Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pain & Suffering

I have been hearing and reading so many stories lately of sick children.  Children with cancer and other conditions.  Kids that suffer.  And their parents who have to watch.  I know that there is pain and suffering and death in our world, and I understand the reason behind it (not really), but I am having a hard time trying to rationalize the pain and absolute suffering that some children go through.  I'm sure it can't be rationalized, and I know we don't understand God's ways, and all that, but why does it happen?  Obviously adults suffer and die, and it's terribly sad and tragic, but as adults, we've screwed up.  Not saying that people who get sick are being punished, but I could much better understand say, me having cancer than Emma.  Maybe not understand it, but live with it.  Handle it.  So why does God allow children who are so innocent (and yes, I know we are all born sinful...thank you, Adam & Eve) to go through so much pain.  I think this is mostly due to the story of Layla Grace, which has really broken my heart since I first started following it.  So why does it happen?  I know and believe that God is just and is always absolutely right and does what is best for us.  And I definitely know that Layla Grace is in a much better place now.  But why did she have to endure so much?  Why do the millions of orphans around the world have to suffer?  Why do kids have to suffer through abuse?  I don't have an answer, but I'd like one.  I don't think there is one.

On a MUCH lighter note, the cable is officially gone!  Well the classic and the DVR anyway.  We still have basic.  I watched 16 & Pregnant online.  That show just irritates me now.  Every episode shows a boy / father who is even dumber than last week's.  I think this week's takes the cake.  Seriously, the biggest loser on the face of the planet.  Also, I think the girl's parents might win the Most Naive / Stupidest Parents Award.  Even after her bf got her pregnant, they still let them spend the night the same bed...unsupervised. 

It's pretty much the nicest day ever outside, so I'm about to get Miss Emma up from her nap and take a walk. 

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