I took Emma back to the doctor today for another weight check. She is now 6 pounds 6 ounces, so she's gained 3.5 ounces since Thursday! Hopefully she will continue to gain weight now. She still spits up quite a bit, but we are getting better at keeping the food down. I try to keep her in the car seat around feeding time, so she stays upright. Also, she loves my sling, so I feed her in it sometimes. Then she usually falls alseep, which is the best way to keep the food down. Now we don't have to go back to the doctor until her 2 month appt, when she will get shots. I'm so not looking forward to that. Emma is more alert now, which is fun (usually). She will just look at you. On Friday she was in a really good mood, and tried to smile at me. I can't wait for her first real smile.
How awesome would it have been if Courtney had hit that shot last night? Or if Dwight Howard would show up in this series?
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