So, today is our ultrasound. Finally. Hopefully they will be able to tell us if it's a boy or a girl (so I can quit saying "it"). I thought for the longest time that it was a girl, and now I think maybe a boy. So really, I have no idea. Nick would really like a boy...and also, I keep thinking back to myself as a teenager. I think (hope) boys are easier during that time. But I think they're a little harder during the toddler years. Of course, those might just all be stereotypes with no truth to them. Guess we'll find out. Eventually we'd like a boy and a girl, so whichever one God wants us to have first. I'm a little afraid I might end up with something crazy, like 7 girls. That would be my payback...and Nick probably will keep trying until we get a boy. So if it was up to me, I would have the boy first and adopt a girl. I like deciding on things, and then seeing what God does. If it is a boy, Nick has already picked out a John Deere blanket for us to get. The ultrasound is today at 4:00pm, so pray that everything goes well. It's not just about finding out the gender...they look for other things also, although I don't really know what.
Mikaela got baptized yesterday. I got to baptize her (with Cindy). It was pretty cool. She's at a cool age (for me, though not for my parents) where we can talk about things like God now. I hope I can continue to be a good influence on her, and set a good example for her. Nick took a few pictures, so I'll try to post one or two later. My parents were worried that she would be nervous and mess up, but she was fine.
Since Nick was off work for 3 days last week, he finished the nursery. Well, he has to touch up the paint on the trim and chair rail, but he got it all painted and put up the chair rail. I also have pictures of that to post later. I think it looks really good. I think it's so cool to have a husband who can do that stuff. We don't have to pay people to do stuff for us. Quite a change for me. We're going to order the furniture today. We had found furniture we liked, and then I checked yesterday and the prices had gone way up. But I found a couple things I like better at Babies R Us. However, there's not a crib to match, so we'll have to order it and hope it matches. And if not, we'll paint it. I'll be glad to get this stuff ordered and in the room.
Anyway, our weekend was not too eventful. We watched a lot of basketball (like UNC getting beat and UofL beating UK!), went to see our guys play, and hung out a little. I love college basketball season. I'm also glad that Nick loves sports as much as I would be weird to be married to someone who didn't. Or who loved boring sports. Although we are going to see the Predators play next month. Still, I don't think we'll ever become hockey fans.