Our Christmas was fun...busy, as usual, but still fun. Nick and I were able to go to the Christmas Eve service at church this year, and we did Christmas with my parents after that. We mostly just got money, which is what we asked for. I gave Mikaela money also, and took her shopping Saturday. She loves Limited Too, so she had fun. She also got some cheap stuff from Steve & Barry's, since they're closing. We got a baby hat there for $0.62. I would like to get some (cheap!) clothes from there too, but it's hard to pick out clothes now. Hopefully after next Monday, we'll know if it's a boy or girl! On Christmas Day, we actually managed to have the whole morning to ourselves. We opened presents (which was mainly me opening things I had picked out for myself, Nick getting some money, and the dogs getting a LOT of toys), fixed a big breakfast, and just hung out. It was the first year we've spent Christmas morning at home by ourselves, but we're going to want to next year for sure. We left around lunchtime to visit Nick's parents, and later, his grandparents.
The day after Christmas we went shopping! I'm sure Nick was thrilled about it. We didn't really do a lot of shopping...we went to Nashville to pick out our bedding for the crib. I really like it. I also found a glider that I like for the nursery. We're going to try to order the furniture next week, since it takes a long time to come in. After we got the bedding, we picked out our paint colors. I also found some things to put on the walls in the nursery (on sale at Kohl's!), so we're finally getting stuff done. I think we're going to try to paint this week, since we have a couple of days off of work. Nick borrowed the saw he needs to put up the chair rail, so hopefully that will be done soon also. Anyway, in Nashville we also bought some clearance Christmas decorations for next year. I think I want to put a tree up in the nursery (we bought a tiny 4 1/2 foot tree), so I got some really cute ornaments that should look good with our colors.
We actually did a lot of shopping after Christmas. We took Mikaela to the mall Saturday, and she tried on lots of things. She bought quite a bit; she is outgrowing everything, even my old stuff. She did buy herself a Nick Jonas t-shirt, which she was very excited about. I can't believe she's 13. On Sunday, we went to Kohl's to get the aforementioned items for the nursery, as well as some shirts for Nick. He has to dress up a little more for this new job (which means jean and a polo or button down shirt, instead of a t-shirt...not exactly dressy). But he hates buying clothes for himself, so it hardly ever happens.
It's going to be hard to go back to work this week, especially since I'm also working on Friday. But at least we still get 2 days off. Next week will be the hard week...5 whole days! But next week will be a good one...our ultrasound on Monday and Tuesday, my framed painting of the dogs will be finished. That was Nick's actual Christmas present to me. The painting is awesome, so I can't wait to hang it up.