Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I was reading on TMZ.com that Britney Spears spent $300 on a puppy from a pet store. Apparently the Humane Society is all pissed off at her b/c you know, she buys a puppy like once a month. And then the next month mysteriously it disappp
ears. It was a cute little Yorkie (but the ones I've seen at the pet store bark like crazy, and they were mean). Anyway I just don't understand these people. I mean, I totally understand loving dogs and wanting to keep buying them until my house is full. B/c I often think I want another. But I would never get rid of mine! How could you just dump this cute little face on the street? We need to get her teeth cleaned. Which costs $250. My dog's teeth are more expensive to clean than my own. Pitiful. But they have to put her to sleep, which worries me. Last time they did that (when she got spayed), they had problems and had to keep her overnight. And plus, she hates the vet's office. I will feel so guilty, and that usually ends up with me buying her things to make myself feel better. So it will probably cost a lot more than $250. But I'm an awful pet-owner if I let my dog have plaque!

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