Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Obviously it was time for another one of my blah moments about my job. I had decided a week or so ago to just get through it, because the hours are (mostly) good, the pay is decent (ok that might not be true) and the benefits are very good. Plus I love getting my season tickets for free, because they're freaking expensive to buy. And Nick and I are doing this Financial Peace thing and with the incomes we have, our budget will actually allow us some room...to save and to also do fun things! So me quitting will have a big impact on that, and even if I got another job immediately, it probably wouldn't pay as much, at least not for a while. So I'm conflicted about what to do...again. But who's tired of listening to me complain about my job? Even I am.

Nick and I watched The Hills last night (not because he likes it, just because I forced him to). It might possibly be the stupidest show ever. Laguna Beach wasn't like Emmy-quality or anything, but the people on the Hills are so obviously faking it. Heidi and Spencer make me gag. But I also watched My Boys on TBS, and it's pretty good. This was after TBS reran the season finale of Friends, which even though it was less than I had hoped for at the time, makes me cry. Wow we have exciting evenings.

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