A couple we know just got back from a cruise to Hawaii. I, as we all know, love Hawaii and can't wait to go back, so I started looking online. My parents have mentioned many times wanting to visit, and they're all about taking vacations with us, epecially now that Emma is here. So my brilliant idea is to take a cruise with them to Hawaii in 3 years or so. That will be around our 5th wedding anniversary and my parents' 40th. Nick has already promised to take me back for our 10th anniversary in 2017 to renew our vows on the beach. A cruise would be great for my parents, because it would let them see all 4 main islands, and we can make sure they see the highlights. Also, we could do it in March or April and see the whales! So I'm very excited about that, even though it's almost 3 years away.
Emma will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. She is gaining weight super fast now, so hopefully that will last. We're going to take her back to the doctor just for a weight check, and so I can ask about supplementing her formula with breastmilk. Hopefully we can, but if not, there's not really any need for me to keep pumping. Also, our freezer is full.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Soy Formula
The doctor had us switch to soy formula. So far, so good, but we'll see how long that lasts. We started feeding her the new formula yesterday afternoon. She obviously doesn't have a problem with the taste, which is something I'd read a little about. She sucks the stuff down. I think she was a little fussy with Nick when I went to the grocery last night, but so far she's been very good with me. We got some tummy time today with no fussing, and right now she's napping in my wrap. I even got in a couple diaper changes without her screaming, which is unusual.
Yesterday was a hectic day, so Emma and I are going to try to slow down a little. I've been trying to get out of the house quite a bit, and get everything done in the house, but it might not be too realistic yet. And I'd rather not get everything done and just enjoy my time with Emma right now.
Please pray for Emma. The doctor is not worried and I'm sure thinks I'm just another paranoid mother, but I do want her to gain enough weight, and be able to eat and keep her food down.
Yesterday was a hectic day, so Emma and I are going to try to slow down a little. I've been trying to get out of the house quite a bit, and get everything done in the house, but it might not be too realistic yet. And I'd rather not get everything done and just enjoy my time with Emma right now.
Please pray for Emma. The doctor is not worried and I'm sure thinks I'm just another paranoid mother, but I do want her to gain enough weight, and be able to eat and keep her food down.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Another Doctor's Visit

I'm taking Emma to the doctor again this afternoon. We just cannot get the reflux and feeding issues figured out, and now she's pretty much stopped gaining weight again. The past few days she has been really fussy during feedings, even refusing to eat some of the time. I'm going to ask about changing formulas and hopefully medications also. The Prevacid does not seem to be working. I'm sure the doctor will not think much about it, but I'm pretty tired of Emma not gaining weight, and being hungry but in too much pain to eat. Also, she has gas like crazy! We're using the gas drops and gripe water, but nothing really seems to help. And it all makes Emma a very fussy little girl.
We did get to take her to church service and our ABF class yesterday. She actually slept almost the whole time. She loved the music at church...it knocked her out. And it was good to be back in church with Nick. We hadn't been to church together since before Emma was born. We went out to Mariah's afterwards, but Emma got a little fussy as we were about to leave. It was a long time for her to be out and a lot of different places and people, so she did pretty well. Hopefully Nick had a good first Father's Day. They got to relax for a little while on the couch and watch the Braves. Who lost in the bottom of the 9th...after Bobby Cox and Chipper were ejected. Emma's first time seeing Bobby get tossed...first of many, I'm sure. But it's a little unusual for Chipper. I miss watching the Braves on tv, even if they are terrible. I also caught Izzy checking out the Braves on tv. Our doggies love to watch tv.
We went to Ohio County Saturday for Nick's dad's birthday and Father's Day. I got a picture of Nick's cousin Gracie holding Emma. Unfortunately by the time I got my camera, Emma had gotten a little fussy. Gracie's 2nd little brother will be here soon, and she seems to know what she's doing.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Emma is 4 weeks old today

First off, I'm pretty tired of the storms. I used to love storms, but the responsibility of a one month old and 2 crazy dogs in a tornado are making me nervous. Not that there's a tornado, but there have been a couple touch down within a few miles of us the past week or so. Mostly today it's the lightning that is bad...the electricity went out briefly but came right back. Between the alerts that come on tv now, my weather radio, email alerts and text message alerts, we've been bombarded with things beeping at us the pst 2 days. Luckily Emma sleeps right through it all.
Emma is 4 weeks old today. She is really starting to pick her head up, although she can only hold it for a couple of seconds. She will also try to make crawling motions when she's on her stomach, though she gets frustrated since she can't go anywhere. She's really starting to figure out her hands and feet, and she likes to throw her hands out like frankenstein. It's funny. Unless you're trying to put her to sleep, and then it's annoying because she wakes herself up. Swaddling is helpful, but she's a pro at getting her arms out. She's still gaining weight, but she's also still spitting up. She's been pretty fussy the past 3 days. I think it's gas, but we do everything we know to do. I feel bad because I can tell it hurts her. Again, I am very thankful for my wraps (I have a Sleepy, and I also ordered a Moby, which is almost the same but not as stretchy). They really help to calm her down and usually put her to sleep. I can't believe she'll be one month old on Saturday.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Today I took Emma out to her first place...other than the doctor's office. We went to Target to pick up a few things. I put her in the sling, and she slept through it. I will be glad when she's old enough to take out everywhere, because I'm getting bored at home all day. Although it's hard logistically to go places with her...I have to plan the perfect time between feedings. Too soon after a feeding and she'll spit up her meal; too long and she'll be hungry again and thus fussy. She's hungry all the time and has started eating more, so I know she's growing. She also wakes up more often at night to eat, which is a downside, but I'm happy she's getting bigger. Tonight is Nick's night to get up with her, so hopefully I can get some sleep. It was Nick's idea to alternate nights, though I think he might be rethinking it now. The spitting up seems to be getting a lot better, and Emma seems to be much happier. As long as she's eating, that is. She sleeps, wakes up to have her diaper changed, and eats. She is awake a little more now, but the past couple of days she has only beein interested in eating and sleeping. Which I've read are all indicative of a growth spurt. Hopefully I'm getting the hang of the whole mom thing. I'm definitely good at doing things one-handed...and also laundry. Who knew we could have so much laundry?
Monday, June 8, 2009

I took Emma back to the doctor today for another weight check. She is now 6 pounds 6 ounces, so she's gained 3.5 ounces since Thursday! Hopefully she will continue to gain weight now. She still spits up quite a bit, but we are getting better at keeping the food down. I try to keep her in the car seat around feeding time, so she stays upright. Also, she loves my sling, so I feed her in it sometimes. Then she usually falls alseep, which is the best way to keep the food down. Now we don't have to go back to the doctor until her 2 month appt, when she will get shots. I'm so not looking forward to that. Emma is more alert now, which is fun (usually). She will just look at you. On Friday she was in a really good mood, and tried to smile at me. I can't wait for her first real smile.
How awesome would it have been if Courtney had hit that shot last night? Or if Dwight Howard would show up in this series?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Acid Reflux
We are still struggling with the acid reflux. Poor Emma is trying so hard to keep her food down, but she's still having trouble. She fusses a lot because she is always hungry and it hurts her to have her food coming back up. We go back to the doctor (again) Thursday. So far, we've tried medicine, thickening her food with rice cereal, and formula. She hasn't lost weight, but she also hasn't gained any...and she should be getting back to her birth weight by now. I know acid reflux is common in babies, but we're still worried about her. I know Dr. Fraser will figure out what we need to do, but I'll be glad when I don't have to see her in pain anymore.
Nick goes back to work tomorrow, and I am nervous! I will have to do all the night feedings now, and no more taking turns during the day. It is going to take some getting used to, that's for sure. Although once we figure out the reflux, I think she will be much happier (making me much happier also). I know Nick is glad to be getting back to work. He is getting bored, and will appreicate the break from a crying baby. But he does respect me a lot more for staying home with her. Not that he didn't before, but it's a little different than we both imagined.
Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary. Nick rented a movie for us to watch, and we're going to order Little Caesar's tonight...not quite Ruth Chris in Hawaii, but at least Nick is off work so we can spend the day together. I managed to get out of the house long enough to buy him a gift (from Sear's), which I think he liked. It's crazy how hard it is to get out of the house now. I'll be glad when we can take Emma out in public and not worry about her getting sick.
Nick goes back to work tomorrow, and I am nervous! I will have to do all the night feedings now, and no more taking turns during the day. It is going to take some getting used to, that's for sure. Although once we figure out the reflux, I think she will be much happier (making me much happier also). I know Nick is glad to be getting back to work. He is getting bored, and will appreicate the break from a crying baby. But he does respect me a lot more for staying home with her. Not that he didn't before, but it's a little different than we both imagined.
Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary. Nick rented a movie for us to watch, and we're going to order Little Caesar's tonight...not quite Ruth Chris in Hawaii, but at least Nick is off work so we can spend the day together. I managed to get out of the house long enough to buy him a gift (from Sear's), which I think he liked. It's crazy how hard it is to get out of the house now. I'll be glad when we can take Emma out in public and not worry about her getting sick.