1. My sister was born in Romania

2. I'm going to Maui next summer!
3. I think I'm the most boring person alive
4. I could probably eat pasta every day
5. I bought a carton of Oreo ice cream at the grocery Saturday and it was gone by Tuesday night
6. I listen to my Hawaii radio station every day :-(
7. I still don't always get along so well with my parents
8. I'm scared to death to have kids...
9. But it means no more working!
10. I get to meet Bobby Cox!
11. My dog probably gets treated better than my husband:-)
12. I really want to save money but I really love to shop
13. I love pictures. I take tons and I love photo albums and scrapbooks and putting them online.
14. I have no career ambitions whatsoever
15. I think I might be anemic
16. I've gotten addicted to watching The OC every day on SoapNet...and I also set the DVR to record Beverly Hills 90210
17. I dread going to work every single day
18. The construction workers next day make me nervous...and mad when they park in front of our house
19. Bugs are the scariest thing in the world to me.
20. I feel very guilty b/c I have fallen behind in my Walking in the Word...but I'm catching up on reading my magazines
21. I love to read! I read junk though
22. I absolutely love my Coach purse, and am definitely going to buy another one next year in Hawaii
23. I just looked online to find a wallet to go with my coach purse and they don't even have my style anymore
24. I don't know if I'm relieved that I don't have to worry about spending the money or mad
25. This is actually what I spend most of my time at working doing
26. I'm so lazy
27. I LOVE Ritz cheese and crackers...in the individual packs. I found them at Walmart and was tempted to buy like 20 packs
28. I'm always searching for something that will make me happier...which probably defeats the purpose. I'm never satisfied
29. I'm obsessed with anything having to do with Hawaii. I actually have been since I saw Lilo and Stitch. But now it's worse.
30. My favorite color is blue...really blue is the only color I like. All different shades of blue.
31. I hate my hair
32. I'm very...strong-willed...opinionated...stubborn around people I'm comfortable with
33. Around people I'm not comfortable with, I'm very shy
34. I like eating in now more than I like eating out
35. 4:30 is my favorite time of day (at least during the week)
36. I want a blue Toyota Camry...but I still love my car.
37. Honestly I am a bad driver, but I can't tell Nick that I know b/c he already makes fun of me
38. I want to move somewhere tropical. I hate the cold and snow and all that
39. To go along with the last one, I love the beach. It is definitely my favorite place. I feel more relaxed at the beach then anywhere else (possibly b/c I'm on vacation at the beach but whatever)
40. I don't think I will ever not be stressed out, which I take to mean that I take my life way too seriously. My job is so not important in the grand scheme of things.
41. I don't really know what "the grand scheme of things" actually means
42. I love flip flops but hate my feet
43. I don't hate all feet...just mine
44. I don't think I'll ever get used to walking in high heels
45. I've been married for almost 6 weeks
46. Tomorrow is Friday 13th, and I hope a Jason movie is on tv
47. I'm a horrible procrastinator...actually I'm a good one, but I do it to the extreme
48. I've tried to just drink diet drinks and I hate it, so I think Sprite is a nice compromise
49. I love to have my back rubbed, so the fact that my first massage ever was disappointing was really...well disappointing.
50. In Hawaii, massage is called lomi lomi. For some reason, they also have a dish called lomi lomi salmon. And poi, which looked gross. Also, instead of apple pies at their McDonald's, they have taro pies. And there are taro fields in Hawaii....what is taro??
1 comment:
Dude, how many times are you going to change your blog address? I totally didn't know you had changed it again until you commented on mine. I thought you just hadn't been writing!
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