Sunday, July 6, 2008

Long Weekend

I have enjoyed my long weekend. Nick and I have gotten to sleep late, shop and we finally got to go to our church for a regular service. It's been over a month since we have done that. Worship service is so important for me, and it's kind of amazing what it does for me. Jason's message today spoke to me; I feel like I am growing spiritully, but I think it's time for me to step out of my comfort zone and do something for others. But I also have a bad habit of saying I want to do something and then not following through. So I am going to find a way to volunteer at church, maybe with the little kids. Also I want to volunteer at the Humane Society. Nick is afraid I will get too attached and want to bring all the dogs home. Which I probably will, but my two dogs are a handful already. Anyway, we've got to go to the grocery and to run some errands.

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