Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So I have been researching the Mormon religion lately...not sure exactly why. I think it's actually pretty interesting, especially since our denomination (Baptist) seems to think of it as less of a religion and more of a cult. That's coming from the Southern Baptist Convention anyway...and I tend to not always agree with their ideology. I love my church and how contemporary it is, but sometimes it's pretty conservative also. I never knew anyone who was Mormon until I met Nick. He has some Mormon friends, so in the course of our relationship I've gotten to know them a little. And honestly, they are the most "religious" people I know. The guys go on their 2 year missions, which puts them behind in college (and seems kind of crazy to the rest of us...but from what they say, it's a really cool experience). And the ones I know are very involved with church, really live out their principles (what they eat, their actions, etc). I know that being a Christian is not all about actions, but based on faith, but I have a hard time categorizing these people as "pagans." But when Nick went to Discovering Hope, apparently the guy teaching it made some remark about how us Baptists don't even recognize the Church of Latter Day Saints. They believe in Jesus, teach the Bible, and preach that Jesus is the only way to God...and isn't that supposed to be the central tenet to our faith?

So that is why I'm trying to do some research. Nick thinks the only difference is that Mormons believe that Jesus talked to the Indians (over 3 years ago he heard that and he's still amazed by it). But there's so much crap on the internet that I really have no idea what is true and what is not. I think if I were in school and had a project, I would like to interview some Mormons.

Also, on a side note, I am beginning to realize why people say the first year of marriage is the hardest. Nick and I were raised very differently, and we have different expectations. Also, our communication styles are often the cause of conflict and not peaceful discourse. Why I'm using big words, I don't know. But I'm looking forward to being 50 and having been married for 25 years and having kids and finally knowing that we have figured out the marriage thing and each other. I look at couples who have been together for a long time, and they seem so happy. Not to say they don't have issues, but they know each other well enough to know the best way to deal with them. The couple that leads our ABF is a good example. They apparently haven't had an argument in years. Not b/c they agree on everything, but b/c they've worked out a communication style that works for them. So I'm looking forward to that. And also having kids. If having a dog has bonded us as much as it has, I can't wait to have kids with him.


Andrea Benz said...

You should read Jon Krakauer's book about Mormonism, Under the Banner of Heaven. It explains the history of the religion and some newer things that have happened. It was really interesting.

David said...

I'm an active Mormon and would be happy to honestly answer any questions you'd like to ask. I won't be offended at anything you ask. However, it's actually not to hard to tell what Mormons believe since all of the church's literature (scriptures, magazines, lesson manuals, talks, etc.) is readily available at http://lds.org. This is what members of the church are being taught and thus what they believe - or should believe. It's what I believe.

Anonymous said...

This link may help you see some of the differences between Christianity and Mormonism. There are things that we believe as Christians such as that Jesus is God, and the Trinity, that they do not believe. Several of their beliefs contradict the Bible. I don't doubt their devotion or commitment, but that is the case many times with, to use your term, cults. http://www.carm.org/lds/lds_christian.htm