We enjoyed a nice long weekend for the 4th. The fireworks at the Corvette Museum are close enough to our house that we can sit on our front porch and watch them, so that's what we did. We put Emma to bed early and she slept right through them. We did take her to Barren River Lake on Sunday for their fireworks, but she wasn't too happy about it. 9:00pm is a little too late for her, so she was a little fussy by the time the fireworks started. However, she loved having Daddy home for 3 whole days. Maybe by next year, she'll enjoy the fireworks more.
It's hard to believe, but I'm already getting information on preschool for Emma. Several places have programs for 2 year olds, so I'm looking into a few. We might still wait until she's 3, but I think a 2 day a week program would be good for her next year. It seems crazy to even be talking about preschool...she's still a baby!
We also had her IFSP meeting with First Steps yesterday. She'll start working with a therapist next week. In the 5 weeks since I first called Lifeskills, she's started crawling, walking with us holding her hands, puling up and cruising. So I don't think it will be long before she's walking on her own, but it will still be good to have someone come work with her. It's so amazing how quickly she's changed in the past month. She definitely is still going through the separation anxiety (she still cries when we drop her off at the church nursery), but it's so much midler now. When we go to the library and music class, she can't wait to get out my lap and crawl around. Today she refused to let me hold her. Somehow that makes me both happy and sad. She's definitely spoiled, and has started really getting into her temper tantrums (complete with kicking and head banging). We are going to have our hands full.
We've been trying to take her swimming several times, but I'm having a hard time finding places to go. We have our little pool in the backyard, but sometimes we just want to go to a big pool! The water park gets too expensive to go very often (and it's way crowded), Indian Hills is a bit out of our price range, and Southland has a waiting list and apparently requires recommendations from members. Hopefully we will put in a pool at our next house, but that's a little ways off.
Nick and I have been talking about taking Emma to Disney next summer. I had thought we would wait until she was closer to 4 or 5, but think she would still have fun at 2. Also, we could rent a house or condo in Orlando for a lot cheaper than I thought. I'm hoping we can go to Beaches Turks & Caicos when she's 3, but it's a little pricey. If I'm going to pay that much for a vacation, I'd rather go back to Hawaii. Although I can't imagine a 3 year old on a 8+ hour flight. Nick is cranky enough.
My Dad got us free tickets to the Braves - Reds game in Cincinnati at the end of the month. Hopefully they'll still be in 1st place then...also, hopefully Chipper will manage to be healthy enough to play.
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