Three names you go by:
1. Christina
2. Baby (sure it sounds sweet and endearing, but it's usually in the form of Nick yelling, "Hey Baby, where's the ______?" "Hey baby, where did you put the _______?")
3. Mommy (with the dogs)
Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Black pants
2. Tealish cashmere sweater
3. blank tank top
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Thanksgiving and a 4 day weekend
2. to go back to Hawaii (not happening)
Three people who will probably fill this out:
1. Andrea already did it, so nobody
Two things you did last night:
1. Had social with our Crown class
2. Watched WKU game and finished decorating the Christmas tree
Two things you ate today:
1. salad from Outback
2. leftover French Toast from Cracker Barrel
Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Parents
2. Nick
Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Go to work
2. Finish addressing Christmas cards
Two longest rides you have taken:
1. From Bowling Green, KY to California
2. From Bowling Green, KY to St. Pete / Tampa, Orlando / DC (not sure which one was longer)
Two favorite beverages:
1. lemonade
2. sweet tea