Monday, July 23, 2007

Bored so...

1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? It's sweet

2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? Um I guess short, but I don't really wear either

3. What would you do if you received a long love letter? Be a little worried if it wasn't from my husband

4. Group dates or single dates? I like it being just me and him dates can be awkward

5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends? Yeah it bugs me. Luckily Nick acts pretty much the same all the time

6. Are diamonds a girl's best friend? No.

7. Is your hair up or down? up...there's not enough time to fix it before work

8. Do you straighten your hair? Yes...I did this weekend

9. Whats your favorite girly magazine? Glamour...but I also read Cosmo

10. What's your favorite mascara? I don't stick with one kind for long

11. Do you get your nails done? I have twice, but not normally

12. Small or large purse? They have to be big, but not too big

13. In your purse, what are your must haves? cell phone, big wallet, change purse, camera, chapstick, some pens, my little notepad, gum, Excedrin, hand lotion...

14. Jeans or skirts? Definitely jeans, but I can't wear them to work

15. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Shoes sometimes...but i hate it

16. Do you text message a lot? Not a lot no, but sometimes it's easier...and I'm a lazy person

17. What would you do if you got pregnant? Be excited that I could quit my job, but also disappointed...babies are expensive! I want my kids to be spoiled

18. What's your favorite color? Blue

19. Heels or flats? Heels look way better but I hate them

20. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? Usually

21. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on? I generally do

22. Walmart or Target? Target for sure. I hate Walmart, and yet I always end up getting groceries there

23. Do you wear collared shirts? Sometimes, but not a lot

24. Do you like preppy boys? I use to, but not so much anymore

25. Are you spoiled? Yes

26. Do you think lip gloss is the best? I think chapstick is the best, but I like lipgloss a lot better than lipstick

27. Do you own any big sunglasses? No, I think that is the stupidest trend ever

28. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Um I leave for work at 7:35-7:40, and I set my alarm for 7:00. So, after I hit snooze once, I actually get up at 7:09. And I have time left to watch some tv

29. Do you like to wear bandaids? I don't wear them as fashion statements, but I don't mind them

30. Do you like skater boys? Don't know any

31. Do you often wish there was something you could change about yourself? Sure

32. Gold or silver? silver

33. Do you like to receive flowers? I like the sentiment behind receiving flowers. But the flowers themselves don't last long and I'm allergic. So really candy or a movie or something else would be better (and also cheaper)

34. Do you like surfer boys? Again, don't know any. But I would love to know how to surf

35. Do you dress up for the holidays? No

36. Do you like to wear dresses? Sometimes

37. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you? i'm not really confused....mostly just exasperated

38. In the last 48 Hours have you hung out with a guy? I spent the whole weekend with my husband (and my parents and sister)

39. Do you wear lipstick? No

40. Would you date a guy shorter than you? Definitely not...a guy who is shorter than 5'3?

41. Do you like ghetto boys? No

43. Do you like to hold hands? Yeah

44. What is the youngest you would date? I'll go with 24, since that's how old Nick is

45. What is the oldest you would date? 24:-)

46. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? Smile, eyes, hands

47. Is it hot when guys sweat? No, it's gross

48. What is the best possible physical feature on a boy? Smile

49. Do you like making eye contact? No, it feels awkward

50. Did you ever picture your wedding dress and wedding? totally

51. Do you worry about the size of your boobs? No, I'm fairly content with that

52. Would you kill for chocolate? No, but I do love it

53. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? no

54. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? totally depends. If I have the money to spare, and I'm finding stuff I like but not feeling guilty about it, it's a 10.

55. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite shows? Occassionally, but the DVR is awesome

56. Do you yell a lot? No

57. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? No

58. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? Yeah

59. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems? No, I don't do poems

60. What makeup could you not live w/ out? concealer. and maybe mascara

61. Do you fall in love easily? i did with nick...but i don't run around falling in love with guys

62. Do you have cramps? That's random and weird. But no

63. Do you think you have the best friends ever? My friends are cool, but I'm not the best friend

64. Do you consider yourself pretty? Not usually

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