Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Developments

This is what we've been up to:

Standing!  She's still shaky and won't take a step yet, but she's standing with support.  Our next new development:

No more bottles!  We've finally switched over to the sippy cup.  It's a trainer cup, so we've still got to get her over to a regular sippy cup, then a regular cup, then a straw, but I thought we'd never get her off her bottle.  Dr. Brown has been Emma's best friend for months.  I won't know what to do with myself...no more bottles to wash!

We've also discovered that Emma has allergies...not a big surprise.  She's started taking Claritin.  She's been so fussy.  Her top teeth still haven't come in yet, so that's still painful I'm sure.  Will all her teeth EVER come in?

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