Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Fun Times
Emma is still struggling this week. We're having a hard time getting her to keep anything down, including medicine. Nick has come down with a stomach virus, so it's just a lot of fun around our house. So far I haven't gotten sick...I'm trying to wipe down everything, and wash my hands constantly. Hopefully I'll stay well. Emma is very cranky so it's been challenging. We have a doctor's appt for her today so he can recheck her. She seems to be breathing ok; I'm more worried about dehydration, with her not eating or drinking. The Pedialyte is a joke. She can't stand the stuff. I'm about to go a little crazy, being stuck in the house for several days in a row, with no end in sight. I need to go to Target! I really don't, because I will spend too much money, but I'm going nuts here!
Friday, January 22, 2010
RSV & Pictures

Emma was in the church nursery Wednesday night. Thursday she had a slight fever and cough. Today she was full on throwing up. After a lovely visit to the dr's office, she was diagnosed with the dreaded RSV. The doctor didn't seem too concerned (but he's never too concerned), but she got progressively worse this afternoon and evening. We got to make a lovely trip to Walgreens (when I say lovely, I mean the opposite. I hate waiting for prescriptions there. They take forever and are usually rude. I would change pharmacies but I like the Register Rewards on diapers. We tried to pass the time by browsing, but Emma gave me her sad eyes, so I bought her some toys. All the while, people kept stopping to talk to her, because let's face it, she's the cutest baby ever. But I had to squelch my desire to swat everyone away because people have a annoyingly stupid habit of randomly touching her. But luckily no one tried today. So that's what I mean by lovely). On the bright side, Emma got to take the pink medicine for the first time. I loved that stuff...until I became allergic to it. Anyway, long story short, she's pitiful. I HATE when she's sick. She tries so hard to play and laugh with us, but she has a bad cough and can't keep any food or medicine down. I'm not sure how long we're supposed to go without her eating, but I bet we'll be calling the doctor tomorrow. RSV scares me. I hear about kids in the hospital with RSV. And I stay home with her so she won't get sick. I am angry at the person / people who take their sick kid (s) to the nursery. I'm sure they probably didn't know their child was sick until afterwards, like us, but still! I'm mad! I had plans this weekend, and now I have to watch my awesome little baby cough and throw up, and look at me with her big eyes asking why I won't make it stop. It sucks!
But, so as not to be entirely negative, here are some recent pictures. Because we do think she's the prettiest baby ever born. I'm sure you agree.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Does anybody read this thing
I'm pretty sure no one reads my blog anymore. Or maybe it's just that everyone uses Google Reader now. I know I do.
Emma is doing well. She is sitting up really well, which is fun. Every now and then she'll still fall over, but not too often. We've cut out her third nap, so that means a little earlier bedtime, but still more time with daddy. She'll be 8 months old next week, which is so hard to believe. I'm trying to start planning her first birthday party, but it's so hard to imagine her being that old. She didn't get to go out and play in the snow...it was just too cold. What was she supposed to do anyway, sit there in it? We've been having lots of fun at home, although she's had a few fussy days lately. But that usually means I get more cuddle time, so it's not too bad.
Nick and I have started looking for a new vehicle...actually, a used vehicle. Our goal is to save up the cash to pay for it by the end of the year (preferably sooner than that). We're going to try to sell one of our vehicles to help us with that. Not having a car payment would be awesome, but I get so impatient trying to save money. I loved the Saturn Outlook we drove (and it was blue!) but the dealership wouldn't offer us much of anything to trade in either of our vehicles. I know my little car isn't much, but I do know it's worth more than they offered. It will be so weird not driving a car...I've had a Mazda 626 ever since I started driving. Not the same one though. This will be the first major thing Nick and I have purchased as a married couple. The house was before we were married, though we both had a say in it. We have somewhat different views on finances. Financial Peace helped us out a lot, so we're basically on the same page most of the time. We both agree that we hate dealing with car salesmen. Ick.
Emma is doing well. She is sitting up really well, which is fun. Every now and then she'll still fall over, but not too often. We've cut out her third nap, so that means a little earlier bedtime, but still more time with daddy. She'll be 8 months old next week, which is so hard to believe. I'm trying to start planning her first birthday party, but it's so hard to imagine her being that old. She didn't get to go out and play in the snow...it was just too cold. What was she supposed to do anyway, sit there in it? We've been having lots of fun at home, although she's had a few fussy days lately. But that usually means I get more cuddle time, so it's not too bad.
Nick and I have started looking for a new vehicle...actually, a used vehicle. Our goal is to save up the cash to pay for it by the end of the year (preferably sooner than that). We're going to try to sell one of our vehicles to help us with that. Not having a car payment would be awesome, but I get so impatient trying to save money. I loved the Saturn Outlook we drove (and it was blue!) but the dealership wouldn't offer us much of anything to trade in either of our vehicles. I know my little car isn't much, but I do know it's worth more than they offered. It will be so weird not driving a car...I've had a Mazda 626 ever since I started driving. Not the same one though. This will be the first major thing Nick and I have purchased as a married couple. The house was before we were married, though we both had a say in it. We have somewhat different views on finances. Financial Peace helped us out a lot, so we're basically on the same page most of the time. We both agree that we hate dealing with car salesmen. Ick.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Funny Article
This article cracks me up. I won't post the whole thing, but here's a little:
The other day, I was talking to a friend. She mentioned that she’d stopped taking the birth control pill and was concerned because she hadn’t become pregnant. She’s not exactly in what I would call a stable, nurturing relationship, so I had to ask the question, “You want to get pregnant because?”
This article cracks me up. I won't post the whole thing, but here's a little:
The other day, I was talking to a friend. She mentioned that she’d stopped taking the birth control pill and was concerned because she hadn’t become pregnant. She’s not exactly in what I would call a stable, nurturing relationship, so I had to ask the question, “You want to get pregnant because?”
She answered, “Because I want something that loves me. I just want to feel loved.”
“Oh, a baby won’t do that,” I said. “If you want to feel loved, get a dog.”
I can think of a lot of things a baby can make you feel. They include:Inadequate
Pissed off
Out of your mind
Love? No, love is definitely not on the list. You have a baby because you have spare love to give. You don’t have a baby because you need to get love in return. No, in return for the love you shower upon your child, you will get:
All of your favorite things destroyed
A high-pitched voice that screams, “You are the meanest mommy in the world!”
There's more, and it's funny.