Thursday, September 11, 2008

This is a link (hopefully) to the 9/11 audio clip they play on 107.5 every year on 9/11. Pretty cool that they play this on a secular station.

I stayed up way too late last night (by which I mean, 11:30pm, which officially makes me pathetic and old) to watch Obama on Letterman. He didn't even have a Top 10 list because Obama was on for so long. Nick and I are taking off the day after the election, since we (or at least I) will stay up late. Hopefully we won't have to stay up late. I wish there was another holiday there in between. I read on Andrea's blog that one of the presidential debates is being held at Belmont in Nashville, so I'm kind of excited about that. I don't really know to get tickets or if I even could, but I'm going to try. Can you imagine the security for that? Anyway I get very excited about politics, even though I'm not as informed as I need to be. I should work on that.

1 comment:

Andrea Benz said...

Yeah, it seems that you can't get tickets, or maybe you can later, but any tickets available will first be offered to Belmont students. But if you figure it out, let me know!