I was reading someone's blog today (because I was actually doing work today but I do take the occassional break...ok more accurately, I was messing around online and I took an occassional break to work) and they showed these pictures of their dog in a crate. Now I'm all about crate training. Actually I'm not, because Izzy never needed it and got trained super fast. But Sydney has come so far and actually will go in her crate (her house is what we call it, after Nick had an unfortunate accident where he yelled in her face to get in her cage) voluntarily to eat dinner. Mostly because she's a pig and would eat 20 meals a day if she could. Anyway. My hope is that the day will come (and soon) when we won't have to use the stupid thing anymore. And honestly the only reason I put her in there now is because a). her and Izzy love to play-fight which scares me and obviously can hurt them and b). Sydney can't eat Izzy's food and vice versa. But I think she is finally house trained. She slept in the bed with us again last night and was fine all night. Except for about 2:30am when she walked on top of both of us. But then she went back to sleep. But no peeing in the bed so far. Anyway on to the survey.
What kind of soap is in your bathtub? Dove Exfoliating bar soap and also Bath & Body Works (some type of orange tropical i don't remember the name kind that reminds me of Hawaii)
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No
What would you change about your living room? make it a little bigger
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? clean, unless Nick unloaded it last night
What is in your refrigerator? seriously? sprite, diet sunkist, milk, mustard, butter, BBQ sauce, spaghetti sauce, pork, potato salad, cheese, and some other realy random stuff. We are in desperate need of a grocery run.
What is on top of your refrigerator? some pictures and candles
What color or design is on your shower curtain? sailboats
How many plants are in your home? only one, but it's fake, and it's my Christmas tree
Is your bed made right now? almost, and i have no idea how we managed to keep it that way last night
Comet or Soft Scrub? Soft Scrub.
Is your closet organized? yes, my clothes are hanging from sweaters to long sleeves to 3/4 sleeves to short sleeves to tank tops, then pants & skirts (arranged my color). And my 2nd closet is all organized with rubbermaids (one for purses and travel bags, one for sweaters and sweatshirts, one for WKU stuff, one for Braves stuff, one for Nick and I stuff, three for wedding stuff, one for honeymoon stuff, one for sheets/comforters, one for stuffed animals (I can't throw them away). I love organization.
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Glass. Well actually can
Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? No but I have a jug that I got from Whitt's
If you have a garage, is it cluttered? No it's not cluttered. If our tiny garage was cluttered we could never fit my car in it
Curtains or blinds? Blinds right now, but I want curtains. Problem is the ones I like are really useless.
How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep on 4, but we have about 8 million on the bed (actually only 7)
Do you sleep with any lights on at night? There's a nightlight out in the living room so we can see if we need to walk Sydney but other than that, no
How often do you vacuum? whenever Nick feels the urge
What color is your toothbrush? blue
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? yeah, it's a Braves mat
What is in your oven right now? nothing. I'm at work
Is there anything under your bed? not in the master bedroom. In the spare though, yes. Again though, it's organized.
Chore you hate doing the most? I don't discrimate. I hate them all.
What retro items are in your home? none that i know of
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Nick's hunting room is where the computer desk and filing cabinet are
How many mirrors are in your home? 3
What color are your walls? all different colors. i love color
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? totally. nick has like 22 guns there and i keep my baseball bat under the bed
What does your home smell like right now? i don't know, my nose is stopped up. I wanted it to smell like cinnamon and spice, but i couldn't light the candles:-(
Favorite candle scent? oh i just answered this. Those are my favorites in the winter anyway. In the summer it's peach and ocean-y ones
What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? none in the fridge but some his grandmother made on the counter
Ever been on your roof? No, but Nick has to put up the Christmas lights
Do you have a stereo? a small one for my iPod to hook into
How many house phones? None
Do you have a housekeeper? i wish (actually i don't)
What style do you decorate in? Christina style?
Is there a smoke detector in your house? a few
In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you'd grab if you could make only one trip? my two dogs, pics and scrapbooks, my purse, medicine, doggies' medicine, laptop...and I'd be dead by now