. Do you like preppy boys? I use to, but not so much anymore
25. Are you spoiled? Yes
26. Do you think lip gloss is the best? I think chapstick is the best, but I like lipgloss a lot better than lipstick
27. Do you own any big sunglasses? No, I think that is the stupidest trend ever
28. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Um I leave for work at 7:35-7:40, and I set my alarm for 7:00. So, after I hit snooze once, I actually get up at 7:09. And I have time left to watch some tv
29. Do you like to wear bandaids? I don't wear them as fashion statements, but I don't mind them
30. Do you like skater boys? Don't know any
31. Do you often wish there was something you could change about yourself? Sure
32. Gold or silver? silver
33. Do you like to receive flowers? I like the sentiment behind receiving flowers. But the flowers themselves don't last long and I'm allergic. So really candy or a movie or something else would be better (and also cheaper)
34. Do you like surfer boys? Again, don't know any. But I would love to know how to surf
35. Do you dress up for the holidays? No
36. Do you like to wear dresses? Sometimes
37. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you? i'm not really confused....mostly just exasperated
38. In the last 48 Hours have you hung out with a guy? I spent the whole weekend with my husband (and my parents and sister)
39. Do you wear lipstick? No
40. Would you date a guy shorter than you? Definitely not...a guy who is shorter than 5'3?
41. Do you like ghetto boys? No
43. Do you like to hold hands? Yeah
44. What is the youngest you would date? I'll go with 24, since that's how old Nick is
45. What is the oldest you would date? 24:-)
46. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? Smile, eyes, hands
47. Is it hot when guys sweat? No, it's gross
48. What is the best possible physical feature on a boy? Smile
49. Do you like making eye contact? No, it feels awkward
50. Did you ever picture your wedding dress and wedding? totally
51. Do you worry about the size of your boobs? No, I'm fairly content with that
52. Would you kill for chocolate? No, but I do love it
53. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? no
54. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? totally depends. If I have the money to spare, and I'm finding stuff I like but not feeling guilty about it, it's a 10.
55. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite shows? Occassionally, but the DVR is awesome
56. Do you yell a lot? No
57. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? No
58. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? Yeah
59. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems? No, I don't do poems
60. What makeup could you not live w/ out? concealer. and maybe mascara
61. Do you fall in love easily? i did with nick...but i don't run around falling in love with guys
62. Do you have cramps? That's random and weird. But no
63. Do you think you have the best friends ever? My friends are cool, but I'm not the best friend
64. Do you consider yourself pretty? Not usually
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? Um I guess short, but I don't really wear either
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter? Be a little worried if it wasn't from my husband
4. Group dates or single dates? I like it being just me and him dates can be awkward
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends? Yeah it bugs me. Luckily Nick acts pretty much the same all the time
6. Are diamonds a girl's best friend? No.
7. Is your hair up or down? up...there's not enough time to fix it before work
8. Do you straighten your hair? Yes...I did this weekend
9. Whats your favorite girly magazine? Glamour...but I also read Cosmo
10. What's your favorite mascara? I don't stick with one kind for long
11. Do you get your nails done? I have twice, but not normally
12. Small or large purse? They have to be big, but not too big
13. In your purse, what are your must haves? cell phone, big wallet, change purse, camera, chapstick, some pens, my little notepad, gum, Excedrin, hand lotion...
14. Jeans or skirts? Definitely jeans, but I can't wear them to work
15. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Shoes sometimes...but i hate it
16. Do you text message a lot? Not a lot no, but sometimes it's easier...and I'm a lazy person
17. What would you do if you got pregnant? Be excited that I could quit my job, but also disappointed...babies are expensive! I want my kids to be spoiled
18. What's your favorite color? Blue
19. Heels or flats? Heels look way better but I hate them
20. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? Usually
21. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on? I generally do
22. Walmart or Target? Target for sure. I hate Walmart, and yet I always end up getting groceries there
23. Do you wear collared shirts? Sometimes, but not a lot
24. Do you like preppy boys? I use to, but not so much anymore
25. Are you spoiled? Yes
26. Do you think lip gloss is the best? I think chapstick is the best, but I like lipgloss a lot better than lipstick
27. Do you own any big sunglasses? No, I think that is the stupidest trend ever
28. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Um I leave for work at 7:35-7:40, and I set my alarm for 7:00. So, after I hit snooze once, I actually get up at 7:09. And I have time left to watch some tv
29. Do you like to wear bandaids? I don't wear them as fashion statements, but I don't mind them
30. Do you like skater boys? Don't know any
31. Do you often wish there was something you could change about yourself? Sure
32. Gold or silver? silver
33. Do you like to receive flowers? I like the sentiment behind receiving flowers. But the flowers themselves don't last long and I'm allergic. So really candy or a movie or something else would be better (and also cheaper)
34. Do you like surfer boys? Again, don't know any. But I would love to know how to surf
35. Do you dress up for the holidays? No
36. Do you like to wear dresses? Sometimes
37. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you? i'm not really confused....mostly just exasperated
38. In the last 48 Hours have you hung out with a guy? I spent the whole weekend with my husband (and my parents and sister)
39. Do you wear lipstick? No
40. Would you date a guy shorter than you? Definitely not...a guy who is shorter than 5'3?
41. Do you like ghetto boys? No
43. Do you like to hold hands? Yeah
44. What is the youngest you would date? I'll go with 24, since that's how old Nick is
45. What is the oldest you would date? 24:-)
46. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? Smile, eyes, hands
47. Is it hot when guys sweat? No, it's gross
48. What is the best possible physical feature on a boy? Smile
49. Do you like making eye contact? No, it feels awkward
50. Did you ever picture your wedding dress and wedding? totally
51. Do you worry about the size of your boobs? No, I'm fairly content with that
52. Would you kill for chocolate? No, but I do love it
53. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? no
54. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? totally depends. If I have the money to spare, and I'm finding stuff I like but not feeling guilty about it, it's a 10.
55. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite shows? Occassionally, but the DVR is awesome
56. Do you yell a lot? No
57. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? No
58. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? Yeah
59. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems? No, I don't do poems
60. What makeup could you not live w/ out? concealer. and maybe mascara
61. Do you fall in love easily? i did with nick...but i don't run around falling in love with guys
62. Do you have cramps? That's random and weird. But no
63. Do you think you have the best friends ever? My friends are cool, but I'm not the best friend
64. Do you consider yourself pretty? Not usually
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Andrea posted a link on her blog to this site where you can design your own purse. I tried it and it looked cool but I'm not at all sure about buying a ($185) purse without seeing it first. I'm very particular about my purses...they need to zip up so things don't fall out and you can't see what's in it (easier to sneak food and drinks into the movie theater), have a strap that easily flings over my shoulder, but doesn't fall down constantly, a pretty color and somewhat soft least one pocket on the outside for my phone or whatever, and several on the inside for sunglasses and stuff. It has to be big enough but not too big. I'm fairly sure that this purse doesn't exist. But I am partial to my Coach purse...but who wouldn't be partial to an almost $300 purse? But this is my justification for will actually end up costing more in the end to buy several cheap purses from Target and GAP and Old Navy and a million other places every time I get tired of mine, than if I find one awesome purse and splurged on it. But I don't think Nick buys that (obviously he doesn't buy purses, but I mean he doesn't accept my way of rationalizing). But now that I've been looking at Coach's website for wallets, I've found several purses that I really like. So I might have to make a quick pit stop at one of the 800 Coach stores in Atlanta this weekend (not really 800, but compared to the, oh...0 in BG, it's a lot) and see what they have. It will be fall soon and I can't be carrying around a brightly colored striped purse! Duh.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I was reading on that Britney Spears spent $300 on a puppy from a pet store. Apparently the Humane Society is all pissed off at her b/c you know, she buys a puppy like once a month. And then the next month mysteriously it disappp
ears. It was a cute little Yorkie (but the ones I've seen at the pet store bark like crazy, and they were mean). Anyway I just don't understand these people. I mean, I totally understand loving dogs and wanting to keep buying them until my house is full. B/c I often think I want another. But I would never get rid of mine! How could you just dump this cute little face on the street? We need to get her teeth cleaned. Which costs $250. My dog's teeth are more expensive to clean than my own. Pitiful. But they have to put her to sleep, which worries me. Last time they did that (when she got spayed), they had problems and had to keep her overnight. And plus, she hates the vet's office. I will feel so guilty, and that usually ends up with me buying her things to make myself feel better. So it will probably cost a lot more than $250. But I'm an awful pet-owner if I let my dog have plaque!

That's the word to describe me lately. I know my situation at work has made me tense at home, which then puts me in a bad mood, and only makes work worse. Me and my bad attitude. I would very much like to find one of those work from home jobs where you can do as much or as little as you entry. Because that I can do. And there's no interacting with people, which is good. And I can do it without getting dressed up and driving to work...with the tv on. But I'm afraid of a scam, which is what I think most of these things are. But how cool would it be to work from home? Awesome. No stress....sleeping late. I hate when people say they'd get bored staying at home. Um, well I get bored at work. And mad. Besides I like being bored at home. But they want me to pay for their training materials, which is pretty much a sure sign that they're trying to scam me. Blah.
Monday, July 16, 2007
My boss laughed at me when I told him I was going to be off Friday. He said, you can't have any vacation days after your honeymoon. Well actually I can and I do, and you know what, I'm planning to be gone another day in August too. And yes, it's still another vacation day. My boss who just happened to leave for the day at 2:45pm. And even if I didn't have vacation days, I have all my sick days, which I could also use. It makes me so mad. I know I was gone for 2 weeks, but it was my honeymoon, and I had been saiving up my days all year for that. Plus I did the Health and Wellness stuff that gets me one extra at the end of this month. Not to mention that one of the University benefits is that I'm supposed to get off work at 4:00 during the summer. But my particular department doesn't so much care about benefits, or incentives to employees. At least not to me. So pretty much I'm really burned out on this job, and I'm extremely frustrated that I'm having such a hard time finding anything else.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
There aren't even 50 things about me...
1. My sister was born in Romania

2. I'm going to Maui next summer!
3. I think I'm the most boring person alive
4. I could probably eat pasta every day
5. I bought a carton of Oreo ice cream at the grocery Saturday and it was gone by Tuesday night
6. I listen to my Hawaii radio station every day :-(
7. I still don't always get along so well with my parents
8. I'm scared to death to have kids...
9. But it means no more working!
10. I get to meet Bobby Cox!
11. My dog probably gets treated better than my husband:-)
12. I really want to save money but I really love to shop
13. I love pictures. I take tons and I love photo albums and scrapbooks and putting them online.
14. I have no career ambitions whatsoever
15. I think I might be anemic
16. I've gotten addicted to watching The OC every day on SoapNet...and I also set the DVR to record Beverly Hills 90210
17. I dread going to work every single day
18. The construction workers next day make me nervous...and mad when they park in front of our house
19. Bugs are the scariest thing in the world to me.
20. I feel very guilty b/c I have fallen behind in my Walking in the Word...but I'm catching up on reading my magazines
21. I love to read! I read junk though
22. I absolutely love my Coach purse, and am definitely going to buy another one next year in Hawaii
23. I just looked online to find a wallet to go with my coach purse and they don't even have my style anymore
24. I don't know if I'm relieved that I don't have to worry about spending the money or mad
25. This is actually what I spend most of my time at working doing
26. I'm so lazy
27. I LOVE Ritz cheese and the individual packs. I found them at Walmart and was tempted to buy like 20 packs
28. I'm always searching for something that will make me happier...which probably defeats the purpose. I'm never satisfied
29. I'm obsessed with anything having to do with Hawaii. I actually have been since I saw Lilo and Stitch. But now it's worse.
30. My favorite color is blue...really blue is the only color I like. All different shades of blue.
31. I hate my hair
32. I'm very...strong-willed...opinionated...stubborn around people I'm comfortable with
33. Around people I'm not comfortable with, I'm very shy
34. I like eating in now more than I like eating out
35. 4:30 is my favorite time of day (at least during the week)
36. I want a blue Toyota Camry...but I still love my car.
37. Honestly I am a bad driver, but I can't tell Nick that I know b/c he already makes fun of me
38. I want to move somewhere tropical. I hate the cold and snow and all that
39. To go along with the last one, I love the beach. It is definitely my favorite place. I feel more relaxed at the beach then anywhere else (possibly b/c I'm on vacation at the beach but whatever)
40. I don't think I will ever not be stressed out, which I take to mean that I take my life way too seriously. My job is so not important in the grand scheme of things.
41. I don't really know what "the grand scheme of things" actually means
42. I love flip flops but hate my feet
43. I don't hate all feet...just mine
44. I don't think I'll ever get used to walking in high heels
45. I've been married for almost 6 weeks
46. Tomorrow is Friday 13th, and I hope a Jason movie is on tv
47. I'm a horrible procrastinator...actually I'm a good one, but I do it to the extreme
48. I've tried to just drink diet drinks and I hate it, so I think Sprite is a nice compromise
49. I love to have my back rubbed, so the fact that my first massage ever was disappointing was really...well disappointing.
50. In Hawaii, massage is called lomi lomi. For some reason, they also have a dish called lomi lomi salmon. And poi, which looked gross. Also, instead of apple pies at their McDonald's, they have taro pies. And there are taro fields in Hawaii....what is taro??
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
8th Grade Survey
Haven't done a survey in a while, and since I loved 8th grade...
8Th grade year in Middle School is supposed to be "the worst year of your life" or "the best year of your life." Let's see how much you remember.
1. Who were your best friend(s)? Andrea and Angie
2. What sports did you play? Soccer and basketball
3. Did you take your lunch? No, I bought peanut butter crackers and a milkshake
4. It's Friday night, where were you? Football game
5. Were you a party animal? No
6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? Not at all
7. Ever skip school? No
8. Ever smoke? Yes, ha
9. Were you a nerd? For sure
10. Did you get suspended/expelled? No
11. Can you sing the alma mater? No...did we even have one in 8th grade?
12. Who was your favorite teacher? Coach Morand and Mr. Snead. I would say Ms. Flannery but I hated math
13. Favorite class? Social Studies
14. What was your schools full name? Bowling Green Junior High School
5. School mascot? Purple
16. Did you go to the dances? Sometimes...and once we skipped one I think
17. What do you remember about 8th grade? Ha I have a bag full of notes we wrote. I remember lots
19. Favorite memory of your 8th grade year? Being the oldest and thinking we were so cool
20. Were you ever posted up on the 8th graders wall? The what?
21. Did you have a job your 8th grade year? No
22. Who did you date? No one
23. Where did you go most often for lunch? The Cafeteria
25. What did you do after graduation? No idea
26) How was 8th grade bad good or horrible? It was good...I always liked 8th grade. The classes were easy
8Th grade year in Middle School is supposed to be "the worst year of your life" or "the best year of your life." Let's see how much you remember.
1. Who were your best friend(s)? Andrea and Angie
2. What sports did you play? Soccer and basketball
3. Did you take your lunch? No, I bought peanut butter crackers and a milkshake
4. It's Friday night, where were you? Football game
5. Were you a party animal? No
6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? Not at all
7. Ever skip school? No
8. Ever smoke? Yes, ha
9. Were you a nerd? For sure
10. Did you get suspended/expelled? No
11. Can you sing the alma mater? No...did we even have one in 8th grade?
12. Who was your favorite teacher? Coach Morand and Mr. Snead. I would say Ms. Flannery but I hated math
13. Favorite class? Social Studies
14. What was your schools full name? Bowling Green Junior High School
5. School mascot? Purple
16. Did you go to the dances? Sometimes...and once we skipped one I think
17. What do you remember about 8th grade? Ha I have a bag full of notes we wrote. I remember lots
19. Favorite memory of your 8th grade year? Being the oldest and thinking we were so cool
20. Were you ever posted up on the 8th graders wall? The what?
21. Did you have a job your 8th grade year? No
22. Who did you date? No one
23. Where did you go most often for lunch? The Cafeteria
25. What did you do after graduation? No idea
26) How was 8th grade bad good or horrible? It was good...I always liked 8th grade. The classes were easy
Monday, July 9, 2007
Training my Husband
Nick had to work all weekend, and he probably will late tonight and more this week. Which is ok, I know he would rather be at home (at least I think I do). But I'm wondering if a telephone call is too much to ask. He did call finally at almost 5, after being there for 10 hours, to tell me that hopefully he would be finishing up soon. Saturday he didn't call at all. I know he's busy, but is it a bad sign that we've been married for only 5 weeks and he already forgets all about his wife when he gets to work? Not that it's just something that started happening after the wedding. Maybe I'm overreacting. But I feel that he might possibly be more dedicated to his job than to me, and I think that doesn't bode well for when we have kids. I understand how that can happen, because there's always more of a possibility of getting fired at work than at home. The people at work like him when he's doing something for them, but they probably wouldn't lose much sleep over firing him. Whereas he knows I'm not going to leave him or kick him out. But should I have to scare my husband into making me a priority? I hope not.
Anyway, this is a stupid discussion...not even a discussion, since it's just me typing. I'm sure I would love his job also if he would get a raise, which I know he deserves. Both of us...and neither one of us probably ever will. Exciting and motivating stuff there.
Anyway, this is a stupid discussion...not even a discussion, since it's just me typing. I'm sure I would love his job also if he would get a raise, which I know he deserves. Both of us...and neither one of us probably ever will. Exciting and motivating stuff there.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
I'm such a dork

This is where we're going on vacation next summer:
We booked our hotel yesterday at these two hotels:

We booked our hotel yesterday at these two hotels:
Supposedly Maui has the best beaches and is the prettiest island. I can't imagine ever seeing a beach nicer than what we saw in Oahu, so I'm so excited. Nick thinks I'm crazy for doing it this early. And I am a little OCD about stuff like this. I also already know where we're going to year after next (the Big Island...
Eventually I'll probably have to go on a vacation to some place other than Hawaii. Maybe the Bahamas...or Grand Cayman:-)
Anyway, this has possibly been the most boring Sunday in a long time. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. I got to sleep late and then I finished by book (which, by the way, was very predictable and kind of aggravating). I also watched Serendipity, Father of the Bride II, Something to Talk About...and I think My Best Friend's Wedding is coming on next. Now I'm moving on to my US Weekly. Nick has been at work all day. I don't like that about his job, the working overtime every week. But of course he's salary so he doesn't get paid for the overtime. Which I don't understand, b/c I am also paid salary, and I do get paid overtime. When I work it...which isn't too often. I would hate his job. But I also hate my I would probably hate just about any job as long as it involved me and working.