I'm taking Emma to the doctor again this afternoon. We just cannot get the reflux and feeding issues figured out, and now she's pretty much stopped gaining weight again. The past few days she has been really fussy during feedings, even refusing to eat some of the time. I'm going to ask about changing formulas and hopefully medications also. The Prevacid does not seem to be working. I'm sure the doctor will not think much about it, but I'm pretty tired of Emma not gaining weight, and being hungry but in too much pain to eat. Also, she has gas like crazy! We're using the gas drops and gripe water, but nothing really seems to help. And it all makes Emma a very fussy little girl.
We did get to take her to church service and our ABF class yesterday. She actually slept almost the whole time. She loved the music at church...it knocked her out. And it was good to be back in church with Nick. We hadn't been to church together since before Emma was born. We went out to Mariah's afterwards, but Emma got a little fussy as we were about to leave. It was a long time for her to be out and a lot of different places and people, so she did pretty well. Hopefully Nick had a good first Father's Day. They got to relax for a little while on the couch and watch the Braves. Who lost in the bottom of the 9th...after Bobby Cox and Chipper were ejected. Emma's first time seeing Bobby get tossed...first of many, I'm sure. But it's a little unusual for Chipper. I miss watching the Braves on tv, even if they are terrible. I also caught Izzy checking out the Braves on tv. Our doggies love to watch tv.
We went to Ohio County Saturday for Nick's dad's birthday and Father's Day. I got a picture of Nick's cousin Gracie holding Emma. Unfortunately by the time I got my camera, Emma had gotten a little fussy. Gracie's 2nd little brother will be here soon, and she seems to know what she's doing.
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