Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fab 5 Friday

So I've been a very unfaithful blogger.  I've missed the past two Friday's.  Emma has been...let's just say, high maintenance.  She's been irritable for the last couple of weeks.  On Tuesday, she started sneezing and had runny nose.  She either has a cold or allergies...I'm leaning toward allergies.  We're starting Claritin tomorrow, so hopefully that will help.  We put her back in the church nursery Sunday, and she seems to always get sick after that.  I wish people wouldn't bring their sick babies to the nursery.  We waited until March, almost April, to bring her, thinking cold and flu season would be over.  Anyway, maybe the Claritin will help with her allergies, which should make her a little more resistant to catching so many respiratory bugs. 

It's amazing how well she stands.  We were worried that she would never put weight on her legs, and suddenly she wants to stand all the time.  She attempted to cruise along the couch today, but she only moved her hands and upper body.  She's still a little too scared to move her feet.  Still no crawling, but I'm not sure she's ever going to crawl.  On the one hand, I'll be happy when she starts walking.  She's so curious right now and she wants to be able to see everything, but physically she's just not able to yet.  It frustrates her to no end.  So hopefully walking will help with that.  BUT...I know than walking will open a door to a whole new world of troubles.  So I'm trying to enjoy this time while it lasts.  But she's just so darn whiny!

We are going to Destin in October.  It seems like such a long time away, but it's the offseason so therefore cheaper.  And we're staying in a house, so I'm excited.  Not a condo with people all around us.  Nick and I are hoping to take a small vacation (more like a long weekend) with just the three of us before then.  I'm thinking about Cincinnati...we can see the Braves, go to the zoo, and shop at Ikea and the GAP Outlet. 

So that's it with the update.  I'm hopeful that things will return to normal, and Emma will get back to her fun happy self soon.  She's a pitiful little thing when she's sick.  Now for my Fab 5.

1.  DUKE Blue Devils! 

Duke hasn't been to the Final Four since 2004, which was the year Nick and I started dating.  I remember watching them play in Nick's dorm room.  I'm so happy to have a team in the Final Four, but if they lose, I'll be cheering for Butler.

2.  Homemade Baby Food

I love that Emma is eating homemade food.  We've obviously given her a few store bought foods (she loves Cheerios), but her main diet consists of homemade fruits, veggies and soon, meats.  I feel good that we're saving some money, and I have no concerns about what is in her food.  She loves all her foods, which I'm hoping will continue.  I know some babies start getting picky around this age. 

3.  Daffodils

I saw so many of these last year, and think they're so pretty.  This year I bought some to plant some in our yard.  I also got some red and white tulips, and some cute blue flowers.  We're going to plant them tomorrow.  I love fixing our landscaping every spring, but wish we could keep it looking nice throughout the year. 

4.  Mint Oreo Blizzard

I love these!  In fact, Nick went to get me one right now.  I also love the Thin Mint Blizzard, but they don't have those year round.  I am terribly addicted to blizzards.  I have to stop.

5.  Opening Day

MLB Opening Day is almost here!  The Braves have had a good spring, which usually means a bad season.  Actually spring training means nothing.  But I love the hopefulness of the beginning of a new season.  From now until at least the All Star break, I can be optimistic about my Braves.

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