Friday, May 21, 2010

Fab 5 Friday

1.  Extra Care Bucks & Register Rewards
I love shopping at CVS and Walgreens with these!  Although I wish they would put some women's products on sale.  We are stocked up on men's body wash, deodorant, shaving cream, etc.  I need some stuff too!

2.  Hospital nasal aspirator
As much as Emma hates this thing, it has been a lifesaver.  But ours broke.  We have a store bought one, but it's just not the same.  I'm hoping to find another one at a medical supply store.  Would it be ridiculous to have another baby just to get another one?  I'm totally kidding, by the way.

3.  Free Samples
I try to sign up for as much free stuff as I can.  Last week I got a package from Kraft with free samples, and 2 coupons for free products.  Walmart and Sam's Club also have frequent free samples. 

4.  Stride Rite baby shoes
It's finally time to get Emma some shoes.  I found these and love them!  Even better, I found a 25% off coupon to use next week.  And they have a cool printable sizing chart since I have no clue what size Emma is.  Also, I saw a little boy this week with the cutest shoes.  I asked his mom where she got them, and she said Kiddos, which is a consignment store in town.  I'm totally going.

5.  Amoxycillin
Emma is on the pink stuff, and while she's not a huge fan yet, it brings back memories for me.  I used to love that stuff!  And then I became allergic to penicillin and haven't had it since. 

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